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How do I change font size and style on Facebook?

How do I change font size and style on Facebook?

Facebook allows you to customize the font and text size used throughout the platform to improve readability or accessibility. There are a few different ways to change the font settings depending on where you want to apply them – in your news feed, when writing posts or comments, or across all of Facebook.

Changing Font Size and Style in Your News Feed

To change the font size and style used in your Facebook news feed:

  1. Click on the down arrow in the top right corner of any Facebook page.
  2. Select “Settings & Privacy” > “Settings”.
  3. Click on “Accessibility” in the left sidebar.
  4. Under “Text Size” click on the dropdown menu and select your desired text size. The options are Small, Normal, Large, Larger, and Largest.
  5. Under “Font Style” click on the dropdown menu and select your desired font style. The options are Default, Serif, Sans-Serif, and Monospace.
  6. Scroll down and click “Save Changes” to apply your new font settings.

These settings will change the text size and style used throughout your Facebook news feed on posts, comments, and all other content. The change is only visible to you – each user can customize their own feed text.

Changing Font and Text Size for Writing Posts and Comments

You can also change the text settings specifically for when you are writing Facebook posts and comments:

  1. Click on “Update Status” or begin writing a comment to bring up the text editor.
  2. Click on the gear icon in the bottom left corner of the text editor.
  3. Adjust the font size using the slider under “Text Size”.
  4. Select your desired font style from the dropdown menu under “Font”.
  5. Click “Done” to save the settings and close the editor menu.

Now whenever you write a new post or comment the customized font and text size will be applied. This makes it easier to use your preferred settings without changing how you view all content in your feed.

Changing the Default Font and Text Size

For a more permanent change that affects all of Facebook, you can edit your default font and text size under the Facebook settings:

  1. Click on the down arrow in the top right corner.
  2. Select “Settings & Privacy” > “Settings”.
  3. Click on “Language and Region” in the left sidebar.
  4. Under “Fonts and Text Size” click “Edit” next to “Font Style” or “Text Size”.
  5. Select your desired default font style or text size.
  6. Click “Done” to save the new defaults.

Now your chosen font style and text size will be applied across Facebook including your news feed, posts, comments, and any other place you view or write text. This setting overrides any custom sizes you may have set for individual pages.

Troubleshooting Font and Text Size Changes

If you are having trouble getting new font settings to apply properly, here are some steps to try:

  • Clear your browser cache – cached Facebook data can prevent new settings from taking effect.
  • Try applying the font change in a different web browser. Some browsers may not display custom fonts properly.
  • Make sure you do not have any browser extensions enabled that could override or block custom fonts.
  • Try adjusting your device or browser zoom level back to the default 100%. Increased zoom can override Facebook’s text size settings.
  • On mobile, be sure the device font size accessibility setting is not overriding the size (typically under Display or Accessibility).
  • Log out of Facebook and log back in so all pages and components reload fresh.
  • Try changing the text size from different areas – feed, post editor, default settings – to rule out issues with a specific method.

In most cases, simply reloading the page or doing a hard browser refresh resolves problems with font changes appearing correctly on Facebook. Persistent issues tend to be caused by an outside factor like browser zoom or extensions overriding Facebook’s styling.

Using a Chrome or Firefox Extension to Change Fonts

An alternative method to change the font style on Facebook is to use a browser extension or addon. Popular options include:

  • Stylus – Available as a Chrome and Firefox extension. Lets you customize fonts and CSS styles on any website with custom CSS.
  • FontFace Ninja – Chrome extension to change the font family used on sites like Facebook.
  • Stylebot – Custom CSS editor for Chrome that can alter font styles and sizes.

The benefit of using one of these extensions is that the font changes apply universally across Facebook without you needing to set individual preferences. The downside is that it requires installing extra software in your browser.

To use one of these extensions:

  1. Install the extension in your Chrome or Firefox browser.
  2. Go to Facebook after installing.
  3. Use the extension’s interface to customize CSS and select a new font family and size.
  4. The font changes should apply across Facebook when you refresh.

This gives you more fine-grained control than Facebook’s built-in text settings. Keep in mind other users will still see the standard Facebook font – the changes only apply on your browser.

Accessibility Considerations

When changing font styles and text size on Facebook, keep accessibility in mind:

  • High contrast between font and background colors makes text easier to read.
  • Larger font sizes can make Facebook easier to use for those with impaired vision.
  • Sans-serif fonts with simple shapes are typically easier to read.
  • Avoid setting font sizes under 12px which can strain readability.
  • Line height between 1.4-1.5 promotes comfortable reading.
  • Wider letter spacing can help in some cases but should be used minimally.
  • Light or thin fonts should be avoided as they reduce legibility.

Testing different options and getting feedback from users with varying abilities is the best way to determine optimal font settings. Ensuring accessibility for everyone should be the priority whenever customizing fonts and text size.


Facebook provides users several options to customize font style and text size based on personal preference or accessibility needs. The settings can be changed for your entire news feed, specifically when writing posts and comments, or set as a universal default. While built-in options are limited, browser extensions provide more control over CSS and styling. When adjusting fonts on Facebook or any website, be mindful of accessibility and readability. With some adjustments, Facebook can be optimized for easier reading and usage by all.