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How do I automatically post to multiple groups on Facebook?

How do I automatically post to multiple groups on Facebook?

Facebook Groups are a great way to connect with different audiences around shared interests. However, managing multiple Groups can be time-consuming, especially when you want to share the same post across all of them. Luckily, there are a few different methods you can use to automatically post the same content to multiple Facebook Groups at once.

Use a Social Media Management Tool

One of the easiest ways to schedule posts across multiple Facebook Groups is by using a social media management platform like Hootsuite, Buffer, or Sprout Social. These tools allow you to connect your Facebook account, join Groups, and then schedule posts out to different Groups at once. You can add the Groups you want to post to into streams or lists and then use the bulk scheduling features to post to all of them simultaneously. This saves you the hassle of posting to each Group individually. Most social media management platforms have free plans for individuals as well as more advanced paid options for businesses and agencies.

Use Facebook’s Native Scheduling

Facebook actually has some built-in scheduling options that allow you to post to multiple Groups as well. When composing a post in Facebook, you can select the Groups you want to post to by clicking “Post in Groups” below your text. This will bring up a list of all the Groups you are a member of so you can choose where you want to share your post. Once you select all the Groups, you can then use the scheduling options to post immediately or pick a future date and time for your post to go live across the selected Groups. This only takes a few clicks and you don’t need any third-party apps.

Connect a Facebook Page

If you have a Facebook Page that is relevant to the Groups you want to post in, you can leverage your Facebook Page to post across multiple Groups more easily. Just connect your Facebook Page to each Group by becoming an admin of the Group from your Page or “Use Facebook as Page” when joining from your profile. Once your Page is an admin in the Groups, you can switch over to the Page and post as normal. The post will go to the Page and all the Groups where your Page is an admin. This option works best if you have a Facebook Page that ties into the interests of the Groups.

Use Automated Rules

Some third-party social media automation tools like Zapier and IFTTT allow you to set up rules to automatically post new content to multiple Facebook Groups. For example, you could create a Zap that takes your latest Instagram post and auto-posts it to specified Facebook Groups each time. Or you can have new blog posts automatically shared to certain Facebook Groups when published on your site. These automated rules save time and ensure your content is always being shared to the right Groups without any manual work.

Post Through RSS

If the Facebook Groups you want to post to use RSS, you may be able to post to multiple Groups at once via RSS feed. Some Groups have an RSS option that allows you to post by submitting an RSS feed URL. You would need to set up an RSS feed with your desired content, then submit the feed URL to the Facebook Groups that support RSS posting. Any time you update your RSS feed, the content will automatically get posted to those Groups. This takes a bit more setup but can help streamline the process after configured.

Use a Facebook Posting Service

Another option is to use a dedicated Facebook posting service that will post to multiple Groups for you automatically. These services will post your content to specific Groups on a schedule for a fee. For example, PostPlanner and FirstPromoter are two services that allow you to specify Facebook Groups and automatically post content to those Groups recurrently. While not free, these services can save a lot of time if you need to frequently post across a large number of Groups.

Follow Group Rules

Whenever you are posting to multiple Facebook Groups, be sure to check the rules of each Group and follow any requirements or restrictions they have. Some Groups limit how often you can post or have content guidelines that must be followed. Make sure your posts are relevant and valuable to each Group audience. Avoid spamming the same post across Groups just for exposure. Bring value to the members with content that aligns with what the Group is about.

Stagger Your Posts

Posting the same content to multiple Groups at the exact same time can sometimes be flagged as spam. To avoid issues, consider staggering your posts so they are not all going live simultaneously. You can space them out over a period of a few hours or days. Just make sure to vary the timing so it appears more natural and less like batch posting across Groups.

Monitor Engagement

Keep an eye on how your posts are performing in each of the Groups you share them in. Check to see if certain Groups have much higher engagement and reaction rates for your content than others. You may find that your content resonates better with some audiences, which can help you determine which Groups are worth focusing your posting efforts on. The more you post, the better sense you will have of how well your content aligns with each Group.


Posting to multiple Facebook Groups is a key part of getting content in front of relevant audiences, but it can be a cumbersome task. Luckily, there are many techniques and tools to help automate sharing your posts across multiple Groups in just a few clicks. Experiment with the options to find which ones make your life easier and fit best with your posting goals.