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How do I appeal a rejected Facebook ID?

How do I appeal a rejected Facebook ID?

Having a Facebook account rejected or disabled can be frustrating. There are a few key things to know about appealing a rejected Facebook ID.

Why Was My Facebook ID Rejected?

There are a few main reasons Facebook may reject or disable an account:

  • Suspicious activity – If Facebook detects suspicious behavior like spamming or fake accounts, they may disable the account.
  • Violating policies – Accounts can be disabled if they violate Facebook’s Terms of Service or Community Standards.
  • Fake name – Facebook requires users to provide their real names, so fake or misleading names may lead to rejected accounts.
  • Underage users – Facebook requires users to be 13 years old or older, so younger users may have accounts rejected.

When an account is rejected or disabled, Facebook will usually send an email explaining the reason for the rejection. Understanding why the account was rejected in the first place is key to appealing it successfully.

How Do I Appeal a Disabled or Rejected Facebook Account?

If your Facebook account has been disabled or rejected, you can appeal the decision through Facebook’s appeal process. Here are the steps:

  1. Log in to your disabled account. You may see a message explaining why the account was disabled.
  2. Click on the “Appeal Form” button and fill out the form providing any requested info.
  3. Explain clearly why you believe the account was disabled in error. Provide any evidence you have.
  4. Click submit. Facebook will send a confirmation the appeal was received.
  5. Wait for Facebook to review your appeal. This can take up to a few days.
  6. Check your email for a response from Facebook on whether your appeal was approved or denied.

The key is to provide as much clear explanation and evidence as possible in the appeal form. Polite, detailed appeals are more likely to be successful.

What Evidence Can I Provide to Support My Appeal?

Any evidence you can provide to show the account disable or rejection was in error will be helpful. Here are some examples of evidence to include:

  • If you used a fake name by mistake, provide evidence of your real identity like a photo ID.
  • If the account was mistakenly flagged as under 13, provide proof you are over 13.
  • If flagged for suspicious activity, explain all your activity on the account and why it is legitimate.
  • If accused of violating policies, clarify how you were using Facebook appropriately and within guidelines.

The more evidence you can provide the better. Facebook wants to verify you deserve to have the account reinstated and are willing to follow their rules.

What Happens if My Appeal is Rejected?

If Facebook reviews your appeal and rejects it, here are some next steps:

  • Review Facebook’s reason for rejecting the appeal. See if you can address any outstanding concerns.
  • Make sure you followed all the proper steps in submitting your appeal form and provided thorough evidence.
  • You can try filing another appeal with additional evidence a few weeks later.
  • As a last resort, you may need to accept the account rejection and create a new Facebook account following all rules.

Repeated appeal rejections likely mean Facebook finds the evidence unconvincing the account was disabled improperly originally. You may need to move on from the disabled account.

Tips for a Successful Facebook Appeal

To maximize your chances of a successful appeal, keep these tips in mind:

  • Act quickly – File the appeal within a few days of disablement before the account is deleted.
  • Be honest and transparent – Explain genuinely why you believe the account was disabled incorrectly.
  • Provide identity evidence – Copies of photo IDs, birth certificates, etc. can prove who you are.
  • Explain your typical Facebook use – Document how you use your account appropriately.
  • Be patient and persistent – The review may take a few days. You can re-appeal with new evidence.
  • Follow the rules going forward – If your account is reinstated, carefully follow Facebook’s policies.

With a polite, detailed appeal and solid evidence, many accounts can be successfully reinstated after being rejected by Facebook the first time.

Can Someone Else Help Me With My Appeal?

Is it possible to have someone else help you with your Facebook appeal? Here are some options:

  • Facebook Support – You can try contacting Facebook Support directly for assistance with appeals.
  • Legal Representation – A lawyer could potentially help craft your appeal, but legal fees may be costly.
  • Social Media Managers – Some social media experts offer account appeal services, for a fee.
  • Friends and Family – People you know can look over your appeal for advice before you submit.

However, Facebook’s appeal form requires you to provide your name, contact info, and account details. So someone else cannot actually submit the appeal for you. The appeal must come directly from the account holder.

Having support polishing your appeal language and evidence can be beneficial. But the account holder themselves needs to officially file the appeal with their information.

Can a Deleted Facebook Account Be Recovered?

What if your disabled Facebook account was not appealed in time and has now been permanently deleted? Is it still possible to recover it?

Unfortunately, once a Facebook account is fully deleted, it is extremely difficult to recover. Here are some key points on deleted accounts:

  • Accounts disabled for 30 days are usually deleted
  • Facebook removes all data from deleted accounts
  • No appeal process exists for already deleted accounts
  • You cannot reuse the same email or name on a new account
  • Reactivation is nearly impossible for accounts deleted over a year ago

Essentially, a deleted Facebook account and all its data is gone for good. This is why appealing quickly before deletion is so important.

Are There Any Ways a Deleted Account Can be Recovered?

While extremely difficult, some options may exist to recover a deleted Facebook account in special cases:

  • If under 30 days since deletion, account may be restored through Facebook Support.
  • Legal court order could potentially force Facebook to restore an account.
  • Media attention and public pressure has in some rare cases led to account reinstatement.

However, these are long shots. Once an account is permanently deleted by Facebook, consider it gone for good in nearly all cases.


Having a Facebook account rejected or disabled can be a frustrating experience. But by understanding the reasons accounts get rejected and going through the proper appeal process, many accounts can be successfully reinstated. Provide clear explanations and evidence supporting your case, and remain persistent yet polite. With some patience and diligence, your account access may be restored. Just be sure to closely follow Facebook’s rules once your account is active again.