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How do I change permissions on my Facebook photos?

How do I change permissions on my Facebook photos?

Facebook allows you to control who can see your photos by setting privacy settings and adjusting the audience for individual photos. You can choose whether your photos are visible to the public, your friends, or more specific groups. Changing permissions on Facebook photos only takes a few clicks, but it’s important to understand how the privacy settings work.

Can I change the privacy settings for all my Facebook photos at once?

Yes, you can change the privacy settings for all your existing Facebook photos at the same time. Here’s how:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile and click on the down arrow in the top right corner.
  2. Select “Settings & Privacy” then click on “Settings”.
  3. On the left sidebar, click on “Privacy”.
  4. Under the “Your Activity” section, click on “Limit Past Posts”.
  5. This will bring up all your previous posts including photos. Click “Limit Old Posts” and change the audience for posts to Only Me, Friends, Friends Except…, or Public.
  6. Click “Confirm” to apply the new privacy setting to all your past posts and photos.

This will change the privacy settings for all photos you’ve previously posted on your Facebook profile. New photos will still default to your current privacy settings for posts.

How do I set the default privacy for new Facebook photos?

To set the default privacy setting for new Facebook photos:

  1. Go to your profile and click the down arrow in the top right corner.
  2. Select “Settings & Privacy” then “Settings”.
  3. Click on “Privacy” in the left sidebar.
  4. Under “Your Activity,” click on “Posts.”
  5. Under “Post Privacy,” choose who you want to be able to see your new posts and photos by default.
  6. Click “Confirm” to save the changes.

This will make all new photos you post have your selected privacy setting automatically. You can still change the audience for individual photos before posting.

How do I change the privacy setting for an individual Facebook photo?

To edit the privacy setting for a single Facebook photo you’ve already posted:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile and click “Photos” in the left menu.
  2. Click on the photo you want to edit.
  3. Click on the audience selector under the photo (Public, Friends, etc).
  4. Change who can see the photo by clicking on a new audience.
  5. Click “Confirm” to save the new privacy setting.

You can also change the audience for a new photo before posting it by clicking the audience selector after uploading the photo.

What are the different Facebook photo privacy options?

Facebook gives you several options for controlling who can see your photos:

  • Public: Anyone including people off Facebook can see the photo.
  • Friends: Your Facebook friends can see the photo.
  • Friends Except…: You can exclude specific friends from seeing the photo.
  • Specific friends: Only friends you checkoff can see the photo.
  • Only Me: Only you can see the photo.
  • Custom: Create your own custom audience to view the photo.

Choosing “Friends” or “Public” makes your photos visible to broad audiences. Using “Friends Except” or “Specific Friends” gives you more control over exactly who can view your photos.

Can I hide my old Facebook photos from certain people?

Yes, you can go back and change the audience on old Facebook photos to hide them from people who could previously see them. Here’s how:

  1. Go to your profile page and click “Photos” in the left menu.
  2. Click on the photo you want to edit the privacy for.
  3. Click the audience selector under the photo.
  4. Choose “Friends Except…” or “Specific Friends” to customize who can see it.
  5. Type in the names or email addresses of people you want to hide the photo from.
  6. Click “Save Changes.”

The photo will now be hidden from the people you excluded. They will no longer be able to find or see that photo on your profile.

Can I restrict someone from seeing any of my Facebook photos?

Yes, you can restrict a specific person from seeing all your Facebook photos by unfriending or blocking them:

  • Unfriend: If they are your Facebook friend, unfriend them and they will no longer be able to see your photos.
  • Block: From their profile, click on the three dots in the top right corner and select Block. This prevents them from seeing any of your Facebook content.

You can also customize your photo privacy settings to exclude a specific person. Go to “Friends Except” under each photo’s audience selector and type in their name.

What happens when I share a Facebook photo?

When you share a Facebook photo to your own timeline or a friend’s timeline, it inherits the same privacy audience as where you shared it. For example:

  • If you share a “Friends Only” photo to your timeline which is public, the photo will become public.
  • If you share a public photo to a friend’s private timeline, only they can see it.

So sharing a photo opens it up to a new potential audience beyond your original privacy setting. Be careful when resharing photos!

Can I password protect my Facebook photos?

Unfortunately there is no direct way to password protect photos on Facebook. Some workarounds include:

  • Create a private Facebook group, share the photo in the group, and require membership approval to view it.
  • Download the photo then upload it to a secure cloud storage service that allows password protection. Share the protected link to the photo instead of posting publicly.
  • Use an online photo sharing service like PixelFed that allows you to password photos before sharing the link on Facebook.

While Facebook doesn’t have built-in photo password protection, using private groups or links gives you some added security over sharing photos openly.

Should I be concerned about Facebook’s photo privacy?

Facebook has experienced some privacy issues related to photos in the past:

  • A 2019 bug allowed apps to access up to 6.8 million users’ private and public photos, including those never shared on your timeline.
  • Facebook’s facial recognition automatically tagged people in photos without consent before being changed to opt-in in 2019.
  • Researchers found Facebook’s AI could match faces in photos even when not tagged in 2018.

While Facebook has enhanced their privacy settings over the years, there are still valid concerns about how securely Facebook handles your photos behind the scenes in terms of AI, facial recognition, and data sharing with third parties.

Best practices for Facebook photo privacy

To keep your Facebook photos as private as possible:

  • Avoid posting photos with identifiable information like school names, house numbers, or work IDs.
  • Customize your photo audience for the most private option needed rather than always sharing to “Public” or “Friends.”
  • Limit old photo visibility with the “Limit Past Posts” tool.
  • Turn facial recognition off under Facebook’s Face Recognition setting.
  • Avoid sharing revealing or risky photos associated with your real name.

Keeping control over your Facebook photos’ privacy settings gives you more power over your online image and identity.


Facebook provides customizable photo privacy options to help you control exactly who can view your personal photos. Take advantage of privacy tools like customizing audiences for individual photos, limiting visibility on old photos, unfriending/blocking people, and sharing photos privately through groups or links. Take a few minutes to review and update your photo settings for better privacy.