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How do I change my group from buy and sell on Facebook?

How do I change my group from buy and sell on Facebook?

Changing a Facebook group from buy and sell to another purpose can take some time and effort, but is definitely possible if you follow the right steps. Here are some tips to help transition your buy and sell group into something new:

Notify Members of the Change

The first thing you’ll want to do is let members know that the purpose of the group is changing. Post an announcement explaining the reasons for the change and what the new focus will be. Give members ample warning so they can decide if they want to stay in the group under the new purpose or leave the group.

Keep making announcements leading up to the official change to ensure everyone is aware. Send direct messages and emails to members as well if feasible.

Update the Group Name and Description

To cement the change, you’ll need to update the group name and description to match the new purpose. For example, if you are changing from a buy and sell group to a community group for new mothers, you may want to rename it something like “New Moms Community Group.”

The description should also be updated to explain the new focus. Let prospective members quickly know what the purpose of the group is now by reading the description.

Change the Group Cover Photo

In addition to updating the name and description, consider changing the cover photo to match the new theme of the group. This helps visually indicate that the purpose has changed.

For example, if it is now a community group for new moms, the cover photo could be of a mother holding a newborn baby. The photo helps reinforce what the group is now about.

Update the Rules

Since the group purpose has changed, the rules likely need to be updated as well. Delete any rules that are buy and sell specific, like rules about pricing items or where to post.

Add new rules that align with the new theme. For a mom’s group, this could include rules like keeping discussions positive, being respectful of different parenting styles, no promotional posts, etc.

Remove Buy and Sell Related Content

Do a sweep of the existing group content and remove anything buy and sell related. This includes posts advertising items for sale, photos of items, sale announcements, etc.

Deleting this content helps clean the slate for the new group direction. You don’t want new members seeing old buy and sell posts.

Add New Admins or Moderators

Consider bringing on new admins or moderators who fit the new theme. For example, bringing on experienced moms as admins for a mom’s group. This helps ensure the new group purpose is maintained.

New admins can help facilitate discussions, monitor content, and make sure posts are appropriate for the new group rules. They help guide the group in the right direction.

Start New Discussions

To kickstart the new group purpose, begin posting new discussions that fit the theme. For a mom’s group, this could be questions about best parenting tips, dealing with sleep regressions, managing stress as a new mom, etc.

Engage group members in these posts by responding, asking follow-up questions, and really keeping the conversation going. This shows members the type of content you want for the new direction of the group.

Create a New Member Welcome Message

When new members join, they may not realize at first the group purpose has changed if old content still remains. To orient them properly, create a welcome message that greets new members.

The welcome message should explain what the group is about now, share the new rules, and let them know they can introduce themselves. This clearly sets expectations.

Invite New Members

To gain more momentum with the new direction, proactively invite new members who fit the group theme to join. Search Facebook for relevant profiles and send them an invite with a note about the purpose of the group now.

Join relevant Facebook groups and invite members who seem like a good fit to your new group. Growth will likely be gradual, so be patient and persistent with recruiting.

Have Themed Events or Challenges

Generate excitement in the early stages of the transition by creating themed events or challenges. For a fitness group, this could be a 30-day squat challenge. For moms, it could be a virtual baby shower or new mom gift exchange.

These types of activities give members a specific reason to engage and interact, which helps build connections between members.

Make Frequent Announcements

It will likely take some time for members to fully transition to thinking of the group in the new context. Help this process along by continuing to make announcements about the change.

Reinforce what the group is about now, share progress the group is making, and reiterate the rules. Don’t assume one announcement is enough – consistency is key.

Add Relevant Resources

Help provide value to members under the new theme by sharing relevant resources. For a mom’s group, this could be guides on breastfeeding, baby sleep training, managing postpartum emotions, etc.

These resources show members you are committed to the new direction and want to share useful information related to the group’s purpose.

Cross-Promote Relevant Facebook Groups

Find other Facebook groups that have a similar focus and purpose to your new group. Reach out to the admins and arrange cross-promotions.

You can promote their group to your members and in return they share your group with theirs. This helps expand the reach.

Partner with Relevant Businesses or Brands

Look for partnerships with brands, businesses, or influencers that are a natural fit with the group’s new focus. A fitness group could partner with a yoga studio or personal trainer.

These partnerships can help boost engagement and credibility for the rebranded group through giveaways, promotions, discounted offers, and more.

Make the Purpose Clear in the Feed

As the new direction gets established, the group feed should start to reflect the change. However, some old posts or off-topic content may still show up.

As moderator, be diligent about removing content that does not match the new purpose. Also, pin important announcements explaining the new focus to the top of the feed.


Transitioning a Facebook buy and sell group into something new takes strategic planning and effort. Give the change ample time to take shape, continually reinforce the new purpose, and engage members in relevant discussions and activities.

With a consistent approach that sets clear expectations, promotes the new direction, and provides value, you can successfully transform your Facebook group into something new.