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How do I appeal removed content on Facebook?

How do I appeal removed content on Facebook?

If you believe Facebook has wrongfully removed content that you posted, you can appeal the decision directly through Facebook. The social media platform has an appeals process that allows users to request another review of content that was taken down for violating Facebook’s Community Standards. Here is an overview of how to appeal removed Facebook content and some tips for getting your content reinstated.

Requirements for Appealing Removed Facebook Content

In order to appeal removed content on Facebook, your account and the post in question must meet the following requirements:

  • Your Facebook account must be in good standing and not currently be restricted or disabled for violations.
  • The content must have been removed by Facebook within the last 30 days.
  • You must have permission to share the specific content that was removed (for example, you own the rights to a photo or video).

As long as your account and the content meet these requirements, you can request a review of Facebook’s decision through the appeals process.

How to Appeal Removed Facebook Content

To appeal removed content on Facebook:

  1. Go to the Help Center on Facebook and search for “appeal removed content.”
  2. Click on the option to appeal content that was removed.
  3. Facebook will show you a history of content that has recently been removed from your account. Select the piece of content you want to appeal.
  4. Choose a reason why you think the content should not have been removed. Options include:
  • I don’t think it goes against Facebook’s Community Standards
  • I have permission to share this content
  • It’s an honest mistake
  • It was removed by mistake
  • Add any details to support your appeal in the text box provided.
  • Click Submit Appeal.
  • Once you submit your appeal, Facebook will send you a notification letting you know it was received. The platform’s review team will take another look at the content you appealed and make a decision.

    What to Include in Your Facebook Appeal

    When submitting an appeal for removed Facebook content, it’s important to provide context and explain why you believe the content should not have been taken down. Here are some tips for writing an effective appeal:

    • Be respectful and polite in your appeal. Angry or aggressive appeals are less likely to be successful.
    • Explain the nature and intent of the content and why you feel it aligns with Facebook’s rules.
    • If the content was removed for harassment or bullying, clarify how it does not target or degrade other users.
    • If you have permission to share copyrighted material, include details about legal rights you have obtained.
    • For sensitive content like nudity or violence, contextualize why the material has educational, newsworthy, or artistic value.
    • Include any other details that can help the reviewer better understand the content and your reasons for sharing it.

    Providing thoughtful, thorough context often helps content appeal reviews. However, keep your appeal focused and factual. Facebook recommends appeals be around 200 words.

    Facebook Review Process for Content Appeals

    Once you submit an appeal, it will enter Facebook’s review process. This involves the following:

    1. An initial screener will check that your appeal meets requirements and includes sufficient information for review.
    2. Your appeal will be assigned to a content reviewer who works on Facebook’s Community Operations team.
    3. The reviewer will take a second look at the removed content, considering the context you provided in your appeal.
    4. They will make a determination to either uphold the removal or reinstate the content.
    5. You will receive a notification from Facebook informing you of the appeal decision.

    Facebook states that the appeals process can take up to 7 days in most cases. More complex appeals may take longer.

    Appeal Review Outcomes

    There are three potential outcomes when Facebook reviews your appeal:

    • Content Reinstated – The appeal reviewer agrees the content should not have been removed. It is restored to Facebook.
    • Removal Upheld – The reviewer determines the initial removal was correct. The content stays removed.
    • Partial Reinstatement – If a piece of content violated rules in part, but not entirely, Facebook may reinstate it after removing only the problematic portions.

    If your appeal is denied and the content stays removed, you will not be able to submit another appeal for that specific piece of content. However, you can appeal the removal of other posts.

    Appealing Account Restrictions or Disabling

    In some cases, having content removed repeatedly can lead Facebook to restrict your account privileges or disable your profile altogether. If your account status has been limited due to content removals, you can also go through the appeals process in an attempt to restore your standing on the platform.

    When your account has been restricted or disabled, you will receive a notification from Facebook explaining the decision. There will be an option to “Request Review” or submit an appeal.

    As part of the appeal process for account status, focus on explaining why you believe the restrictions were unwarranted and address any ongoing issues that led to repeated violations. Provide information showing how you intend to align your future behavior with Facebook’s rules.

    Tips for Avoiding Content Removal

    Having content reinstated on Facebook can be difficult and lengthy. Here are some proactive tips to reduce the likelihood of posts being removed in the first place:

    • Familiarize yourself thoroughly with Facebook’s Community Standards and posting guidelines.
    • If you plan to post controversial or provocative content, have a trusted friend review it first.
    • Avoid posts with profanity, hate speech, threats, nudity or graphic violence.
    • Fact-check information and claims before sharing articles or memes.
    • Obtain proper rights and permissions before posting copyrighted or trademarked material.
    • Add context and clarity to content that could otherwise be misinterpreted.
    • Review Facebook’s feedback on any posts that are removed to prevent repeat issues.

    Keeping your posts within Facebook’s rules can help maintain your account privileges. However, if you do have content mistakenly removed, utilize the appeals process to request reinstatement.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How long does Facebook take to respond to an appeal?

    Facebook aims to respond to appeals within 7 days. However, it may take longer for more complex appeals related to disabled accounts or multiple content issues.

    Can I appeal content removed from Facebook Pages I manage?

    Yes, Page admins can appeal any content removed from a Facebook Page just as you would for a personal profile.

    How often can I appeal removed Facebook content?

    You can submit appeals for any content removed within the last 30 days. There are no limits on how many unique content appeals you can submit during that window.

    Will appealing negatively impact my account?

    Submitting good faith appeals will not negatively impact your account. However, repeated violations of Facebook’s rules that lead to content removal may result in restrictions.

    Can I appeal old content that was removed more than 30 days ago?

    Unfortunately, Facebook only allows appeals on content that was removed within the last 30 days. Older content cannot be retroactively appealed.

    I appealed and it was rejected – what next?

    If your appeal is rejected, that piece of content will remain removed from Facebook. You will not be able to appeal the specific removal again. However, you can appeal the removal of any other posts taken down in the future.


    Getting content reinstated on Facebook after removal can be challenging. But carefully following the platform’s official appeals process provides the best chance. Craft your appeal thoughtfully, offer context about the content, and explain how you intend to follow Facebook’s rules going forward. With persistence and caution to avoid further violations, many users are able to get wrongly removed content restored through appeals.