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How do I change my location for events on Facebook?

How do I change my location for events on Facebook?

Facebook events allow users to create and share event details like location, time, host, and more. The event location is an important detail that helps attendees find and get to the event. As the event creator, you may need to change the location for various reasons. Here are some quick answers on how to change the location for a Facebook event:

Why Would You Need to Change the Event Location?

There are a few common reasons why you may need to update the location for a Facebook event:

  • The original venue is no longer available or confirmed for the event date.
  • You found a better, bigger, or cheaper venue option.
  • You decided to change from an in-person event to a virtual event.
  • You need to accommodate more attendees than originally planned.
  • The venue details like address were entered incorrectly.
  • The event was created as a draft and now you need to add the actual location.

Updating the event location ensures attendees are provided accurate information on how to participate. It also allows the event to be searchable and discoverable by new potential attendees browsing events nearby.

How to Change the Location on Desktop

If you need to change your Facebook event location, here are the steps to follow on a desktop browser:

  1. Go to the Facebook event page that you created.
  2. Click on the About section.
  3. Next to the location field, click on the Edit pencil icon.
  4. Delete the existing location.
  5. Type in the new location details like venue name and full address.
  6. Click Save to update the event location.

The new location will now be reflected on the event page and visible to attendees. Make sure to double check that the new details are accurate.

Changing the Location on Mobile

You can also change the event location right from the Facebook app on your mobile device:

  1. Open the Facebook app and go to your event page.
  2. Tap on the About section.
  3. Tap the Edit option beside the location.
  4. Erase the current location.
  5. Enter the new event venue and address.
  6. Tap Save when done.

The Facebook app allows you to conveniently update event details on the go. Just open the event on your phone and update the location as needed.

Adding Location Details

When changing the Facebook event location, make sure to include useful details like:

  • Full venue name
  • Complete street address
  • City, state, and zip code
  • Any special instructions to find the location

Providing the exact address helps attendees find the location easily using GPS and mapping apps. Additional venue details like room numbers, entry instructions, parking availability, etc. also help guide attendees.

Using Location Tags

Facebook allows you to tag existing locations from its database when entering the event details. This helps connect the event to a place entry that may already have useful information like photos, maps, and reviews. To tag a location:

  1. Start typing the new event location and choose from the suggested places that pop up.
  2. Make sure to select the exact venue rather than just the general city or neighborhood.
  3. The location tag will be automatically added once selected.

Tagging the specific event venue can help attendees learn more about the place being used for the event.

Adding Custom Locations

If your event location is not already in Facebook’s database, you can add it as a custom location:

  1. Click on Create New Place when entering the event location.
  2. Enter the venue name, address, and other details.
  3. Add location category tags like banquet hall, conference center, etc.
  4. Click Create to add the new custom place.

Adding custom locations can help other users find and reference the venue for future events. Just make sure to enter accurate details.

Updating the Location Name

You can update just the name for an existing tagged venue when changing the event location. This allows you to keep the location details but update the name, for example from:

Happy Cafe -> Cafe Joy

To change the name for a tagged venue:

  1. Select the location tag when updating event details.
  2. Choose Edit Name from the dropdown menu.
  3. Enter the new venue name.
  4. Click Save to update the name.

The updated name will now display for your event’s location but keep the same category, photos, maps, etc. associated with the place.

Notifying Attendees of Location Change

Once you update the event location, make sure to notify attendees so they have accurate details. You can:

  • Post an announcement about the new location in the event feed.
  • Send an email through Facebook to event guests.
  • Update the event images and description with new venue photos and details.
  • Personally message attendees who you know are coming.

Clearly communicating the new event location helps avoid confusion on the day of the event. Encourage guests to check the updated details.

Posting in the Event Feed

Posting a status update directly in the event feed is a great way to notify attendees of the change. All members of the event will see the update about the new location right on the page.

When posting the update, be sure to:

  • Announce the old location is changed.
  • Share the new address and key details.
  • Apologize for any inconvenience.
  • Thank guests for understanding.
  • Invite them to share questions and feedback.

Keeping the tone positive helps ensure attendees get the message and understand the change was necessary.

Messaging Individual Attendees

For key guests, you may want to message them separately to be sure they are aware. This is especially important for speakers, sponsors, volunteers and others playing an integral role at the event.

When messaging individually:

  • Address them by name in the message.
  • Apologize directly for impacting their plans.
  • Provide the new location details.
  • Give them your direct contact info for questions.
  • Thank them for their patience and participation.

Personal outreach helps build rapport with important guests who may have made arrangements based on the original location.

Updating Event Photos

Make sure to update the event photos to reflect the new venue. This could include:

  • Exterior and interior shots of the new location.
  • Maps and diagrams of the new address.
  • Stage, room, and set up photos.
  • Parking, entrance, and on-site amenities.

Visual details help attendees become familiar with the new space and know what to expect when arriving.

