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How do I authorize my FB account?

How do I authorize my FB account?

Connecting your Facebook account to other apps and services can be useful, but also poses risks if not done carefully. Here are some tips on how to safely authorize your Facebook account when linking it to third-party apps or services:

Understand What Permissions You’re Granting

When you authorize an app or service using Facebook, you will be asked to grant certain permissions that allow that app or service to access your Facebook data. Be sure to pay close attention to exactly what permissions you are granting, as some may be unnecessary for the app/service’s functionality.

Some common Facebook permissions you may see include:

  • Accessing your basic/public profile info
  • Accessing your friend list
  • Posting updates or photos on your behalf
  • Reading your private messages

Only grant permissions that seem necessary for the app/service to work. If a permission seems overly intrusive, look for an alternative app that requires less access.

Example of Unnecessary Permissions

A flashlight app asking for access to your friend list – this would likely be unnecessary and best to avoid granting.

Use Caution with Third-Party Apps

Exercising caution is advisable when authorizing third-party Facebook apps. Only authorize apps from developers you trust. Avoid granting permissions to questionable apps or services offering vague descriptions of required permissions.

Signs an app may be suspicious include:

  • Requests for unnecessary or overly broad permissions
  • Lack of clear purpose or description
  • Poor or nonexistent user reviews
  • Unprofessional design and presentation

When in doubt, do not authorize the app and look for more trustworthy alternatives.

Safe Alternatives

Instead of authorizing every new app you come across, consider using services from established brands and tech companies which are less likely to misuse data.

Review Authorized Apps and Remove Access

It’s advisable to periodically review which apps you’ve authorized to access your Facebook account. You can do this under Settings -> Apps and Websites. This allows you to identify any unfamiliar or unused apps.

For any apps you no longer use, it’s wise to remove their access to your account by clicking “Remove” next to the app listing. This revokes all permissions granted to that app and helps protect your privacy.

Reasons to Remove Access

  • No longer using the app
  • App appears suspicious or unnecessary
  • Changing security preferences

Keeping tabs on authorized apps ensures only current, trusted services retain access to your account.

Enable Login Notifications and Alerts

Facebook provides security notifications that can alert you whenever your account logs in from a new device or browser. Enabling these can help identify any unauthorized access.

To enable Facebook login notifications:

  1. Go to Settings -> Security and Login
  2. Turn on “Get alerts about unrecognized logins”
  3. Turn on “Get alerts when your account logs in from a new device or browser”

With notifications enabled, Facebook will alert you via email, phone notification, or in-app notification whenever your account has an unusual login event.

Benefits of Login Notifications

  • Can identify compromised or hacked accounts
  • Helps you recognize suspicious logins
  • Quickly change your password if account security is at risk

Use Strong Passwords and Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Good password practices are key to account security. Always use strong, unique passwords for your Facebook account and enable two-factor authentication for added protection.

Characteristics of strong passwords include:

  • At least 8 characters in length
  • Mix of uppercase, lowercase, numbers and symbols
  • Completely random without dictionary words
  • Unique for each account

A password manager can help generate and store strong passwords for all your accounts.

With two-factor authentication enabled, logging into your Facebook account will require providing both your password and a unique login code generated through an authenticator app or sent via SMS.

Combined, strong passwords and two-factor make your account far more secure from unauthorized access.

Password Manager Examples

  • LastPass
  • 1Password
  • Dashlane

Monitor Your Login History

Facebook provides a Recent Logins section under Settings -> Security and Login where you can monitor login details such as location, browser, and IP address for your account.

Review this history periodically to identify any logins you do not recognize. Unfamiliar logins from new locations, devices, or IPs may indicate unauthorized access.

If you see suspicious activity in your login history:

  1. Change your password immediately
  2. Enable two-factor authentication if you haven’t already
  3. Check authorized apps and remove any unfamiliar ones

Proactively monitoring your login history allows detecting potential account compromises before harm is done.

What is a suspicious login?

  • Unfamiliar location, browser or device
  • Activity from a foreign IP address
  • Logins at odd hours

Beware Phishing Attempts and Scams

Beware of phishing attempts trying to trick you into providing your Facebook login details. Phishing commonly occurs via:

  • Fake emails pretending to be from Facebook
  • Text messages with suspicious links
  • Fraudulent Facebook login pages

To avoid falling for phishing scams:

  • Check sender email addresses and URLs closely
  • Log into Facebook directly rather than clicking links
  • Don’t provide login details on unfamiliar websites
  • Hover over links to inspect their real destination

Stay vigilant and think twice before providing your Facebook account information.

Facebook Phishing Example

Email claiming your Facebook account will be deactivated unless you click a link and login immediately.

Use Additional Security Options

Facebook provides other useful security settings under Settings -> Security and Login. Consider enabling options such as:

  • Login approvals – require re-authenticating when logging in on new devices
  • Code generator – generate backup codes for two-factor login if you lose your device
  • Trusted contacts – friends who can help if you get locked out of your account

Take time to review all the Facebook security options available. The more security measures enabled, the more barriers in place against unauthorized account access.

Most Important Security Settings

  1. Two-factor authentication
  2. Login approvals
  3. Login notifications


Keeping your Facebook account secure requires ongoing vigilance and good security habits. Enable login alerts, use strong passwords, revoke unused app permissions, and monitor your login history. With proper precautions, you can safely link your Facebook account with other services while minimizing risks.