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How do I change the cover photo on my page?

How do I change the cover photo on my page?

The cover photo is the large banner image that appears at the top of your Facebook page. It’s one of the first things people will see when they visit your page, so you want it to look great and represent your brand well. The good news is that changing your Facebook cover photo is easy to do right from your page’s settings. In this article, we’ll walk through the steps for changing your cover photo on both desktop and mobile. We’ll also provide tips for choosing a high-quality image that looks great as a cover photo.

Requirements for Facebook Cover Photos

Before uploading a new cover photo, it’s important to know Facebook’s requirements:

  • The image must be at least 720 pixels wide. For best quality, upload an image that is at least 1280 pixels wide.
  • For pages, the image must be at least 390 pixels tall. For profiles, it must be at least 150 pixels tall.
  • The file size must be less than 4MB.
  • JPEGs and PNGs are recommended image formats.

Keeping these requirements in mind will ensure your cover photo looks crisp and unpixelated on desktop and mobile.

Choosing an Effective Cover Photo

Not all images make for great Facebook cover photos. When selecting a cover image, keep these tips in mind:

  • Use a high-quality image free of text or clutter. The image will be displayed large, so imperfections will be amplified.
  • Pick an image that represents your brand or highlights your products/services.
  • Consider using text overlays to convey key messaging.
  • Choose vibrant images and colors that will stand out in people’s feeds.
  • For businesses, include logos, products, team members, or customers.
  • Test how the image looks on desktop and mobile to ensure it translates well to different screen sizes.

Steer clear of overly busy, pixelated, or blurry images. You want your cover photo to look professional.

How to Change Facebook Cover Photo on Desktop

If you manage your Facebook page on a desktop computer, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your page and click “Update Info” at the bottom of your cover photo.
  2. Click “Update Cover Photo.”
  3. Click “Upload Photo” and select a new cover photo from your computer.
  4. Drag and resize the photo to fit the space provided.
  5. Click “Save Changes” to update your cover photo.

That’s all there is to it! The new cover photo will now be visible to your followers.

Tips for Editing on Desktop

When uploading your cover photo on desktop, you have the ability to:

  • Zoom and pan the image to ensure the key focus point is centered and visible.
  • Add overlays like your page name, location, description, etc.
  • Click “Discard” to remove the changes and revert back to your previous cover photo.

Take advantage of these editing options to customize your cover photo and perfect the design.

How to Change Facebook Cover Photo on Mobile

Changing your cover photo via the Facebook mobile app is just as easy. Just follow these steps:

  1. Tap the three-line menu icon in the top right corner.
  2. Select “Settings” from the menu.
  3. Tap “Page Settings.”
  4. Tap “Update Cover Photo.”
  5. Tap “Upload Photo” and choose a cover photo from your mobile device.
  6. Pinch and zoom the image to fit the space provided.
  7. Tap “Save” to apply the new cover photo.

The updated cover photo will now display on your page.

Tips for Editing on Mobile

When editing your cover photo on mobile, you can:

  • Pinch and zoom the image to ensure the key focus point is centered and visible.
  • Tap and hold to easily pan the image left or right.
  • Tap “X” to discard changes and revert to your previous cover photo.

Take your time editing on mobile to get the cover photo placement exactly how you want it.

Mistakes to Avoid When Changing Cover Photos

When updating your Facebook cover photo, steer clear of these common mistakes:

  • Uploading a misaligned, distorted image.
  • Choosing an image that is blurry or pixelated.
  • Using a cover photo with too much clutter and text.
  • Selecting colors that are dull and don’t stand out.
  • Forgetting to update the cover photo across all device formats.

Always preview how the cover photo looks on desktop and mobile before publishing changes. This ensures it displays properly across all devices.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions about changing your Facebook cover photo:

How often should I change my Facebook cover photo?

Most pages change their cover photo every few months to keep their branding and messaging fresh. Promote new products, services, or campaigns by updating your cover photo frequently.

Can I revert back to an old cover photo?

Yes! Facebook saves your previously uploaded cover photos. On desktop and mobile, you can click “Discard” to revert to an older cover photo you’ve used in the past.

What are the recommended dimensions for a cover photo?

For best quality, upload an image that is at least 1280 x 360 pixels. This will ensure crisp image quality on both desktop and mobile formats.

Can I change the cover photo on my personal Facebook profile?

Yes, you can change your personal profile cover photo in the same way using the steps outlined above. Just access your profile settings rather than your Facebook page settings.

Is there a limit to how many times I can change the cover photo?

No, there is no limit to how often you can update your Facebook cover photo. Feel free to experiment with different images and update it as often as you like.


Updating your Facebook cover photo is an impactful way to keep your page looking fresh and engaging. With the steps outlined in this article, you now know how to change your cover photo easily on both desktop and mobile. Keep these tips in mind for choosing high-quality, effective cover images that represent your brand or business. Change your cover photo regularly to promote new products, events, or seasonal messaging.