Changing Location for Online Events

If your event has been moved to an online or virtual platform, be sure to clearly communicate this to attendees by:

  • Updating the location field to say “Online Event” or similar language.
  • Adding digital conferencing details like video call links.
  • Specifying any online registration or access requirements.
  • Providing instructions on how to join and participate.

For online events, the location section will reassure guests that virtual attendance is now expected and provide the key details needed to join.

Editing Location Details After Event Creation

If you need to edit the event location after already creating the Facebook Event, the steps are the same:

  1. Go to the About section.
  2. Click the edit option next to Location.
  3. Make your updates and save the changes.
  4. Notify attendees of the new details.

Facebook allows you to update key event information like location even after already publishing the event and sending invitations.

Changing Locations Close to Event Date

Ideally you should finalize and publish the event location as early as possible. However, if you need to make a last minute change, focus on:

  • Updating the location across all event details and communication channels.
  • Sending urgent notifications to all confirmed guests.
  • Monitoring and responding quickly to guest questions.
  • Having staff on-site at the original location to redirect attendees.

Last minute changes can create confusion and frustration for your attendees. Be thorough in your communication and provide extra support to ensure a smooth experience.

Troubleshooting Event Location Changes

Here are some common issues and solutions for changing your Facebook event location:

Issue Solution
Location won’t save after updating Refresh page and try saving again. Double check for typos in address.
Wrong venue displays despite updating Clear cache and cookies in browser. Test location change on a different device.
Guests unaware of change Post in event feed, message individually, follow-up closer to event.
Guests arrive at wrong original location Have staff at original location notify guests. Update voicemail with new venue.

Acting quickly to fix issues and inconsistencies helps minimize disruption caused by location changes. Always monitor guest feedback closely.

Avoiding Location Changes

While event pivots happen, changing the location can create extra work for organizers and confusion for attendees. Some tips to avoid venue changes:

  • Research options thoroughly before booking space.
  • Confirm venue availability for your specific date in writing.
  • Request a site visit before committing.
  • Review contract terms for cancellations and changes.
  • Book larger capacity than you need to allow room to grow.
  • Have a back-up location option just in case.

Taking steps early in the planning process to confirm event logistics can reduce the need for last minute changes.

Using Facebook Tools to Update Location

Facebook provides additional tools that can help streamline updating your event location:

Location Privacy Settings

Adjust your location privacy settings for extra control over your venue details. You can set it to:

  • Public – Anyone can see your location info
  • Friends – Only your friends can see your location info
  • Only Me – Only you can see your location info

More restrictive settings allow you to limit visibility of the location during early planning.

Location History and Tagging

Facebook keeps a history of places you have checked-into or been tagged at. Refer to this if you need help remembering a potential event venue you’ve visited.

Location-Based Profile Recommendations

Facebook recommends nearby events, groups, people, and more based on the locations you’ve recently visited and interacted with.

Use these recommendations as a way to explore venue options in the neighborhoods relevant to your event.

Location Insights Analytics

Facebook Analytics shows insights on your guests like top cities and countries. Review this location data to choose a place conveniently accessible to the majority of attendees.

Location-based insights help you make data-driven venue decisions when planning your event.

Location-Based Ad Targeting

If promoting your event with Facebook ads, you can target users located in the event city or nearby. This gets the event on the radar of local potential attendees.

Integrating Location into Other Facebook Features

Your event location can be further showcased and shared across Facebook using different built-in features:

Facebook Places

Enable guests to check-in to your event venue using Facebook Places. This shares their location and makes the event discoverable.

Facebook Live

Go live from your event venue before the event to give people a virtual tour and raise excitement.

Facebook Stories

Share images and video of your location using Facebook Stories. This gives guests a sneak peek of the space leading up to the event.

Facebook 360 Photos

Using 360 degree cameras, you can create immersive panoramic photos of your venue to help attendees explore the location online.

Facebook Maps

Ensure your event location has accurate contact info, images, categories, and details added to the Facebook Maps listing.

Integrating the event address across Facebook features makes it easier for people to find and reference your venue.

Using Facebook Events Best Practices

Here are some best practices when using Facebook Events:

  • Choose a relevant, enticing event title and description to generate interest.
  • Use high-quality, eye-catching images to represent the event visually.
  • Provide complete start and end time details and time zone.
  • Enter the full location address and venue details.
  • Set an appropriate guest list capacity for attendees.
  • Add co-hosts to help manage invites and event activity.
  • Share event updates regularly leading up to the date.
  • Remind members to RSVP and share the event.
  • Provide support for guests before, during, and after with Q&A and responses.
  • Follow up with a thank you post and event recap.

Optimizing your Facebook event provides the best experience for attendees while also expanding your reach as an organizer.


Changing the location for your Facebook event involves updating the details, notifying attendees, and addressing any confusion. Act quickly if a venue change is required and use all available Facebook tools to communicate the new information. With proper planning and care, a location change can be made smoothly even after publishing your event.