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How do I appeal a Facebook page name change?

How do I appeal a Facebook page name change?

Having the right name for your Facebook page is crucial for building your brand and connecting with your target audience. If Facebook has changed your page name against your will, you have the right to appeal the name change and try to get your original name back.

Why Would Facebook Change My Page Name?

Facebook may change a page’s name if they determine it violates their Community Standards or Page Naming Policies. Some common reasons Facebook may change a page name include:

  • The name impersonates or falsely represents a brand, organization, public figure, etc.
  • The name contains offensive, abusive, harassing, or hateful language.
  • The name contains profanity or sexual references.
  • The name makes false or misleading claims like “official page” without authorization.
  • The name violates someone’s intellectual property rights like trademark or copyright.

If you believe Facebook changed your page name incorrectly, you have the right to appeal the name change and request your original name be reinstated.

How Do I Appeal a Facebook Page Name Change?

To appeal a Facebook page name change:

  1. Go to your page and click “Edit Page Info” in the top right corner.
  2. Click on the current page name.
  3. Select “Change Page Name”.
  4. Enter your desired page name.
  5. If your desired name is rejected, click “Appeal Rejection”.
  6. Select the option “My Page Name Was Changed Without My Consent”.
  7. Explain why you feel the name change was incorrect.
  8. Click “Request Review”.

Facebook reviewers will then assess your appeal and make a final decision on whether your original page name can be reinstated.

What Information Should I Include in My Appeal?

To increase your chances of a successful appeal, provide as much detail as possible on why the name change was unwarranted. Here are some tips:

  • Explain the history and meaning behind your original page name.
  • Note how long you had the original name without issue.
  • Describe the impact the name change has had on your brand, community, events, etc.
  • Provide evidence your name does not violate Facebook’s policies if applicable.
  • Emphasize how the name change hurts your audience and community.

The more context you can give to demonstrate the name change was incorrect, the better. Help Facebook understand why reinstating your original name is the right decision.

What if My Appeal is Rejected?

If your initial appeal request is rejected, here are some next steps to consider:

  • Review Facebook’s rejection reason carefully. Determine if you can modify your desired name to comply with their policies.
  • Reply to the rejection email with additional context and explanation of why you feel the name should be reinstated.
  • Check if someone else has created a page with your original name. You may need to report their page for impersonation.
  • Contact Facebook support via live chat or social media and explain your situation. Escalating the issue may help.
  • Submit a new appeal request and emphasize how the name change damages your business or community.
  • As a last resort, consider changing your page name to something new that aligns with Facebook’s policies.

With persistence and valid reasoning, many page name appeals are eventually successful. Keep trying to work with Facebook support to resolve your issue.

Best Practices for Avoiding Unexpected Page Name Changes

Here are some tips to reduce the likelihood Facebook will change your page name unexpectedly:

  • Choose a name that clearly represents your business, brand, organization, etc.
  • Avoid keyword stuffing or repetitive names like “Best Best Coffee Shop”.
  • Don’t include profanity, hate speech, or sexual references in the name.
  • Don’t use false claims like “official” or “verified” without authorization.
  • Check for trademarks or existing businesses with the same name.
  • Consider adding your location or niche to make the name unique.
  • Review Facebook’s Page Naming Policies to ensure compliance.
  • If your name includes branding, ensure you have the rights to use it.

Taking time to choose a compliant, unique name from the start will prevent headaches down the road. But if Facebook does unexpectedly change your established page name, you have the right to appeal and get it changed back.


Having your Facebook page name changed unexpectedly can disrupt brand recognition and your audience connection. But understanding the appeal process and providing Facebook with context on why the name change was incorrect can help get your original name reinstated.

With a relevant, thoughtful appeal emphasizing your history and community impact, most name changes can be successfully overturned. By choosing a compliant name and proactively working with Facebook support, you can reduce the risk of losing your ideal page name.

Hopefully this article has provided the key steps and strategies to successfully appeal a Facebook page name you did not consent to. Let me know if you have any other questions!