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How do I change my relationship status on Facebook with a picture?

How do I change my relationship status on Facebook with a picture?

Changing your relationship status and adding a picture on Facebook is a great way to share your new relationship with friends and family. Here are the steps to change your relationship status and add a profile photo on Facebook:

Login to Facebook

First, login to your Facebook account on a computer or mobile device. Make sure you are logged into the account where you want to change the relationship status.

Navigate to Your Profile

Once logged in, go to your profile page by clicking on your name or profile picture in the top right corner of the screen. This will take you to your profile.

Click Relationship Status

On your profile page, look for the box labeled “Relationship” or “Relationship Status” located in the left column below your profile picture. Click on the word “Relationship Status.”

Select New Relationship Status

A pop-up will appear with various relationship status options including “Single,” “In a Relationship,” “Engaged,” “Married,” “In a Civil Partnership,” “In an Open Relationship,” “It’s Complicated,” and “In a Domestic Partnership.” Click on the status that reflects your new relationship.

Type Your Partner’s Name

If your new status is anything other than “Single,” a box will appear that says “Write your partner’s name.” Type your new partner’s name into this box.

Add Partner to Status

You will then have the option to tag your partner’s Facebook profile in the status update. If they are a friend on Facebook, start typing their name and a drop down will appear with their name. Select their name to tag them. This will link your partner’s profile to your relationship status.

Confirm Relationship Status Change

Click the “Confirm [Relationship Status]” button to confirm the status change. Your updated relationship status will now display on your profile.

Upload Profile Photo

To add a profile photo with your partner, click on your profile picture on your profile page. Select “Update Profile Picture” and upload a new photo of you and your partner. Position yourself close together to emphasize your relationship. Choose a nice photo of the two of you together.

Edit Visibility

By default, your new profile picture will be public. But you can edit the visibility by clicking on the audience selector that says “Public.” Choose if you want the photo visible to the public, friends only, or a customized list.

Save New Profile Photo

Once you have selected a new profile picture and customized the visibility, click “Save” to update your profile picture. The new photo will now display next to your updated relationship status!

Things to Remember

Here are some important things to keep in mind about changing your relationship status on Facebook:

  • Add your partner’s name to your relationship status so they are tagged in the update.
  • Keep your privacy in mind when choosing a profile photo.
  • You can edit the audience who can see your new status or photo at any time.
  • Your updated relationship status will be shared in the News Feeds of your friends.
  • You’ll get notifications when friends like or comment on your new status.
  • If you ever break up, remember to change your relationship status again.

Displaying Your Relationship on Facebook

There are a few other ways you can display your new relationship status on Facebook in addition to your profile:

Announce New Relationship

Post a status update announcing your new relationship. You can tag your partner in the status text and upload a photo together.

Update Intro Section

Your intro section appears at the top of your profile under your name. You can include your relationship status here.

Mention in Bio

Your bio also displays on your profile. Add a sentence mentioning your partner or relationship here.

Share Statuses, Photos, Check-ins

Post updates, photos at events, and check-ins with your partner to display your coupledom!

Common Questions

What happens when I change my relationship status?

Your new relationship status will appear on your profile page. It will also be shared in the News Feeds of your friends so they see you have entered a new relationship.

Can I hide my relationship status from certain people?

Yes, you can customize the audience for your relationship status. On your profile, click on your relationship status and use the audience selector to choose who can see it.

What if my partner isn’t on Facebook?

You can still display your relationship status. But you won’t be able to tag your partner in the status update or new profile picture if they don’t have a Facebook profile.

What’s the difference between “In a Relationship” and “In an Open Relationship”?

“In a Relationship” means you are exclusively dating one partner. “In an Open Relationship” means you and your partner have agreed you can date others.

How do I announce a breakup?

To announce a breakup, you simply need to change your relationship status back to “Single.” You can also post a status update sharing the news with friends if you want.


Displaying your relationship status is a great way to share the exciting news of a new partner with friends on Facebook. Just update your status, add your partner’s name, change your profile photo, and customize the privacy settings. Have fun showing off your new love!