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How do I change the people who manage my Facebook page?

How do I change the people who manage my Facebook page?

There are a few different ways you can change the people who manage your Facebook page. Here are some quick answers to common questions about changing page managers:

Can I have multiple managers for my Facebook page?

Yes, you can have multiple administrators and editors who can manage your Facebook page. There is no limit to the number of page managers you can assign.

How do I add someone as a manager of my Facebook page?

To add someone as a page manager, go to your page and click “Settings” at the top. Then click “Page Roles” on the left side. Here you will see sections for Administrators, Editors, Moderators, and Advertisers. To add someone new, enter their name or Facebook profile URL in the appropriate section and click “Add”.

What permissions do administrators have?

Administrators have full control over the page. They can perform all tasks like posting content, responding to and deleting comments, creating ads, changing page settings, adding managers, etc. Admins have the highest level of access.

What can editors do?

Editors have limited access to manage your page. They can post content, moderate comments, send messages, create ads, and view insights. But they cannot change major settings or add/remove other managers.

How do I remove a manager from my Facebook page?

To remove someone’s page management access, go to “Settings” and “Page Roles” like when adding a manager. Hover over the person’s name and click “X Remove” to take away their permissions to edit that page.

Can I transfer my page to someone else entirely?

Yes, page owners can fully transfer their page to someone else. This will make the other person the primary admin for the page. Go to “Settings”, “Page Roles” and click “Transfer Ownership” at the very bottom. Enter the new owner’s name.

What happens if I delete myself as a manager?

If you delete yourself from the list of page managers, it will fully transfer the page to the next highest ranking manager. So be certain you want another admin taking over your page before removing yourself.

Can someone who manages my page remove me?

No, managers and editors cannot remove a page owner as an admin. Only the original page creator can delete themselves or transfer the page to someone else.

How do I find out who the current managers are?

To see who your current Facebook page managers and editors are, simply go to your page, click “Settings”, and view the “Page Roles” section. This will show you every person who has any level of access to your page.


In summary, as a Facebook page owner you have full control over adding, removing, and transferring managers for that page. Both administrators and editors can help manage your page, but admins have more permissions. Use the Page Roles settings to add new managers, revoke access, or transfer the page to new ownership.

Adding Tables as Required

Facebook Page Roles and Permissions

Role Permissions
  • Edit page profile and settings
  • Publish as the page
  • Send messages as the page
  • Create ads
  • View insights
  • Add/remove managers
  • Transfer page ownership
  • Publish as the page
  • Send messages as the page
  • Create ads
  • View insights
  • Moderate comments
  • Send messages as the page
  • View insights
  • Manage ads
  • View insights

How to Add or Remove Page Managers

Action Steps
Add Manager
  1. Go to Facebook page
  2. Click “Settings” then “Page Roles”
  3. In the appropriate section, enter name/profile URL
  4. Click “Add”
Remove Manager
  1. Go to Facebook page
  2. Click “Settings” then “Page Roles”
  3. Hover over name and click “X Remove”

Continuing Article to Reach 5000 Words

Social media has become an integral part of how businesses and organizations connect with their audiences. Of the many social platforms that exist today, Facebook remains one of the most dominant forces with over 2 billion monthly active users. For brands and public figures, having an active Facebook page allows you to directly engage with your followers.

But running a successful Facebook page requires more than just posting content. It takes constant monitoring, responding to comments and messages, creating ads, analyzing data, and more. This is why it’s important to set up a team of page managers or administrators rather than tackling all that work yourself.

Benefits of Having Multiple Facebook Page Managers

Here are some of the key advantages of having more than one person manage your Facebook page:

  • Divide up workload – With multiple admins, different people can handle posting, marketing, customer service, insights, etc. The work doesn’t all fall on one person.
  • Provide coverage for different schedules – Having editors in different timezones means your page is monitored more consistently at all hours.
  • Leverage different skills and interests – Some admins may be better at creating visual content, others at writing engaging text, managing ads, or responding to comments.
  • Ensure continuity – If one manager leaves or is unavailable, there are still other admins able to keep the page running.
  • Offer backup – If the page owner can’t access their account for some reason, other managers can still post and make admin changes.

By tapping into multiple skill sets and spreading the responsibilities, pages with several managers tend to be more active, timely, and efficient. One individual would quickly get overwhelmed trying to do it all!

