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How do I change the order of my Facebook friends list?

How do I change the order of my Facebook friends list?

The order of your Facebook friends list is determined by an algorithm that prioritizes the friends you interact with the most. However, you can manually change the order of your friends list to group friends however you like.

Quick Answers

Here are some quick answers to common questions about changing the order of your Facebook friends:

  • You can’t completely turn off the algorithmic sorting, but you can manually drag and drop friends to customize the order.
  • The Facebook app and desktop site allow you to edit your friends list order.
  • Changes you make to the order will only be visible to you.
  • Friends you interact with less may move down in your custom list over time.
  • You can create custom friend lists to group friends however you want.

How Does Facebook Order Your Friends List?

Facebook’s algorithm looks at the connections between you and your friends to curate an automatically sorted list on your profile. It aims to show you the friends you interact with the most at the top. This includes:

  • Friends you’ve recently interacted with in posts, comments, messages, etc.
  • Friends you frequently interact and share content with.
  • Friends you’ve known for a long time or have lots of mutual friends with.

So if you notice certain friends always popping up first, it’s because the algorithm has identified them as your “closest” friends based on your interactions. For example, chatting with a friend regularly in Messenger is a strong signal to Facebook that they should rank higher.

The algorithmic sorting helps surface your most active connections by default. However, you may want to manually modify the order for your own preference or organization.

How to Customize Your Facebook Friends List Order

You can manually change the order of your friends with these steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile page and click “Friends” in the left sidebar.
  2. Click the 3 dots icon at the top right of your friends list and select “Edit List”.
  3. Drag and drop friends into your preferred order using the icon next to their names.
  4. Friends will be removed from the algorithmic order and added to your custom list.
  5. When done, click “Done Editing” to save your customized list.

These steps can be done both on the Facebook website and in the Facebook mobile apps for iOS and Android.

Things to Know About Custom Ordering

Here are some important notes about changing your Facebook friends list order:

  • Only you will see the custom order – it does not affect what others see.
  • Friends may shift around over time as the algorithm continues sorting based on interactions.
  • You’ll need to periodically edit the list again to maintain your preferred order.
  • The edit list option is not available on some alternative Facebook views like “Acquaintances”.

Using Custom Friend Lists

In addition to modifying the main friends list, you can create custom lists to organize friends however you want:

  1. Go to your profile, click “Friends” and select “Create List”.
  2. Give the list a name like “Close Friends” and add the desired friends.
  3. Click “Create” and your new list will appear in the left sidebar.
  4. Create as many lists as you want for different groups.

Benefits of custom friend lists:

  • Let’s you separately organize different friend groups.
  • Can control visibility of posts – share with entire list.
  • Lists aren’t affected by the main friends list order.
  • Good for segmenting personal and professional contacts.

Changing Friends Visibility

In addition to the order, you can also control the visibility of friends with these options:

Acquaintances List

  • Contains friends whose posts you want to see less of.
  • Their updates appear lower in News Feed.
  • Move them here by clicking the 3 dot icon next to their name > Acquaintances.

Restricted List

  • Prevents friends from seeing your posts by default.
  • You remain friends but have more control over privacy.
  • Add friends by going to their profile > Friends > Add to Restricted.


  • Stops seeing someone’s posts without unfriending.
  • Their posts and activity won’t show up in News Feed.
  • Toggle unfollow on their profile under the Following button.

Alternative Friends Views

In addition to the main friends list on your profile, Facebook provides some alternative views:

View Description
Close Friends Shows the friends you interact with most.
Acquaintances Shows friends you interact with less frequently.
Family Groups friends you’ve designated as family.
Friends Except… Hides selected friends from view temporarily.

These provide different ways to filter your friends list without formally organizing into lists. However, they don’t allow custom ordering.

Friends List Considerations

Additional things to keep in mind about your Facebook friends list:

  • You can be friends with up to 5,000 people.
  • Friends you’ve unfriended can send a new friend request.
  • You can block someone to prevent them from viewing your profile or contacting you.
  • Sorting by recent conversations can help find inactive friends.


Organizing your Facebook friends list can help you better manage your connections for an improved experience. While you can’t completely turn off the algorithm, taking the time to customize your friends order and groups provides more control.

Leverage options like acquaintances and restricted lists to adjust visibility. Create meaningful friend lists around different circles in your life to share relevant updates. Revisit your friends list periodically to maintain your preferred organization as the algorithmic sorting continues in the background.

With a customized order and smart lists, you can ensure your Facebook profile showcases the friends you want at the top. This allows you to connect with the people who matter most right from your home page.