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How do I change my Facebook language back to English on my phone?

How do I change my Facebook language back to English on my phone?

Changing your Facebook language back to English on your phone is a straightforward process that can be completed in just a few steps. Facebook allows you to set your preferred language in the app settings, so reversing it simply requires updating that preference.

Why Would You Want to Change Your Facebook Language Back to English?

There are a few common reasons why you may want to revert your Facebook language back to English on your phone:

  • You accidentally changed the language and now can’t understand the Facebook interface
  • You were learning a new language but no longer need your Facebook feed in that language
  • You travel frequently and prefer to have Facebook in your native language
  • You changed languages to help a friend access their account but now want English back

Whatever the reason, switching your Facebook language is easy to do when you know where to look in the app’s settings.

How to Change Facebook Language on Android

If you use Facebook on an Android device, here are the steps to change the language back to English:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your Android phone or tablet
  2. Tap the three line “hamburger” menu icon in the top right corner
  3. Scroll down and choose “Settings & privacy” from the menu
  4. Select “Language and region” from the list of settings
  5. Tap “Facebook language” to open the language options
  6. Choose “English (US)” or another English variant from the list

Facebook should immediately switch the interface language to English. If not, fully close and reopen the Facebook app.

Troubleshooting Tips for Android

  • Make sure you have the latest version of the Facebook app
  • Try force stopping the app if it doesn’t update right away
  • Check that your device language is set to English if Facebook still isn’t updating

How to Change Facebook Language on iPhone

Here are the steps for changing your Facebook language back to English on an iPhone or iPad:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your iOS device
  2. Tap the menu tab (three horizontal lines) in the bottom right corner
  3. Scroll down and choose “Settings & privacy” from the menu
  4. Select “Account settings” from the list of options
  5. Tap “Language” under the General heading
  6. Choose “English (US)” or another English variant

The Facebook language should change immediately after selecting English. If not, try force quitting and reopening the Facebook app.

Troubleshooting Tips for iPhone

  • Confirm you have the latest Facebook app update installed
  • Double check that your iOS device language is set to English
  • Try logging out and back into your Facebook account

Changing Language on Desktop Site

To change the language back to English on the desktop version of Facebook:

  1. Go to and log into your account
  2. Click the down arrow in the top right corner next to your profile picture
  3. Choose “Settings & privacy” from the drop down menu
  4. Click “Language and region” on the left side of the settings page
  5. Under “Facebook language” click Edit
  6. Select “English (US)” or another English variant
  7. Click Save Changes

This will immediately change the language across the Facebook desktop site and will apply whenever you log in on a computer.

Changing Back to English on Mobile Website

If you visit Facebook in a mobile web browser and need to revert the language to English:

  1. Go to on your phone or tablet’s web browser
  2. Tap the More tab (three horizontal lines)
  3. Tap “Settings & privacy” from the menu
  4. Choose “Language and region” from the list of options
  5. Tap “Facebook language” and select English

The Facebook mobile site language should now be back in English. Note that this doesn’t affect the Facebook app language, only what displays when accessing Facebook through a mobile browser.

Setting Multiple Languages on Facebook

If you prefer to have Facebook available in multiple languages, it’s possible to add several options and switch between them as needed:

  1. On mobile, go to Settings & privacy > Language and region
  2. On desktop, go to Settings & privacy > Language and region
  3. Under “Facebook language” tap Add Additional Languages
  4. Choose all the language options you want from the list

A Globe icon will now show in your Facebook toolbar that allows quick switching between your selected languages. This allows flexibility if you use Facebook in multiple languages regularly.


Changing your Facebook language back to English is a quick and easy process on both mobile devices and desktop. Simply go into your account’s Language settings, select English as the default, and Facebook will revert to displaying English.

Be aware that if your device or browser interface language changes, you may need to double check that your Facebook language also updates properly. But when in doubt, a few taps or clicks in the Language menu will have you back up in English in no time.

Facebook aims to provide a top-notch localized experience for users worldwide. If you ever need help managing your language preferences, don’t hesitate to visit Facebook’s Help Center for additional tips and troubleshooting.

Thanks for reading! We hope this guide helped you get your Facebook language preference switched back to English with ease.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does changing the language on Facebook also change my profile language?

No, changing your Facebook language only affects the interface language used across the platform. Your individual profile language can be set separately in the language settings.

Will switching the language cause me to lose any Facebook data?

No, nothing will be lost when you change the Facebook language. All of your existing data, posts, photos, etc will remain intact.

Can I have Facebook show in multiple languages at once?

Yes, you can add multiple language options and then quickly toggle between them using the Globe icon in your toolbar. This allows you to use Facebook in different languages whenever needed.

Does the Facebook app language need to match my device language?

No, you can have different languages set for your device and for the Facebook app. However, they often default to match, so you may need to manually change Facebook after switching your overall device language.

If I can’t understand the menu options, how do I change the language?

If you don’t see the language options anymore, try tapping around the Settings/Menu icons until you see the gear symbol for Settings. The language option is normally in the first few menu choices.

Summary of Steps to Change Facebook Language to English

Here is a quick summary of the steps to change your Facebook language back to English:

On Android:

  1. Open Facebook app
  2. Tap hamburger menu
  3. Go to Settings & privacy
  4. Tap Language and region
  5. Select English

On iPhone:

  1. Open Facebook app
  2. Tap menu tab
  3. Go to Settings & privacy
  4. Tap Account settings
  5. Select Language
  6. Choose English

On Desktop Site:

  1. Go to
  2. Click down arrow by profile
  3. Choose Settings & privacy
  4. Click Language and region
  5. Select English
  6. Click Save Changes

On Mobile Site:

  1. Go to
  2. Tap More tab
  3. Select Settings & privacy
  4. Tap Language and region
  5. Choose English

Need More Help?

Changing your Facebook language back to English is usually quick and straightforward. But if you need any additional help getting the language switch reversed, here are some options:

  • Consult Facebook’s Help Center for articles on managing languages
  • Post in Facebook’s Help Community for tips from other users
  • Enlist a tech-savvy friend to walk you through the steps
  • Contact Facebook support if issues persist in the app

With this handy guide, you now have the key steps to get your Facebook experience back in English on both mobile and desktop. Sharing a social platform in multiple languages fosters worldwide connections. But if your language ever needs to revert back to English, just a few quick settings changes will do the trick.