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How do I change my Facebook settings to show all comments?

How do I change my Facebook settings to show all comments?

Facebook allows users to control the comments that are visible on their own posts. By default, Facebook may filter out comments that appear to be spam or that contain offensive language. Here are some tips on how to adjust your Facebook settings to show all comments on your posts.

Viewing Hidden Comments

When Facebook hides a comment on your post, you’ll see a link that says “View hidden comment.” Click this link to expand and view the hidden comment. This allows you to see the comment that was flagged and hidden by Facebook’s filters.

Changing Comment Ranking Settings

You can change your default comment ranking settings to see all comments by following these steps:

  1. Click on the arrow in the top right corner and select “Settings” from the dropdown menu.
  2. On the left sidebar, click “Posts.”
  3. Under the “Comment Ranking” section, select “Oldest to Newest Comments” from the dropdown menu.
  4. Scroll down and click “Save Changes.”

This will make comments on your posts appear from oldest to newest, rather than ranked by relevance. Now all comments should be visible unless you have specifically blocked a user.

Adjusting Comment Filtering

You can also adjust automated comment filtering based on keywords, links, and profanity. Here’s how:

  1. Go to “Settings” and click “Posts” on the left sidebar.
  2. Scroll down to the “Comment Filtering” section.
  3. Deselect any options you want to disable, like “Limit Commenting” or “Filter Comments Containing Keywords.”
  4. Click “Save Changes” at the bottom.

Disabling these filters will allow more comments to appear on your posts. However, it may also lead to more spam or offensive comments.

Blocking Specific Words

If you want to filter specific words but still show all other comments, you can add blocked keywords:

  1. Go to “Settings” and click “Posts” on the left.
  2. Under “Comment Filtering,” click “Edit” next to “Filter Comments Containing Keywords.”
  3. Enter any keywords or phrases you want to block, separated by commas.
  4. Click “Save Changes” at the bottom.

This will hide comments containing the keywords you entered, while allowing other comments to be visible.

Showing Comments From Friends First

You can prioritize comments from friends while still showing all comments with these steps:

  1. Go to your “Settings” and click “Posts” on the left sidebar.
  2. Under “Default Comment Visibility,” choose “Friends” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Scroll down to “Comment Ranking” and choose “Oldest to Newest Comments.”
  4. Click “Save Changes.”

Now comments from your Facebook friends will be ranked first, followed by comments from the public later in the queue.

Showing Comments Based on Interactions

To show all comments based on popularity and engagement, adjust these settings:

  1. Go to your Facebook “Settings” and click “Posts.”
  2. Under “Comment Ranking,” choose “Based on Post Interactions” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Under “Default Comment Visibility,” choose “Public” from the menu.
  4. Click “Save Changes” at the bottom.

With these settings, comments with the most likes and replies will appear first below your posts.


Adjusting your Facebook post and comment settings gives you more control over the comments that appear on your posts. Disabling filters, changing default rankings, and blocking specific keywords can help ensure more comments are visible.

However, completely removing comment filters may lead to spam, offensive language, or irrelevant comments. Consider finding a balance that allows you to view more feedback while maintaining a positive environment.

The key settings to adjust are under “Posts” in the left sidebar of “Settings.” From here, you can change comment visibility, ranking orders, filters, and blocked keywords.

With the right configuration, you can open up comments on your Facebook posts and have more engaging conversations with your audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I see all comments on Facebook posts?

To see all comments on your Facebook posts:

  • Go to Settings > Posts
  • Under Comment Ranking, choose “Oldest to Newest Comments”
  • Under Comment Filtering, disable options like “Limit Commenting” and “Filter Keywords”
  • Save your changes

This will remove filters that hide comments and show all feedback from oldest to newest.

Why are some comments hidden on Facebook?

Facebook has automatic filters that hide comments seeming to contain spam, offensive language, hate speech, nudity, and other policy violations. Hidden comments have a “View Hidden Comment” link you can click to reveal them.

How do I prioritize comments from friends?

To prioritize comments from friends on your posts:

  • Go to Settings > Posts
  • Under Default Comment Visibility, choose Friends
  • Under Comment Ranking, choose Oldest to Newest Comments

This will rank comments from friends first while still showing all other public comments below.

Can I block specific words in Facebook comments?

Yes, you can block filtered words in Facebook comments:

  • Go to Settings > Posts > Comment Filtering
  • Click Edit next to “Filter Comments Containing Keywords”
  • Enter comma-separated keywords you want to block

Comments containing those keywords will be hidden, while other comments remain visible.

How to Enable Showing All Comments

Step 1: Access Facebook Settings

Click on the down arrow in the top right and choose “Settings.” This opens your Facebook account settings page.

