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How do I appeal my Facebook account to recover?

How do I appeal my Facebook account to recover?

Having your Facebook account disabled can be extremely frustrating. Facebook disables accounts for various reasons, including violating their terms of service or community standards. While it may seem hopeless, there are steps you can take to appeal your disabled account and potentially get it reactivated.

Why Was My Facebook Account Disabled?

The first thing to understand is why your account was disabled in the first place. There are a few main reasons Facebook disables accounts:

  • Violating Facebook’s Terms of Service or Community Standards – This includes things like bullying, hate speech, nudity, harassment, etc.
  • Suspicious or compromised account activity – If Facebook detects suspicious login attempts or hacking activity, they may disable your account for security reasons.
  • Fake name or false information – Facebook requires users to provide their real identities and accurate information and will disable accounts using fake names.
  • Spam or abusive behavior – Repeated spam posting or sending unsolicited messages is grounds for account disabling.
  • Underage users – Facebook requires users to be 13 years old and will disable the accounts of underage users.

Take a close look at Facebook’s Terms of Service and Community Standards to see if any of your past activity could have violated their rules and triggered the disabling. Understanding the reason is key to appealing the decision.

How Do I Appeal The Disabled Account?

If you believe your account was wrongly disabled, you can submit an appeal to Facebook. Here are the steps to take:

  1. Fill out the appeals form – Log into your account and you should see a message about your account being disabled. There will be a “Request Review” button which will open an appeals form.
  2. Provide details – The form will ask you to explain why you think the account was disabled incorrectly and any other details that could help your case.
  3. Upload ID – To confirm your identity, you will need to upload a photo ID such as a driver’s license or passport.
  4. Review Community Standards – Take time to read through Facebook’s standards again to ensure your account activity did not violate any policies.
  5. Wait for a response – Once you submit the form, you will get a confirmation. It can take up to a few days for a response on whether the appeal is accepted.
  6. Request review again – If your appeal is rejected, you can request another review and provide additional details. But repeated rejections means you may need to create a new account.

Here are some tips when submitting your appeal form:

  • Be honest and take responsibility – If you did violate a policy, own up to it and explain why and that you have learned from it.
  • Be polite and respectful – Angry or abusive appeals are less likely to be accepted. Maintain a calm and reasonable tone.
  • Provide context – Give context around the situation that led to the violation, as it can help explain your actions.
  • Suggest alternatives – You may propose an alternative solution like a temporary rather than permanent disabling.

What Happens If My Appeal is Rejected?

If Facebook rejects your appeal, here are some next steps to consider:

  • Request review again – As mentioned, you can request another review with additional details and context. But don’t make excessive appeals as they will likely all get rejected.
  • Create a new account – Once it is clear your old account will not be reactivated, you can create a new Facebook account and start fresh. Be very careful not to repeat any past violations.
  • Use a different email/phone number – When creating your new account, use a different email and phone number not associated with your old disabled account.
  • Follow Facebook policies – Going forward with your new account, be sure to read and understand Facebook’s policies and do your best to comply with them.
  • Avoid past behavior – Take care not to repeat the sort of behavior that got your old account disabled initially.
  • Wait a while – If trying to create a new account soon after your old account was disabled, you may want to wait a few weeks or months. This makes it less likely Facebook will link it to your disabled account.

While getting your old account back may not be possible after repeated rejections, creating a new account will allow you to continue using Facebook going forward.

Preventing Your Account From Getting Disabled Again

Once you are able to recover your account or create a new one, you’ll want to be very diligent to prevent it from getting disabled again. Here are some tips:

  • Familiarize yourself with Facebook’s Terms of Service, Community Standards, and other policies. Know what type of content or behavior can get you into trouble.
  • Be extra careful about what you post and share. If unsure, it’s better to just not post something controversial.
  • Don’t engage in arguments or heated debates that could escalate into policy violations.
  • Adjust your privacy settings to limit who can see your posts and profile information.
  • Be selective in sending friend requests or messages. Mass requests or spamming people can trigger disabling.
  • Report policy violations when you see them but avoid excessive reporting of content you simply dislike.
  • Use an authentic name and your real personal information. Don’t represent yourself as someone else.
  • Add extra login protections like two-factor authentication to prevent account hacking.
  • Don’t buy, sell, or exchange accounts. This violates Facebook’s policies.

Exercise your best judgment, and when in doubt, err on the side of caution. Having your account disabled once puts you at greater risk of it happening again in the future.


Appealing a disabled Facebook account takes effort but is possible in some cases. Understand why it was disabled, politely make your case to Facebook, and provide ID verification. While not guaranteed, this gives you the best shot at recovery. If your appeals are rejected after multiple tries, creating a new account may be your only option. Be very diligent going forward to avoid repeat violations and keep your account in good standing.