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How do I change my name on Facebook after I get married?

How do I change my name on Facebook after I get married?

Changing your name on Facebook after getting married is a common task many people need to complete. Your Facebook name is one of the first things people see when looking at your profile or interacting with you on the platform, so it’s important to keep it up to date.

Luckily, Facebook makes it relatively easy to change your name after marriage or other major life events. The platform allows you to change your name up to five times per year, giving you flexibility in case you need to tweak your profile. Here’s what to know about how to change your name on Facebook after marriage.

When can I change my name on Facebook after marriage?

Facebook allows you to change your name up to five times total per year. So after your marriage, you can change your last name on Facebook immediately or whenever is most convenient for you within that timeframe.

Some people change their name right after the wedding, before heading off on a honeymoon. Others wait until they return from a honeymoon or after changing their name on legal documents. Still others change their Facebook name when the mood strikes them sometime after the wedding.

There’s no right or wrong timeline for changing your Facebook name after marriage. Do it whenever feels right for you and your new spouse. Just remember you only get five chances per year, so make sure you change it to exactly what you want.

How do I change my last name on Facebook after marriage?

Changing your last name on Facebook after marriage only takes a few quick steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile page and click on your name in the large cover photo up top. This will open a menu.
  2. In the menu that opens, select “View and Edit Profile.”
  3. On your profile page, click the pencil icon next to your name and profile photo in the top left corner.
  4. On the “About” tab that opens, click on your name right under your profile picture.
  5. Type in your new last name and click “Review Change.”
  6. Facebook will ask you to confirm your new name. Click “Use New Name” to make the change official.

And that’s it! Your Facebook name should update immediately after you confirm the change. All your Facebook friends will now see your new married name.

How do I notify my Facebook friends I changed my name?

Your Facebook friends will automatically see that you changed your name after marriage, since your new name will show up on your profile, posts, and in their newsfeeds. However, not everyone will immediately notice you have a new last name.

To spread the word more actively, here are a few ways to notify your Facebook network about your name change:

  • Post a status update announcing your new name. Say something like, “I’m now Christina Johnson after getting married last week! Updating my name on here.”
  • Change your profile/cover photo to a wedding photo featuring your new spouse. This shows off your new relationship status.
  • Message close friends individually to tell them about your name change.
  • Create a custom list of your closest Facebook friends and message them all at once about your updated name.
  • Add your old last name in parentheses for a while, like “Christina Johnson (Jones)” to clarify the change.

Does changing my name on Facebook also change my username?

Changing your name on Facebook does not automatically change your Facebook username. Your unique Facebook username, which is used in your profile’s URL, will remain the same.

For example, if your username prior to marriage is “ChristinaJones123,” it will still be “ChristinaJones123” after you change your displayed name to Christina Johnson.

Your username on Facebook does not need to match your displayed name. The username is tied to your original account creation and does not change when you change your name.

If you do want your username to match your new name, you will have to change it manually in your Facebook settings. Just know that Facebook does not allow you to change your username more than a few times, so make sure you select one you want to use for the long haul.

Should I create a new Facebook account after marriage?

There’s no need to create an entirely new Facebook account after getting married if you’re happy with your existing profile and friends list.

Simply change your name on your current account and continue posting like normal. All your photos, memories, friends, and followers will remain intact.

However, if your current Facebook account is outdated and you want a fresh start, you can create a new profile after your marriage and send friend requests to people you want to connect with. You can even deactivate your old account if you don’t want to use it anymore.

Some reasons people create a brand new Facebook account after marriage include:

  • To distance themselves from old photos and posts they no longer want public.
  • To only add back friends they stay in touch with after marriage.
  • To revamp their privacy settings and tighten up account security.
  • To change their profile photo to a polished, professional headshot.

If your goal is simply to change your name, however, all you need to do is update your current profile. Making an entirely new account is optional.

Should I delete my old maiden name from Facebook?

When you change your last name on Facebook after marriage, your maiden name will no longer display on your profile or in most places on the platform.

However, your former name will still appear in some places, such as Facebook searches, certain URLs, and settings related to past account activity. This is normal and not something to worry about.

Here are a few reasons you may still see your old maiden name on Facebook after changing your profile:

  • Old posts and photos you were tagged in will still display your old name.
  • If people search your old name, your account may still pop up.
  • Profile URLs from your maiden name era will redirect to your new profile.
  • Settings, privacy controls, ads, and other backend functions remember your past name.

You don’t need to try to delete all traces of your maiden name from Facebook. The platform is designed to preserve your account history, even through major life changes like marriage. Focus on posting positive content representing who you are today.

What’s the difference between changing your last name and just adding your spouse’s?

When updating your name on Facebook after marriage, you have a couple options:

  • Change your last name completely – This replaces your old last name with your new one. For example: Christina Jones changes to Christina Johnson.
  • Add your spouse’s last name – This lets you keep your maiden name while appending your partner’s. For example: Christina Jones adds Johnson to become Christina Jones Johnson.

Most women change their last name fully to their spouse’s when they get married. However, some opt to hyphenate or keep their maiden name as a second middle name.

