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How do I change event settings to private?

How do I change event settings to private?

Making events private on platforms like Facebook or Meetup can be useful for controlling who sees details about your events. Events with private settings allow you to protect personal information and create exclusive groups. Here are some tips on how to change event settings to private across popular platforms.


Facebook has robust privacy settings for events. As the event creator, you can choose to make any event public, private, or visible to a custom group. Here’s how it works:

Make a Facebook event private

  1. From your Facebook home page, click “Events” in the left menu
  2. Click the “Create Event” button at the top
  3. Fill out details like name, location, date/time, description, and image
  4. Under the “Privacy” section, click the dropdown box next to “Guest List”
  5. Select “Invite Only” to make the event private

This will make your event completely private – only people you invite will be able to see any details about it.

Make a Facebook event visible to a custom group

You can also make an event visible only to specific groups, rather than all friends. Here’s how:

  1. Follow steps 1-3 above to create an event
  2. Under “Privacy” select “Custom” for the guest list
  3. Start typing the name of a Facebook group you manage and select it when it pops up
  4. Only members of that group will see the event details

This lets you segment events for certain friend circles, family groups, or other collectives.


Meetup also lets you control the privacy levels on events you create. There are a couple ways to make Meetup events private:

Make a Meetup event private

  1. Tap your profile image and go to “Organize”
  2. Select “Create Meetup” to start a new event
  3. Fill in details like title, location, schedule, and description
  4. Under “Event Privacy” select “Private Event”
  5. Save your event

This hides the event from public listings and search engines. Only people you invite can see and join the event.

Limit Meetup event access to members

Meetup also lets you limit access for an event to only group members:

  1. Follow steps 1-3 above
  2. Under “Event Privacy” select “Members Only”
  3. The event will now be visible to your group members but no one else

You can use this option to create exclusive events just for your existing group audience.

Benefits of Private Events

There are a few reasons why you may want to use the private event options on these platforms:

  • Control who can see event details like date, time, and location
  • Limit event participation to only people you select
  • Keep events hidden from the general public
  • Create exclusive events for your club, team, or other trusted groups

Essentially, private events allow you to protect sensitive information and create VIP experiences.

Protect Sensitive Info

For certain events, you may not want details publicly visible. For example:

  • A surprise party or private celebration
  • A business retreat or staff training
  • Client meetings or closed-door conferences

Making these kinds of events private lets you share details selectively without spoiling the surprise or revealing private business info.

Create Exclusive Experiences

Private events also allow you to reward group members with special access and build excitement. Some examples:

  • Early ticket sales for fan club members
  • A members-only webinar with exclusive content
  • Behind-the-scenes event for top customers

Limiting event visibility helps make people feel special and valued as part of your inner circle.

Tips for Managing Private Events

Here are some tips to run smooth private events:

Send Clear Invitations

Be sure to directly invite anyone essential for the experience. Don’t assume they’ll hear about it through word-of-mouth if visibility is limited. Send individualized invitation messages or emails to avoid confusion.

Use Registration Tools

Online registration and RSVP tools help you see who plans to attend and follow up with those who haven’t responded. Most event platforms integrate these features.

Communicate Expectations

Let guests know the event is invite-only and share any important details like locations and schedules directly. Ask them not to share event details publicly out of respect for privacy.

Provide Reminders and Updates

Send reminder notifications leading up to your event and any last-minute location or time changes, especially for private events. This keeps your exclusive guest list in the loop.

Thank Attendees

After a private or exclusive event, follow up to thank your special guests for participating. This makes them feel appreciated and willing to engage with more of your exclusive experiences.


Private events let you control access and build anticipation for exclusive experiences. Platforms like Facebook and Meetup make it easy to limit visibility and invitations for your events. Be thoughtful about who you invite, communicate expectations clearly, and follow up attentively. With these best practices, you can use private event settings to create memorable engagements with your inner circle.

Platform How to Make Private
Facebook Select “Invite Only” under Guest List when creating event
Meetup Choose “Private Event” or “Members Only” under Event Privacy