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How do I block access to host files?

How do I block access to host files?

Blocking access to host files is an important part of securing your computer and network. The host file functions as a local DNS, allowing you to override IP addresses for certain domains. This can be useful for blocking access to malicious or inappropriate websites. However, modifying the host file requires admin access, so you need to prevent regular users from changing these settings.

Why Block the Hosts File?

There are a few key reasons you may want to block access to the hosts file on your computer or network:

  • Prevent users from bypassing web filters or parental controls by modifying the hosts file
  • Stop malware or adware from changing the hosts file to point to malicious IP addresses
  • Prohibit users from redirecting traffic for certain domains to unwanted sites
  • Maintain a consistent browsing experience across all devices and users

Without the proper permissions in place, any user could edit the hosts file and affect how domain names resolve on that computer. This allows them to bypass security measures and settings you have configured.

Where is the Hosts File Located?

The location of the hosts file depends on your operating system:

  • Windows – C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
  • Mac/Linux – /etc/hosts

This is a standard system file that maps IP addresses to domain names. When you make changes to the hosts file, it overrides the DNS records for those domains.

Editing the Hosts File

You’ll need admin access to modify the hosts file on your computer or network. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Open the file in a text editor like Notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac). You may need admin permissions to edit the file.
  2. Add entries mapping IP addresses to domain names, one per line. For example:
  3. Save the changes to the hosts file.

This will redirect traffic for those domains to the specified IP addresses. For blocking sites, use which points back to your own computer.

Blocking Access to Edit the Hosts File

Here are some ways to block host file access on Windows, Mac, and Linux networks:


  • Use Windows file permissions – Allow only admin accounts Read/Write access
  • Set the file attributes to Read-only for standard users
  • Use Group Policy editor to restrict access to the file
  • Employ endpoint security tools to lock down the file


  • Enable System Integrity Protection to prevent unauthorized changes
  • Restrict access with parental controls for individual users
  • Use chmod in Terminal to make the file read-only for standard users


  • Make the file immutable with chattr +i /etc/hosts
  • Adjust read/write privileges – chmod 600 /etc/hosts
  • Add users to a restricted group that cannot access the file

Other Hosts File Security Tips

In addition to blocking access, here are some other best practices:

  • Use centralized management tools to push host file changes rather than editing locally
  • Monitor the file with auditing tools to detect unauthorized changes
  • Back up the hosts file regularly in case it gets corrupted or modified
  • Enable DNS caching on your network to minimize reliance on the hosts file

When to Allow Access

There are some cases where you may need to allow certain users to edit the hosts file, such as:

  • Network administrators who manage domain blocking
  • Security analysts researching malware
  • Developers testing website functionality

For these users, you can selectively enable hosts file access through file permissions, group policies, etc. Make sure only authorized individuals have access to prevent abuse.

The Risks of an Accessible Hosts File

Allowing standard users to edit the hosts file carries a few key security risks:

  • Circumventing firewall rules, web filters, and parental control settings
  • Redirecting traffic to phishing sites or other malicious domains
  • Displaying intrusive ads through adware modifying host file entries
  • Caching poisoning from incorrect domain-IP mappings
  • General instability from corruption of an important system file

Restricting access helps mitigate these risks in corporate and home environments. Only designated admin accounts should have privileges to modify the hosts file.

Other Ways to Block Websites

If you need to block web access without using the hosts file, consider these alternatives:

  • Firewall rules – Block by IP address or domain
  • Web filters – Allow/deny website categories
  • Proxy server rules – Filter web traffic
  • Endpoint software – Block sites on individual computers
  • Router configuration – Use DNS and URL filters
  • VPNs and cloud firewalls – Enforce web policies for remote users

For personal computers, options like parental control software or router configurations provide flexible website blocking. For managed networks, a layered defense with web filtering, proxies, firewalls, and end user policies helps enforce secure browsing.


The hosts file is a powerful but vulnerable component that can be abused to bypass security measures if accessible by standard users. Blocking write access through file permissions, group policy, and other means is crucial for preventing unauthorized modifications.

Carefully limit hosts file privileges only to network and security admins who need it. Monitor any changes closely via auditing tools. Combine host file lockdown with other website blocking methods like proxies and DNS filtering for defense in depth.

With the proper precautions, the hosts file can be safely leveraged for ad blocking, parental controls, and disrupting malware communication. Just be sure to restrict access to this file to protect your network and users.

Operating System Hosts File Location
Windows C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
Mac/Linux /etc/hosts
Platform Methods to Block Hosts File Access
  • File permissions
  • Read-only attribute
  • Group policy editor
  • Endpoint security tools
  • System Integrity Protection
  • Parental controls
  • chmod command
  • chattr command
  • chmod command
  • User group permissions
Risks of Accessible Hosts File
  • Bypassing filters and parental controls
  • Redirecting traffic to malicious sites
  • Adware inserting intrusive ads
  • DNS cache poisoning
  • Corrupting an important system file
Alternatives to Hosts File Blocking
  • Firewall rules
  • Web filters
  • Proxy servers
  • Endpoint software
  • Router configuration
  • VPN and cloud firewalls