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How do I change the preview image on a Facebook video?

How do I change the preview image on a Facebook video?

When you share a video on Facebook, it will automatically select a preview image from the video to display in the post. This preview image acts as a thumbnail to give viewers a sneak peek of the content before they click to watch the full video.

The preview image is randomly selected by Facebook’s algorithm and cannot be directly chosen or edited. However, there are a few tricks you can use to influence which frame from your video is selected as the preview image.

Upload a Custom Thumbnail

The easiest way to control the preview image is to upload your own custom thumbnail when sharing the video post. To do this:

  1. Upload your video to Facebook as you normally would.
  2. Once the video finishes processing, click the pencil “Edit Post” icon.
  3. Scroll down to find the “Select Thumbnail” option.
  4. Click “Upload Photo” and select the image file you want to use.
  5. Adjust and crop the image as needed.
  6. Click “Save” to set your custom thumbnail.

This will override Facebook’s default preview image and use your custom thumbnail instead. You can upload any image you want, though it should match the general theme and content of the video.

Pick an Eye-Catching Opening Frame

If you don’t want to manually upload a thumbnail, another option is to strategically choose an opening frame that will catch viewers’ attention. Here are some tips:

  • Select a frame with bright, contrasting colors that stand out.
  • Use an opening shot with people’s faces clearly visible.
  • Pick an interesting scene or action-packed moment.
  • Include text or branding if relevant.
  • Avoid lengthy intro titles or credits.

Facebook’s algorithm tends to pick the first 1-2 seconds of video as the preview image. So making your opening visuals bold and eye-catching can help influence the auto-selected image.

Add Text Overlays

Adding text overlays on top of your opening frames is another good way to influence Facebook’s thumbnail selection. The algorithm looks for clean, readable text to highlight in the preview.

Some effective overlay text options include:

  • Titles or headings relevant to the content.
  • Calls-to-action like “Watch Now” or “Learn More.”
  • Key concepts or topics covered.
  • Branding like your company name or logo.

Keep the overlays simple with large, high contrast font for the first 5 seconds or so of runtime. This makes it likely the frame with your text will be chosen.

Cut Irrelevant Sections

Trim off any unnecessary beginning or ending segments that don’t showcase your main video content. For example:

  • Remove lengthy intro animations or credits.
  • Cut out pauses, silence, or blank transitions.
  • Delete sections with poor lighting, audio, or visuals.

This will prevent less ideal frames from being selected for the preview image. Stick to the most engaging parts of your video to focus the algorithm.

Upload Different Edits

Try uploading various trimmed and edited versions of the same video. Facebook will analyze each upload independently to pick preview images. You may find certain edits generate better thumbnails.

Some edits to test:

  • Cropped versions focusing on key areas.
  • Close-up cuts highlighting faces.
  • Different opening and closing segments.
  • Various text overlays and graphics.

Running multiple versions can help isolate the optimal preview frames from your footage.

Include Branding

Incorporate consistent branding elements into your video to make the content more identifiable. Logos, graphics, colors, text fonts, hosts, and other branded features allow Facebook’s AI to better understand the core content.

This can help the algorithm surface more relevant preview images that represent your brand or subject matter. Branding also makes the video post more familiar and recognizable for viewers in their feeds.

Check Your Edits

Preview how your video edits, thumbnails, and overlays will actually appear on Facebook:

  • Temporarily set the video post visibility to “Only Me.”
  • View the preview thumbnail that generates.
  • Adjust the edits based on the results.
  • Change the visibility back to public when done.

This allows you to refine the video until you get an ideal preview image without publishing it prematurely.

Ask for Feedback

Get second opinions on which video edits and thumbnails look best:

  • Share different versions privately with colleagues.
  • Have co-workers preview and compare.
  • See which thumbnails they find most eye-catching.
  • Ask viewers to explain why they picked certain ones.

Leverage feedback to identify winning preview images before public posting. Multiple perspectives help ensure your select images will draw in viewers.

Analyze Performance Data

Use Facebook analytics to see which videos and thumbnails drive the best results:

  • Compare relative engagement rates.
  • Evaluate completion percentages.
  • Factor in click-through rates.
  • Review sharing and reaction metrics.

Crunching the numbers can reveal ideal preview images tailored to your audience. Replicate these high-performing thumbnails in future videos.

Use A/B Testing

Conduct A/B tests posting multiple versions of a video with different preview images:

  1. Upload the same video twice with unique edits.
  2. Share both video posts publicly.
  3. Drive equal traffic to each version (e.g. via ads).
  4. Compare metrics to see which thumbnail performs better.

The winning variation can indicate optimal preview images for that specific content and audience.

Leverage High Quality Videos

Shoot high-resolution, well-lit videos containing vibrant colors and details. High quality production values give Facebook’s algorithm more to work with when selecting engaging preview frames.

Some tips for capturing great footage:

  • Film in bright conditions to avoid grainy or dark shots.
  • Use HD resolutions of 1080p or 4K.
  • Include a variety of angles, distances, and movement.
  • Perform color correction and enhancements.
  • Add visual details that pop like signs or textures.

Optimized source video maximizes the selection of vivid, informative preview images.

Use Video Editing Software

Advanced editing software gives you more control and precision when modifying videos to influence the ideal preview image. Helpful features include:

  • Trim tools – Precisely cut clips.
  • Text overlays – Add customizable titles and graphics.
  • Thumbnail previews – Review possible preview images.
  • Filters – Adjust color, contrast, etc.
  • Cropping – Zoom in on key areas.

Investing in professional software can help take your video presentation to the next level.

Collaborate Across Teams

Work cross-departmentally so all teams are aligned on preview image selection best practices:

  • Creative – Produce optimized footage focused on engaging visuals.
  • Editorial – Curate video edits showcasing relevant clips.
  • Marketing – Analyze performance data and run A/B tests.
  • Design – Add overlays and branding for familiarity.

A coordinated effort allows you to repeatedly create high-performing preview thumbnails as you scale up video output.

Use Third-Party Editing Tools

Try dedicated third-party applications for modifying Facebook video posts and thumbnails:

  • Social Video Maker – Design custom intros/outros and automatically enhance video.
  • InVideo – Easily create stylish text animations and overlays.
  • VLANDO – Upload your own thumbnail image for any video.
  • Promo’s Video Editor – Trim videos and re-render preview thumbnails.

These specialized tools provide user-friendly ways to refine your video content specifically for social media.

Hire Video Production Experts

Consider hiring professional videographers, editors, designers, and marketers to expertly craft preview thumbnails:

  • They bring extensive experience creating high-converting video content.
  • Pro tools and skills allow them to optimize footage and edits.
  • Their trained eye identifies engaging preview images.
  • They stay on top of continually evolving best practices.

Leveraging specialists in the space can help unlock maximum viewership and sharing for your video posts.


While Facebook’s algorithm chooses default preview images automatically, you have many options to influence and control the selection process:

  • Upload custom thumbnails for full control.
  • Strategically edit your opening visuals.
  • Add optimized text overlays.
  • Trim irrelevant sections.
  • Test different cuts and versions.
  • Analyze performance data.
  • Conduct A/B experiments.
  • Shoot higher quality source videos.
  • Use advanced editing tools.
  • Collaborate across teams.

Finding the ideal preview image takes some experimentation, but the right thumbnail can dramatically increase your Facebook video engagement. With these tips, you can unlock more visibility and clicks on your video posts.