There are no rules – choose the name format you prefer! Facebook gives you the flexibility to change your name completely or simply tack on your married title.

What if I change my mind later about my Facebook name?

Facebook allows you to change your name up to five times per year. So if you realize you want to modify your profile name again after marriage, you can do so pretty easily.

Reasons you may want to change your Facebook name from your initial married name include:

  • Deciding to keep your maiden name or go by a hyphenated option instead.
  • Fixing a spelling error or nickname issue.
  • Reverting back to your maiden name if you separate or divorce.
  • Updating your name again after having children.

Just follow the steps to edit your profile name in your settings. You can tweak it multiple times until you land on the perfect moniker.

Can I restore my old maiden name if I change my mind?

If you decide you want to revert back to your maiden name after initially changing to your married name on Facebook, you’re in luck.

Facebook’s activity log preserves your past names for up to two years. This allows you to re-select an old name and restore it to your profile.

To switch back to your maiden name on Facebook:

  1. Go to your profile and click “View and Edit Profile”
  2. Click the pencil icon next to your name and select “Use Previous Name”
  3. Choose your old maiden name from the list of options
  4. Click “Review Change” and confirm you want to switch back

Your former maiden name will then be visible as your profile name once again. The process is seamless.

I changed my middle name too – can I update that on Facebook?

Beyond just changing your last name, some brides also opt to legally change their middle name after marriage.

If you changed your middle name or added a second middle name, you can update this on Facebook too in your profile settings.

Simply click the pencil icon next to your name like you did to change your last name, and also type in your updated middle name or initials.

Facebook allows you to display a first name, multiple middle names, and last name all in your profile name. So feel free to include your full married moniker.

Do I have to show my new name on Facebook right away?

Some brides feel pressured to change their name instantly everywhere as soon as they get married. But you don’t have to rush into the name change process if you aren’t ready.

It’s perfectly fine to keep your maiden name as your Facebook profile name for a while after your wedding if that’s what feels comfortable. You can always change it to your married name later when you’re ready.

Transitioning to a new name takes time. Maybe you plan to gradually phase in your married name or wait until returning from your honeymoon. Go at your own pace.

The five name changes per year rule gives you flexibility. Make the Facebook switch when the time is right for you.

What if I don’t plan to legally change my name?

Not every woman changes her name after getting married these days. Some prefer to stick with their maiden name for professional or personal reasons.

If you don’t plan to legally take your spouse’s last name, feel free to keep your current name on Facebook too. You have no obligation to change your profile.

Some married women who keep their original name on Facebook after marriage include:

  • Professionals like doctors or authors who built their career using their maiden name.
  • Women who feel a strong personal attachment to their birth name.
  • Brides who want to uphold the tradition for social media purposes only.
  • Wives who hyphenate their last name legally but display only their maiden name on Facebook.

Your Facebook profile name does not have to exactly match your legal name. Use whatever feels right to you.

Can I list my spouse if I don’t change my name?

Even if you opt to keep your original last name on Facebook after marriage, you can still display your marital status and list your spouse.

To show you recently got married on Facebook:

  • Change your profile relationship status to “Married.”
  • Add your spouse’s name in the “Family and relationships” section of your profile.
  • Upload a new profile photo of you and your spouse.
  • Mention your husband or wife in anniversary posts or comments.

These details will communicate you got married even if you choose not to change your name. You control how much or how little personal information to share.

Should I notify Facebook about my name change?

Facebook does not require you to directly notify them about your name change after marriage in order for the change to take effect.

All you need to do is edit your profile name in your account settings. Facebook’s system automatically records name changes when you make them.

The site may ask you to confirm your identity if you change your name multiple times in a short period. But otherwise, no notification to Facebook is needed.

Facebook will address you by your new married name when communicating to you. And your friends and family will see your updated name.

If you ever need to reach out to Facebook about your account, simply reference your former name(s) and current name so they can locate your profile details.

Should I update my email and birthday when I change my Facebook name?

When you get married, your name changes but other identifying details like your birthday and email address usually stay the same.

You don’t need to change your birthdate on Facebook after marriage. This key data point helps distinguish different individuals with similar names.

Continue using the same email address associated with your Facebook account too for continuity. You can keep logging in with the same credentials.

The only thing that needs to be updated is your display name to reflect your new marital status. Other profile info can stay as-is.

I changed my name on Facebook but other sites still have my maiden name. Now what?

Once you change your name on Facebook after marriage, you’ll likely have to update your name on other internet accounts as well for consistency.

Here are some examples of other places you may need to change your name after updating Facebook:

  • Email accounts
  • Bank and financial accounts
  • School and alumni networks
  • Professional sites like LinkedIn
  • Online shopping profiles
  • Healthcare portals
  • Rewards programs and memberships
  • Online forums and groups you belong to

Make a list of sites and logins and tackle them one by one. Changing your name broadly establishes your new identity.


Changing your Facebook name to reflect your new married name is easy – and also important for keeping in touch with friends and family who know you best by your updated moniker.

With Facebook’s simple settings options, you can seamlessly modify your profile to showcase your new marital status after your wedding day.

Take your time deciding if or when to make the change. Then revel in your new social media identity as a newlywed!