Step 2: Click on “Posts”

In the left sidebar, click on “Posts.” This will open post-related settings.

Step 3: Change Comment Ranking

Under “Comment Ranking,” choose “Oldest to Newest Comments.” This displays comments chronologically.

Step 4: Adjust Comment Filtering

Scroll down to “Comment Filtering” and disable filters like profanity, keywords, and limiting by default.

Step 5: Save Changes

At the very bottom, click “Save Changes” to apply your new comment visibility settings.

Following these steps will remove filters that hide comments and show all feedback on your posts in chronological order.

Pros and Cons of Showing All Comments


  • Allows users to participate in open discussions
  • Removes barriers to free speech and expression
  • Increases feedback and engagement on posts
  • Provides more transparency into different perspectives


  • May expose users to offensive, abusive or low-quality comments
  • Creates more work for page owners to moderate or hide unwanted comments
  • Can clutter comment feeds and decrease meaningful interactions
  • Enables spread of misinformation, spam, clickbait and scams

The pros of showing all comments promote free speech and transparency. However, the cons demonstrate how it can also degrade the user experience and expose people to harm.

Best Practices for Comment Moderation

When showing all Facebook comments, using moderation best practices can help maintain a constructive discussion:

  • Designate moderators to review, hide, and delete unsuitable comments quickly
  • Block harmful users so they can’t continue abusive behavior
  • Disable tagging on sensitive posts to limit targeting individuals
  • Set clear guidelines for discussion and remind users to be considerate
  • Turn on post approvals for contributors who consistently leave inappropriate comments

Well-equipped human moderators and auto-moderation tools can also filter out unwanted comments without limiting transparency or free speech.

How to Hide Specific Comments

To hide individual Facebook comments you don’t want to appear on your posts:

  1. Click the three dots next to the comment timestamp
  2. Select “Hide Comment” from the dropdown menu
  3. Choose to hide the comment from “Everyone” or just “Me”
  4. Confirm by clicking “Hide Comment” on the popup

The comment will now be hidden from the configured audience. The user will still be able to see their own hidden comment.

You can also delete comments entirely by selecting “Delete Comment” instead of hide. Deleted comments are permanently removed.

Managing Comments from Followers

To manage comments from people who follow your public updates on Facebook:

  • Go to your profile and click “Followers” on the left
  • Click the three dots next to a follower’s name and select “Restrict”
  • Choose to restrict them from commenting on your public posts

This will prevent the follower from commenting on your public posts without unfollowing them or blocking them entirely.

Comment Visibility for Friends vs Public

Visibility Setting Friends Can Comment Public Can Comment
Friends Yes No
Public Yes Yes
Only Me No No

Adjusting your default comment visibility determines whether friends only, friends and public, or no one can comment on your Facebook posts.

Comparing Comment Ordering Options

Comment Order Description
Oldest to Newest Displays comments chronologically from oldest to newest
Newest to Oldest Displays comments chronologically from newest to oldest
Most Relevant Ranks top comments by relevance using Facebook’s algorithm
Based on Post Interactions Ranks top comments by number of likes and replies

Choosing oldest or newest comments will show all feedback chronologically. Ranking options use algorithms to show most popular or relevant comments first.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Comment Moderation

Action Keyboard Shortcut
Hide Comment H
Unhide Comment U
Delete Comment D
Approve Post A
Disapprove Post I

Using keyboard shortcuts can help streamline moderating and managing comments on Facebook posts and Pages.

Automated Comment Moderation Options

Facebook offers automated comment moderation tools to help filter unwanted feedback:

  • Enabled: Activates keyword filtering of comments
  • Limited: Holds potentially offensive comments for review first
  • Disabled: Turns off automated comment moderation

Page owners can also create banned words lists, allow lists, and use AI to detect policy violations. Automated tools can support human moderators.

Appealing Restrictions on Commenting

If your ability to comment on Facebook has been restricted, you can appeal it by:

  1. Clicking “See More” on the comment block notice
  2. Selecting “I think my comments shouldn’t have been turned off”
  3. Choosing a reason why the restrictions are incorrect
  4. Entering additional details about why your appealing
  5. Clicking “Request Review”

A Facebook team will then review your appeal and decide whether to lift the commenting restrictions. This process may take a few days.


Adjusting your Facebook settings gives you greater control over comment visibility on your posts. Disabling filters, changing default rankings, and blocking keywords can reveal more comments.

However, completely removing comment moderation may degrade discussions and enable abuse. Consider balancing transparency with tools to hide unwanted, harmful comments. Moderation helps maintain constructive conversations.

With the right configuration, you can open up comments on your Facebook posts to increase engagement, feedback and transparency for your audience.