Creating a Facebook Management Team

Building an effective Facebook management team takes some thought and planning. Here are some tips:

  • Determine roles – Outline distinct roles like content creator, community manager, ad manager, etc. Make sure all key areas are covered.
  • Look for complementary skills – Find people with abilities that complement each other and cover any gaps.
  • Mix experience levels – Blend seasoned Facebook admins with new team members who bring fresh ideas.
  • Set a schedule – With multiple timezones, you can have the page covered more hours of the day.
  • Use management tools – Tools like Hootsuite allow multiple users to access and schedule posts.
  • Hold regular meetings – Meetings help align everyone on page goals, performance, and best practices.
  • Share documentation – Create shared docs or wikis for onboarding, guidelines, logins, schedules, etc.

It takes clear communication and organization to allow a group of individuals to effectively manage a common Facebook page. But the collective knowledge and effort can help take your page to the next level.

Picking the Right People for the Team

Not everyone makes a good social media manager. When putting together your Facebook team, look for these important qualities:

  • Social media savvy – Obviously a solid grasp of Facebook and social platforms is essential.
  • Writing skills – Ability to write short, catchy text that engages readers.
  • Creativity – A flair for creating unique, appealing visual content.
  • Strategic thinker – Understands social media strategy and can plan campaigns.
  • Organizational skills – Can manage multiple tasks and collaborate with others.
  • Problem solver – Knows how to respond quickly and appropriately to issues.
  • Analytics skills – Can interpret and apply Facebook Insights effectively.

Ideally you want a blend of specialists in different areas of social media management. And make sure they understand your brand voice, guidelines, goals, and audience. Look to build a cohesive team with complementary abilities.

Using Facebook Tools for Multiple Managers

Facebook offers a number of tools and options that make it easier for multiple people to manage the same page:

  • Page roles – Assign specific admin, editor, advertiser roles with granular permissions.
  • Facebook Business Manager – Central place to organize permissions across ad accounts, Pages, and more.
  • Publisher – Mobile app specifically for managing Pages and profiles on the go.
  • Creator Studio – Desktop tool for posting, insights, comment moderation and more.
  • Page Conversations – Main inbox for all message conversations with Page visitors.
  • Scheduled posts – Lets you plan and schedule content ahead of time.

Take advantage of these native tools from Facebook. Also consider third-party social media management tools. Options like Hootsuite allow collaborating on Pages through features like shared dashboards, team messaging, and task assignment.

Using Clear Processes and Communication

With various people collaborating to manage one Facebook page, process and communication become very important:

  • Document responsibilities, schedules, workflows in a shared place everyone can access.
  • Outline processes for handling common tasks like post approvals, keyword research, managing negative comments.
  • Establish guidelines for tone of voice, branding, visual standards, and other specific expectations.
  • Agree on methods for open communication like daily standups, instant messaging, email groups, or weekly meetings.
  • Provide access to shared logins, assets, and tools needed to manage the account successfully.
  • Set benchmarks and goals for the page that all admins buy into.

Clear guidelines empower your Facebook team to make smart independent decisions. Strong communication ties everything together across members working separately. This helps avoid duplication, delays, or misalignment.

Troubleshooting Common Facebook Team Issues

Of course, challenges can arise even with the most organized management team. Here are some frequent issues that come up with multiple Facebook managers, and how to address them:

Problem: Inconsistent tone/messaging across posts

– Create an editorial style guide covering your brand voice, keywords, and messaging.

Problem: Duplicating each others’ efforts

– Use a social media calendar to plan posts and divide up workload.

Problem: Difficulty tracking conversations and responses

– Use features like Conversations inbox and assign threads to individuals.

Problem: Determining optimal posting times

– Use Facebook Insights data on your audience and past engagement. Test different times.

Problem: Monitoring effectiveness of campaigns

– Establish success metrics and reporting processes to evaluate efforts.

Problem: Lack of accountability among team members

– Set objectives for each admin and review them regularly one-on-one and as a team.

Troubleshooting issues promptly and having open conversations about improvements will help your multi-admin Facebook approach keep running smoothly.


In closing, having multiple managers for your Facebook page provides huge advantages in workload, coverage, and expertise. Divide roles clearly among your team based on abilities and availability. Take advantage of Facebook’s tools for collaborating, communicating proactively, and setting processes. This allows your group of admins to work as a cohesive, effective unit that drives growth and engagement on your page. With the right Facebook management team in place, you can accomplish far more than trying to handle everything yourself!