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How do I block event invites from non-friends on Facebook?

How do I block event invites from non-friends on Facebook?

Quick Answer

You can block event invites from non-friends on Facebook by adjusting your privacy settings. Go to Settings > Privacy > Events and set ‘Who can send you event invites?’ to ‘Friends’ to only allow invites from people you are friends with. You can also set this to ‘Friends of Friends’ or ‘Only Me’ to further limit who can send invites.

Steps to Block Event Invites from Non-Friends

Here are the detailed steps to block event invites from non-friends on Facebook:

1. Log into your Facebook account and click on the down arrow in the top right corner. Select ‘Settings’ from the drop-down menu.

2. In the left sidebar menu, click on ‘Privacy’.

3. Under the ‘Privacy’ settings, click on ‘Events’.

4. Under ‘Who can see the events you’re interested in’, select either ‘Friends’, ‘Friends except acquaintances’, or ‘Only me’ depending on how restrictive you want to be.

5. Under ‘Who can send you event invites?’, select ‘Friends’ to only allow invites from people you are friends with.

6. You can also select ‘Friends of Friends’ to allow invites from friends of friends. Select ‘Only me’ to disable event invites completely.

7. Click ‘Save Changes’ at the bottom to apply your new privacy settings.

Now only friends will be able to send you event invites going forward. You’ve successfully blocked invites from non-friends.

Additional Ways to Limit Invites

In addition to adjusting your privacy settings, here are some other ways to reduce unwanted event invites on Facebook:

– Unfollow acquaintances and pages that send a lot of invites. Their invites will no longer show up in your News Feed.

– Mark invites as spam when you receive them. This will send feedback to Facebook to show you don’t want these types of invites.

– Turn off notifications for event invites so they don’t bother you. Go to Settings > Notifications and turn off ‘Events from Pages’.

– Adjust News Feed preferences to see less events and invites. Go to News Feed Preferences and drag ‘Events’ left to decrease their prominence.

– Ask friends not to tag you in events unless they know you want an invite. This prevents getting drawn into unwanted invites.

– Decline invites you have no interest in attending. Enough declines may get the sender to stop inviting you.

– Unfollow or unfriend persistent invite senders who won’t take a hint. This is a last resort for dealing with stubborn spammers.

Understanding Facebook’s Privacy Settings

Facebook’s privacy settings allow you to control who can see and interact with different aspects of your profile. Here’s an overview of how the privacy settings work:

– **Public** – Anyone including people off Facebook can see or interact with this information. Use caution sharing public information.

– **Friends** – Your friends on Facebook can see or interact with this information. This is the default for most privacy settings.

– **Friends except acquaintances** – Your friends except acquaintances you don’t know well can see or interact with this information. This provides an extra layer of privacy from lesser-known connections.

– **Only Me** – Only you can see or interact with this information. Use this setting to keep something completely private.

– **Custom** – You can customize specifically who can see or interact with the information such as close friends, family, etc. This allows for more nuanced control.

These privacy options are available for various profile information including posts, photos, videos, events, and more. Take the time to go through each section and choose the appropriate privacy level based on your comfort level. Never share personal or private information publicly.

Key Privacy Settings to Review

Here are some key Facebook privacy settings to review in addition to events:

– News Feed and tag review – Control who can post on your timeline or tag you in posts.

– Photo, video and multimedia privacy – Set rules around who can see and interact with your multimedia.

– Location privacy – Control who can see and interact with your location information.

– Contact and relationship privacy – Manage who can view and interact with your contacts and relationship status.

– Comment and post reaction privacy – Limit who can comment on or react to your posts and photos.

– Review tags people add – Review tags people add before they appear on your timeline.

– Advertising preferences – Manage whether your information is used by Facebook to target ads.

Protecting Your Information on Facebook

Facebook hosts a vast amount of personal information on its billions of users. While this allows for helpful connections and sharing, it also necessitates caution to protect your privacy. Here are some tips for keeping your information safe on Facebook:

– **Limit public information** – Avoid posting private details publicly where anyone can see it. Customize your privacy settings.

– **Be selective with apps** – Don’t connect every app that asks for access to your Facebook data. Review what data apps can access.

– **Use secure passwords** – Create long, complex passwords for your Facebook account to prevent unauthorized access.

– **Enable two-factor authentication** – Add an extra login step like an SMS code to enhance security.

– **Check authorized devices** – Periodically review devices authorized to access your account and remove any unknown or old devices.

– **Watch out for scams** – Don’t fall for phishing emails asking you to login to fake Facebook pages to steal your password.

– **Report suspicious activity** – If you notice your account acting strangely, report it to Facebook right away.

– **Limit old posts** – Use the Activity Log to limit the visibility of old posts that may no longer represent who you are.

– **Delete if deactivated** – If deactivating your account, choose to permanently delete it rather than just deactivate it.

The Benefits of Controlling Your Privacy on Facebook

Here are some of the major benefits of taking charge of your privacy settings on Facebook:

– **Present your best self** – Craft the online image and brand you want through the information you share.

– **Avoid oversharing** – Prevent sharing things you may later regret with broad audiences.

– **Reduce unwanted contact** – Limit unwanted messages, invites, and friend requests from strangers.

– **Minimize stalkers** – Discourage stalking behavior by reducing publicly available personal information.

– **Keep life events private** – Maintain control over announcing major life events on your own terms.

– **Focus your audience** – Engage a focused audience that cares about your updates rather than the general public.

– **Build closer connections** – Share more intimate details more freely with your inner circles.

– **Stay secure** – Reduce risk of identity theft, stalking, embarrassment or other security issues.

– **Future employment** – Keep your online presence professional for future job/college/relationship prospects.

– **Personal well-being** – Avoid excessive attention or toxicity from broad audiences.


Controlling your privacy on Facebook is crucial to managing your online presence. Take the time to go through and customize your privacy settings, paying special attention to events, posts, photos, videos, and location sharing. Limit your public information, selectively share with only your closest circles, and leverage settings like Friends except Acquaintances. Put yourself in control of your Facebook experience by deciding what information you share and with whom. Prioritize your privacy, security, and personal well-being on social media.