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How do I change my FB page name after 200 likes?

How do I change my FB page name after 200 likes?

Changing your Facebook Page name after reaching over 200 likes can seem daunting, but it is possible! Here are some tips on navigating this process smoothly.

Why You May Want to Change Your Page Name

There are a few common reasons you may want to change your Page name after already accumulating likes:

  • Your business has changed names or undergone a rebranding.
  • Your Page name no longer accurately reflects your business or offerings.
  • You simply want a name that you feel better represents your brand.

While changing your established Page’s name can create some temporary confusion, it may be a smart strategy if your current name is outdated or inaccurate.

The 200 Like Threshold

Facebook allows Pages to change their name once without issue. However, after accumulating over 200 likes, the platform puts some restrictions in place:

  • You must keep your Page username the same. This is the unique identifier attached to your Page URL.
  • You must go through an approval process. Facebook reviews the requested name change to ensure it aligns with their policies.

These restrictions are intended to prevent Pages from drastically altering their identities after building up an audience. Still, the platform does provide a process for approved name changes even for larger Pages.

Consider Creating a New Page

Before going through the trouble of changing your Page name, consider if creating a new Page altogether would be easier. This allows you to:

  • Start fresh with a new name and Page username.
  • Keep your original Page active if desired.
  • Gradually transition fans from old to new.

Just make sure your niche and content are similar enough on both Pages to avoid confusing your audience. Running two very different Pages simultaneously is discouraged.

Steps to Change Your Facebook Page Name

If you wish to change your established Page’s name rather than create a new Profile, here are the steps:

  1. Go to your Page and click “Settings” from the bottom left dropdown menu.
  2. Click “Page Info” in the left column.
  3. Click the pencil icon next to your Page name.
  4. Enter your new desired Page name.
  5. Click “Check Availability” and confirm the name is available.
  6. Click “Save Changes.”

After submitting your name change request, Facebook will review it to ensure it follows their policies. This typically takes 1-2 days.

Tips for Smooth Approval

  • Keep your core name and just change descriptive words (e.g. “ACME Marketing” to “ACME Digital Marketing”)
  • Make sure you have admin access to your Page username account to receive approval notifications
  • Provide additional details on why you are requesting the change when prompted

Notify Your Audience

Once your new Page name is approved and changed, be sure to notify your audience to avoid confusion:

  • Post an announcement about the name change on your Page feed.
  • Change your Page description to mention the new name.
  • Update your other social media channels and website with the new name.
  • Consider running a temporary redirect from your old Facebook username to the new one.

The Impact of Changing Your Page Name

Here are some things to keep in mind when changing an established Page’s name:

Potential Impact Details
Temporarily reduced engagement Fans may be confused at first and engage less until they adjust to the new name
Loss of URL equity Your old Page username will no longer direct to your Page
SEO disruption Loss of search engine equity tied to old Page name keywords

Fortunately, these impacts are usually temporary. With proper communication and redirects, you can minimize disruption.

Benefits of a Name Change

Despite potential temporary downsides, a name change can provide benefits:

  • More accurate representation of your brand
  • Increased discoverability with new keywords
  • Fresh start after a company rebranding

Alternatives to Changing Your Page Name

If changing your Page name seems too disruptive, consider these alternate options:

Update Page Username

You can change your unique Page username one time without impacting your established name. This allows you to modify your custom URL.

Change Page Category

Accurately categorizing your Page better represents your business to users.

Create Shortened Custom URLs

You can make custom shortened URLs like to redirect to your existing Page.


With proper planning and communication, changing your Facebook Page name after accumulating likes is certainly possible. Weigh the benefits of an updated name against potential temporary disruption. If a name change makes strategic sense for representing your brand, the process is manageable. Just be sure to notify followers, update details, and redirect appropriately.