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How do I change the invite settings on a Facebook event?

How do I change the invite settings on a Facebook event?

When creating an event on Facebook, you have the option to make it public, private, or invite-only. The invite settings allow you to control who can see and join your event. For example, you may want a private event that only invited guests can see and RSVP to. Or you may want a public event that anyone on Facebook can find and join.

Changing the invite settings is easy to do. You just need to access the event from your Facebook page and edit the settings. Here are some common questions around managing invite settings for a Facebook event:

Can I change the privacy settings after creating an event?

Yes, you can change the privacy settings on an event at any time, even after you’ve created it and sent invites. The change will apply immediately.

Where do I find the invite settings when editing my event?

On desktop: Click “Edit Event” from your Facebook event page and select “Guests” in the left column. Here you can change the privacy from Public to Private or vice versa.

On mobile: Tap the three dots “…” on your event page and select “Edit Event”. Tap “Invite” and choose “Private Event” or “Public Event” to change the settings.

What’s the difference between public, private and invite-only events?

  • Public – Anyone on Facebook can see and join your event.
  • Private – Only people you invite can see and join your event.
  • Invite-Only – Anyone can see your event, but only invited people can join.

Can I invite non-Facebook friends to my private event?

Yes! When sending invites, you have the option to enter email addresses of friends who aren’t on Facebook. They’ll receive an emailed invitation that lets them view your event page and RSVP.

What happens when I change an event from public to private?

When you switch an event from public to private, people who previously joined as “Interested” or “Going” will remain on the guest list. New joins will be disabled unless the person is invited.

Any posts on the event page remain visible. However, only invited guests will be able to post going forward.

Can I add or remove individual people from the guest list?

Absolutely. To edit who is invited to a private event:

  1. Go to your event page
  2. Click “Edit Event”
  3. Go to the “Guests” section
  4. Here you can add or remove guests as needed

You can also invite more people directly from the event page by clicking “Invite” and choosing friends to add.

Step-by-Step Guide to Changing Invite Settings

Follow these simple steps to change who can see and join your Facebook event:

Via Desktop

  1. Log into Facebook and go to your event page
  2. Click the “Edit Event” button near the top right
  3. In the left column, click on “Guests”
  4. Under the Privacy section, choose from “Public Event”, “Private Event” or “Invite Only”
  5. Click “Save” at the bottom

Via Mobile App

  1. Open the Facebook app and go to your event
  2. Tap the three dots “…” button at the top right
  3. Select “Edit Event”
  4. Tap on “Invite”
  5. Choose from “Make Public”, “Make Private” or “Invite Only”
  6. Tap “Save” to confirm the new settings

It’s that simple! Once you save your changes, the updated invite settings will be active. Give it a try with your next Facebook event.

Use Cases and Examples

Here are some examples of when you might want to adjust the invite settings on an event:

Changing a public event to private

You create a public event for a birthday party, but realize you want it to be invite-only so random people don’t just show up. Simply edit the settings to make it private. Now only invited guests can view and join your event page.

Opening up a private event to the public

You initially made a event private and invited close friends. But now you want to open it up so coworkers, extended family and acquaintances can join. Edit the event to public so anyone you’re connected with can see it.

Restricting a public event to invite-only

You manage a public Facebook group and created a public event for members. But you want to limit RSVPs to only people you select from the group. Switch the event to invite-only so members see it but can’t join unless invited.

Adding individual people to a private guest list

A private family reunion event is already created. But you forgot to invite your new cousin-in-law. No problem, edit the guest list to add their name so they get access. No need to re-do all the invites.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Event won’t switch from public to private

Double check that you fully completed the steps to change the privacy settings. Make sure you clicked “Save” so the changes register. If it’s still not working, try creating a new event from scratch as a private event, then delete the old one.

Accidentally made event public but want it private

Not to worry, just follow the steps above to quickly switch the event back to private or invite-only. The change takes place instantly.

Guest list seems incorrect after changing privacy

When you switch an event to private, any existing joins will remain on the guest list. To remove people, manually edit the guest list to only include who you want invited going forward.

Invited friends can’t find the private event

Make sure you successfully sent invites after making the event private. Previously joined people won’t get notified. Or, double check the invites list to confirm you added the right friends.


Knowing how to manage invite settings for a Facebook event gives you control over who can participate. It only takes a few clicks to change an event from public to private or vice versa. Switching the privacy at any time can help adjust for guest list changes, limiting last minute RSVPs, or opening up the event to wider audiences. Use this guide to confidently manage settings for your next event.