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How do I categorize my Facebook page as a non-profit?

How do I categorize my Facebook page as a non-profit?

To register your Facebook page as a non-profit organization, you need to meet Facebook’s eligibility requirements and submit an application. Getting approved for non-profit status allows you to access certain features like fundraising tools. Here’s what you need to know about categorizing your Facebook page as a non-profit:

Eligibility Requirements

To qualify for non-profit status, your organization must:

  • Be a legally registered non-profit entity in your country
  • Have a presence on Facebook (a Page or Profile)
  • Comply with Facebook’s policies and terms

Valid non-profit entities include registered charities, tax-exempt organizations, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Your non-profit registration documentation must match the name on your Facebook presence.

Verification Process

To verify your non-profit status, you’ll need to submit an online application on Facebook. The required information includes:

  • Legal name of your non-profit
  • Website URL
  • Non-profit registration number
  • Supporting documentation like tax documents or charity registration

It can take up to 30 days for Facebook to review your application and confirm your non-profit status. You may need to provide additional details if any information is missing or unclear.

Steps to Register Your Page

Follow these key steps to submit your non-profit application on Facebook:

1. Go to your Page Settings

– Log into your Facebook account that is an admin of the Page you want to register.

– Go to your Page and click “Settings” at the bottom of the left sidebar.

2. Request Verification

– From General Account Settings, click “Page Verifications”.

– Choose the option “Non-profit Organization” and click “Get Started”.

3. Fill in Your Details

– Enter your organization’s legal name exactly as on your official registration documents.

– Add your non-profit website URL.

– Input your valid registration number and upload supporting documents.

4. Submit Your Application

– Carefully review all details entered to ensure accuracy.

– Agree to Facebook’s terms and click Submit.

– You will get a confirmation that your request is under review.

Benefits of Non-Profit Status

Getting your Facebook page verified as a non-profit organization unlocks useful features:

Fundraising Tools

– Add a Donate button so supporters can donate directly on your Page.

– Create fundraisers for causes like charitable campaigns.

– Promote your fundraiser across Facebook to hit your fundraising goals.

Credibility and Exposure

– The blue verified badge on your Page shows visitors you are a genuine non-profit.

– Get added to Facebook’s Non-profit Directory so people can easily find you.

– Your posts may get additional visibility and reach in News Feed.

Insights About Supporters

– Access metrics on post reach and people engaging with your content.

– See demographic data on your Page followers and donor audiences.

– This allows you to tailor content to different supporter groups.

Special Ad Options

– Run donation matching campaigns where Facebook matches a portion of funds raised.

– Get discounts on Facebook Ads to promote your non-profit programs.

Exclusive Resources

– Attend free online training to maximize your Facebook presence.

– Utilize Facebook’s non-profit resources and toolkits for success stories and best practices.

Tips for Managing Your Verified Page

Once approved as a non-profit organization, follow these tips for making the most of your Facebook presence:

Complete Profile Information

– Fill out your Page’s About section, description, contact info, and Profile Picture so people can easily learn about your work.

Engaging Content

– Share photos, videos, and stories that give insights into your non-profit activities and community impact.

Respond to Messages

– Set up notifications and check messages regularly to promptly respond to inquiries.

Promote Your Mission

– Create hashtags and use tags to increase visibility on your posts about campaigns or events.

Update Page Details

– Keep your URL, description, and profile info updated as your organization changes and evolves.

Monitor Metrics

– Check Page Insights regularly to see engagement rates and audience demographics.

Metric Purpose
Page Views Total number of views of your Page
Reach Number of unique people who saw your posts
Engagement Likes, comments, shares on your content
Demographics Location, age, gender of your supporters


Registering your Facebook page as a non-profit organization requires meeting eligibility criteria and submitting an application for verification. Once approved, you get access to powerful tools for fundraising, promotions, insights and resources to expand your cause. Maintaining a complete and engaging page along with monitoring metrics helps you maximize the benefits. With non-profit status, Facebook provides a valuable platform for reaching more people, highlighting your mission, and driving impact.