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How do I block people from seeing my likes and comments on Facebook?

How do I block people from seeing my likes and comments on Facebook?

Facebook allows you to control the privacy settings for your profile so you can choose who sees your posts, photos, likes and comments. There are a few different ways to block people from seeing your likes and comments on Facebook.

The easiest way is to adjust your privacy settings. You can set your likes and comments to be visible to only your friends or a custom group of people. This will prevent anyone not in those groups from seeing your activity.

You can also block specific people from seeing your profile altogether. When you block someone, they won’t be able to see anything you post, including your likes and comments. This completely removes you from their view on Facebook.

For more granular control, you can use Facebook’s audience selector when posting updates or commenting on others’ posts. This allows you to customize the visibility for each piece of content you share.

Below we’ll explore these options in more detail, including step-by-step instructions on how to configure your privacy settings, block people and use the audience selector.

Adjust Privacy Settings

The easiest way to control who sees your likes and comments is to adjust your privacy settings. Facebook allows you to configure who can view your posts, photos, information and other activities.

Here’s how to update your privacy settings on Facebook:

1. Click on the arrow in the top right and select “Settings”.

2. In the left column, click “Privacy”.

3. Click “Privacy Settings”.

4. Under the “Privacy” header, click “Who can see your future posts?”.

5. Choose who you want to be able to see your posts by clicking one of the options: Public, Friends, Custom or Only Me.

6. Scroll down and click “Who can see the people, Pages and lists you follow?”.

7. Choose who you want to be able to see what you follow.

8. Scroll down further and click “Who can see your likes and reactions to posts?”.

9. Select who can view your likes. Friends is the most restrictive.

10. Click “Who can see the comments you post on friends’ posts?”.

11. Choose who can see your comments. Again, Friends is the most private.

12. Click “Review all your privacy settings” at the bottom when finished.

With your basic privacy settings configured, only the audience you selected will be able to see your future likes and comments. Existing likes and comments won’t be changed, but new activity will respect your updated settings.

Custom Friend Lists

You can get more granular than just Friends or Public by creating custom friend lists. For example, you could make a “Close Friends” list and a “Acquaintances” list.

Here’s how to create custom friend lists:

1. Go to your profile and click Friends in the left column.

2. Click the gear icon and select “Create List”.

3. Give your list a name like “Close Friends”.

4. Search for and add the friends you want.

5. Click Create.

Now when adjusting your privacy settings, you can select this Close Friends list instead of all friends. This allows you to show likes and comments only to your inner circle.

Preview Your Profile

To see what your profile looks like to other people, use the “View As” feature:

1. Click the arrow in the top right and select “View As”.

2. Select a friend’s name or Public to toggle between perspectives.

3. You’ll be able to see your profile as it appears to the audience you picked. Verify that likes and comments are hidden or shown appropriately.

Adjusting your privacy settings is the best way to bulk hide your likes and comments from specific people. Just be sure to double check your settings using the View As feature.

Block Users

If you want to completely block a person from interacting with you and seeing your profile on Facebook, you can block them. Blocking someone is more extreme than tweaking your privacy settings, but ensures the person has no access to your profile.

Here’s how to block someone on Facebook:

1. Click the arrow in the top right and select Settings.

2. In the left column click Blocking.

3. Click Block Users in the main column.

4. Type the name or profile link for the person you want to block.

5. Click Block next to their name.

6. Select Block User again to confirm.

Once blocked, the user will no longer be able to search for or view your Facebook profile. You’ll be removed from each other’s networks.

To view your blocked user list:

1. Follow steps 1-3 above to get the Blocking settings.

2. Click See your list of blocked accounts.

This will show you everyone you’ve blocked on Facebook. You can remove or re-block people as needed.

Blocking someone completely removes you from their view and prevents them interacting with your profile in any way. They won’t be able to see your likes, comments, added friends or any other activity after you block them.

Effects of Blocking

Here are some key things to keep in mind about blocking someone on Facebook:

– They won’t be notified when you block them.

– Any friends you have in common won’t be notified either.

– You can still see the blocked profile when logged into your account. But they can’t see yours.

– If in a common Facebook group, you’ll both remain members.

– You can still send a Facebook message to a blocked person. But they can’t initiate messages.

– If you tag a blocked person in a post, the tag is removed.

– Blocks prevent all interactions and viewing capabilities in both directions.

Blocking completely removes you from the person’s Facebook experience. Use it when you want zero contact with someone on the platform.

Use the Audience Selector

When you post an update, comment on a post or like something, Facebook allows you to select the audience visibility for that specific piece of content.

Rather than change your overall privacy settings, the audience selector allows custom visibility for each post as you share it.

Here’s how to use the audience selector on Facebook:

1. When creating a post, click the audience selector below the post box.

2. Adjust the audience to Public, Friends, Custom, or Only Me.

3. Click Done.

4. The post will now use the audience you configured.

5. When commenting, click the audience selector below the comment box.

6. Set the audience for that comment.

7. Click Post to share the comment.

The benefit of the audience selector is the ability to control visibility on a per-post basis. You can hide certain updates from people while keeping other posts public.

If you only want to limit visibility for a few posts, use the audience selector. Your overall privacy settings remain unchanged.

How the Audience Selector Works

The audience selector allows three different visibility options:

– Public: Anyone on or off Facebook can see the post.

– Friends: Only your friends or custom friend list can see the post.

– Only Me: Limits visibility only to yourself. No one else can see the post.

When you select Custom, it allows specific friend lists you configured or individual friends to view the content.

The audience selector works the same way for posts, photos, check-ins, life events and profile updates. Use it to granularly control visibility as you share on Facebook.


Facebook’s privacy settings, blocking capability and audience selector give you full control over who sees your activity. Adjust your default privacy to determine overall visibility of likes, comments and other interactions. Block unwanted people completely. Or use the audience selector to customize visibility on a per-post basis.

With these tools, you can manage exactly who you share information with on Facebook. Restrict visibility to trusted friends for your privacy and peace of mind.

Key Points

– Update privacy settings to limit default visibility of likes, comments, etc.

– Create friend lists for more granular control.

– Block people to remove all visibility and interaction abilities.

– Use the audience selector to customize visibility per post.

– Check settings frequently and when you add new friends.

Your activity on Facebook can be as public or as private as you want. Take advantage of the available settings to find the right balance of sharing while maintaining your preferred privacy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I hide my likes and comments from specific people?

Yes, you can hide your likes and comments from specific people using Facebook’s privacy settings and friend lists. Adjust your settings to show likes/comments to everyone except those you want to hide from.

What’s the difference between blocking someone and adjusting my privacy settings?

Blocking completely removes you from the person’s view and prevents any interaction. Privacy settings only control what the person sees – you both remain connected.

Do my existing likes and comments also get hidden when I change my privacy settings?

No, changed privacy settings only apply to new activity going forward. Existing likes and comments remain unchanged. To hide past activity, you must delete it.

Can I limit who sees likes and comments on a single post?

Yes, when making a post you can click the audience selector and limit visibility for that specific post only. Your overall privacy settings remain unchanged.

What happens to someone’s comments on my posts if I block them?

When you block someone, all of their comments on your posts are automatically hidden from view to you and your audience. Only you, the blocker, can still see their comments.