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How do I change the owner of a Facebook page in business manager?

How do I change the owner of a Facebook page in business manager?

Changing the owner of a Facebook page in Business Manager can be a bit tricky, but is definitely possible. Facebook pages are often managed by multiple people in a business, so needing to update or change the main owner is common as businesses grow and evolve. There are a few steps required to safely transfer a Facebook page to a new owner in Business Manager without losing access or disrupting the page.

Overview of Changing Facebook Page Ownership

Here is a quick overview of the process:

  • The current owner must add the new owner as an admin in Business Manager
  • The new owner accepts the Business Manager invite
  • The current page owner promotes the new owner to be a page admin as well
  • The new owner accepts the page admin invite
  • The current owner removes themselves as a page admin
  • The new owner can now make any needed changes in page roles in Business Manager

It’s important to go through this careful sequence to ensure no disruption occurs or access is lost. Both users must have active Facebook profiles in good standing for this process to work smoothly.

Step 1 – Add New Owner as Admin in Business Manager

The first step is for the current Business Manager and page owner to add the new owner as an admin within Business Manager itself. This is done as follows:

  1. Go to Business Manager and open the Business Settings
  2. Select “Add People to Your Business”
  3. Enter the new owner’s name or email address and choose a role
  4. An admin role is recommended here to allow full access
  5. Send the invite and ask the new owner to accept it

Once they accept, the new owner will now be an admin within Business Manager with access to all pages, ad accounts, and more.

Step 2 – New Owner Accepts Admin Invite

For the next step, the new owner simply needs to accept the Business Manager admin invitation sent to them by the current owner:

  • They’ll receive an email and Facebook notification about the invite
  • To accept, they click the “Accept Invite” button in the email or Facebook notification
  • This confirms them as a Business Manager admin for your business assets

Once confirmed, they’ll have access within Business Manager. But you still need to connect them to the specific Facebook page.

Step 3 – Promote New Owner to Page Admin

Now that they’re a Business Manager admin, the current page owner can make the new owner a page admin as well:

  1. Navigate to the Facebook page within Business Manager
  2. Click Page Roles on the left sidebar
  3. Under Assigned Roles, click Add People
  4. Select the new owner’s name and assign them an admin or editor role
  5. The new owner will get a notification to accept the page role

The new owner should now show up under Assigned Roles for the page. But there’s still a couple more steps to transfer full ownership.

Step 4 – New Owner Accepts Page Admin Invite

Similar to the Business Manager invite, the new owner will receive a notification that they need to accept the page admin or editor invite:

  • They’ll see the notification in their Facebook notifications and inbox
  • To accept, they simply click the “Accept Invite” button
  • This confirms their admin or editor role for the specific page

Once the invite is accepted, the transfer is almost complete.

Step 5 – Original Owner Removes Themselves as Admin

With the new owner now in place as both a Business Manager admin and page admin, the current owner can safely remove themselves from the page without losing access.

  1. As the current page owner, go back to Page Roles
  2. Find your own name under Assigned Roles and click Remove
  3. Confirm that you want to remove yourself as a page admin

This is a crucial step. Once the original owner removes themselves as a page admin, the new owner takes over as the primary owner.

Step 6 – New Owner Updates Roles

Finally, as the new page owner, you can update any page roles as needed:

  • Go into Page Roles and remove any other unwanted admins or editors
  • Add new people or refine permissions as necessary
  • Make any other changes needed to roles within Business Manager

The new owner now has full control and ability to manage admins, editors, and advertisers all from Business Manager.

Key Tips for Transferring Facebook Page Ownership

Here are some key tips to ensure a smooth transition when changing Facebook page ownership within Business Manager:

  • Communicate clearly with the new owner throughout the process
  • Double check each invite and access change along the way
  • Don’t remove yourself as page admin until the new owner is in place
  • Be cautious about who gets assigned manager and advertiser roles
  • Update page info and roles while both owners still have access
  • Make sure all users have strong Facebook passwords and security settings

Taking it slow and following each step carefully is crucial. With both owners collaborating, the right roles and structure will be in place for long-term management.

Troubleshooting Common Facebook Page Transfer Issues

There are a few common trouble spots that can come up when transferring a Facebook page to a new owner:

Invitation Not Received

  • Double check that the correct email or Facebook account was entered for the new owner
  • Check spam folders just in case the invitation email was missed
  • Make sure the new owner’s Facebook notifications are turned on
  • You can always revoke the old invite and send a new one if needed

Admin Permissions Don’t Update

  • After removing yourself, give it some time and refresh/log back in
  • Check that the new owner definitely accepted both the Business Manager and page admin invites
  • If needed, you can send a second invite to the page once they’re in Business Manager

Losing Access to the Page

  • Never remove yourself as a page admin until the new owner is fully set up
  • Be careful not to have a lapse between when you remove yourself and the new owner accepts
  • Make sure your own Facebook profile stays in good standing to avoid business disruption

New Owner Can’t See All Assets

  • Confirm the new owner was assigned an admin Business Manager role initially
  • Double check that all invites were accepted properly
  • Revoke and resend page access if the new owner can’t edit everything


Transferring ownership of a Facebook page within Business Manager takes diligence, communication and a careful sequence of steps. Following this process between both the current and new owner reduces the chance of mistakes and business impact. Take it slow, validate each permission change, and don’t erase roles until the new structure is stable.

Step Action
1 Current owner adds new owner as Business Manager admin
2 New owner accepts Business Manager admin invite
3 Current owner assigns new owner as a page admin
4 New owner accepts page admin invite
5 Current owner removes themselves as page admin
6 New owner updates roles and permissions

Changing the primary owner of a Facebook page is an important process to manage carefully, but is achievable. Use Business Manager to add the new owner properly, remove the old access cleanly, and communicate each step clearly between both parties. This will set the page up for smooth long-term management under new leadership.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you transfer ownership of a Facebook page?

Yes, it is possible to fully transfer a Facebook page to a new owner. It requires the current owner to add the new owner in both Business Manager and as a page admin, and then remove their own admin access. This carefully done will transfer the page ownership without any loss of access or control.

Does transferring a Facebook page delete it?

No, transferring a Facebook page ownership does not delete the page as long as it’s done properly. Following the steps within Business Manager just changes the admin roles from one owner to another without any effect on the page itself.

Can you change FB page admin without current admin?

No, you cannot change the page admin on Facebook without the involvement of the current admin. They must add the new owner and remove themselves using the provided tools in Business Manager. If a current owner’s access is lost completely, the page may become inaccessible as well.

What happens if I delete myself as an admin on Facebook page?

If you delete yourself as an admin from a Facebook page without adding a new admin, you will lose access and control of that page. Always add the new owner before removing your own admin role to ensure a smooth transition of page ownership.

Can I transfer my Facebook page to another ad account?

Yes, Facebook pages can be transferred to another ad account within Business Manager through the Page Transfers tool. This allows you to easily move a page’s ownership and billing to a new account. Just initiate the transfer and have the new ad account owner confirm.

Summary of Steps

To recap, successfully changing the primary owner of a Facebook page in Business Manager involves:

  1. Current owner adds new owner as Business Manager admin
  2. New owner accepts Business Manager admin invite
  3. Current owner sets new owner as page admin also
  4. New owner accepts page admin invite
  5. Current owner removes self as page admin
  6. New owner takes over managing roles and settings

Take it slow, communicate clearly, and confirm each permission change to transfer Facebook page ownership smoothly.