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How do I ask someone to like my Facebook page?

How do I ask someone to like my Facebook page?

Asking people to like your Facebook page can seem daunting, but it’s an important part of growing your audience on the platform. With some strategic asks and compelling content, you can get more people to like your page. Here are some tips on how to effectively ask someone to like your Facebook page.

Make the Ask Clear and Direct

When asking someone to like your page, be clear and direct about what you’re requesting. Say something like “I’d really appreciate if you could like my Facebook page to help support my business/blog/etc.” You want to avoid being overly salesy or pushy, but do ask directly rather than just hoping they’ll do it on their own. Have a specific call to action so they know exactly what you need them to do.

Offer an Incentive

Consider offering an incentive for liking your page. This could be a discount, free gift, contest entry, exclusive content, etc. For example, “Like my page to be entered into a drawing for a $50 gift card.” Or “Get 10% off your first purchase when you like my Facebook page.” This gives them a concrete reason to take action.

Share Compelling Content

Post content on your page that will interest your target audience. Share valuable information, entertaining videos, useful resources, and more. This will show people the kinds of content they can expect to see if they like your page. Useful, engaging content will also encourage existing fans to share your page with others.

Make the Ask at the Right Time

Consider when you’re making the ask. Asking someone as soon as you connect with them may come across as presumptuous. Build a relationship first by engaging with their content and commenting on their posts. Once you’ve established a connection, then make the ask. Also pay attention to when they’re active on Facebook and ask at a time when they’re most likely to respond.

Personalize the Request

A generic “like my page” request is easy to ignore. Personalize it with the person’s name and let them know specifically why you think they’d benefit from liking your page. “Hi [name], I saw you’re interested in [shared interest]. I think you’d really like the content I post about [topic] on my Facebook page.” This shows you took the time to connect with them as an individual.

Make it Visually Appealing

Include eye-catching images or videos in your ask. For example, create a graphic with text like “Like my page for [incentive]” with relevant photos. Or make a short video personally asking them to like your page. Visual content will get more attention than a text-only ask.

Follow Up After They Like Your Page

Be sure to follow up and thank someone after they’ve liked your page. Consider sending them a coupon code or small token of appreciation. Also let them know about new content you’ve posted that you think they’d specifically be interested in based on their preferences. Following up shows you value their support.

Ask at Strategic Times

There are certain strategic times when asking for likes can be particularly effective. For example, ask when you’re launching a new product, unveiling a rebrand, releasing an event date, or starting a promotion. Milestones like reaching 1,000 likes or your page’s anniversary are also good times. People will be excited to join something new and growing.

Run a “Like My Page” Campaign

Run a focused campaign solely aimed at getting more people to like your page. Set a specific timeframe, such as a week or month. Offer compelling incentives, post frequently, run Facebook ads, and directly ask people to like your page. A campaign creates a sense of urgency and push to gain momentum.

Suggest After Engagement

If someone engages with your content by commenting, sharing, or clicking a link, use it as a soft ask opportunity. Reply thanking them for the engagement and suggest they like your page to see more content like that. People are most receptive to liking your page after already interacting with it.

Partner With Other Pages

See if complementary but non-competing pages will share or tag your page to help gain exposure and likes. Offer to do the same in return. For example, an Instagram fashion account could partner with a beauty page. Leverage each other’s audiences.

Buy Ads Targeting Likers

Run Facebook ads targeted specifically at people who like similar pages to yours. These people are already prone to liking pages in your niche, so targeting your ads at them can be an effective way to get more likes. Offer them an incentive to sweeten the deal.

Make Requests on Multiple Networks

Don’t limit your asks just to Facebook. If you have accounts on other platforms like Instagram or Twitter, cross-promote your Facebook page there as well. Asking across multiple networks casts a wider net for potential new page likers.

Ask Friends and Family First

An easy starting point is asking your own friends and family to like your page and share it with their networks. They’re likely happy to support your endeavor and will help kickstart your audience. Offer to return the favor by liking and sharing their pages and content as well.


Asking people to like your Facebook page takes strategy and finesse. With these tips, you can effectively and politely request page likes while building genuine connections. Remember to personalize asks, offer incentives, post great content, target engaged people, partner with related pages, and leverage other networks. With smart asks and compelling content, you’ll gain loyal page followers.