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How do I allow more than 5000 friends on Facebook?

How do I allow more than 5000 friends on Facebook?

Having a large friends list on Facebook used to be a badge of honor, a sign of popularity and influence. However, in 2009 Facebook instituted a 5000 friend limit for user profiles, capping the maximum number of connections for any one account. This change was made due to performance issues with profiles that had massive friends lists, but it left power users frustrated and searching for workarounds.

Why does Facebook limit friends to 5000?

Prior to the 5000 friend limit being put in place, some users had friend lists that exceeded 10,000 or even 50,000 friends. Pages for businesses and organizations could have unlimited friends, but private user profiles were capped at 5000. So why did Facebook decide to set this limit?

There were a few reasons behind the 5000 friend limit:

  • Performance issues – Profiles with huge friends lists caused slowdowns and crashes, especially when loading the homepage feed.
  • Spam risks – Accounts with inflated friends counts were often spammers or bots trying to appear more popular.
  • Data limits – Facebook’s databases simply couldn’t efficiently handle storing connections beyond 5000 friends for every user.

Essentially, the 5000 limit was put in place to maintain site performance and combat spam. Very few regular users actually need more than 5000 friends, so it was an acceptable trade-off.

How does Facebook enforce the 5000 friend limit?

Facebook employs a couple methods to restrict users to 5000 friends or less:

  • Hard cap – Once you reach 5000 friends, you can’t add any more connections. Attempting to accept a new friend request will result in an error message.
  • “Confirm” limit – As you approach 5000 friends, you have to manually confirm each new friend request before the connection is made. This slows the process of adding friends near the limit.

These mechanisms prevent users from exceeding the allowed amount through normal friending methods. However, as we’ll explore next, there are still certain workarounds that can be used to bypass the 5000 friend restriction.

Workarounds to get more than 5000 Facebook friends

While most users will never get close to hitting the 5000 friend ceiling, those determined to push past it do have some options. Here are a few of the known workarounds and exploits:

Merge multiple accounts

One legitimate method is to maintain two separate Facebook accounts, each with 5000 friends, and then merge them together into a single profile. Facebook allows account merges, so in theory you could combine lists up to 10,000 friends this way. However, Facebook may flag very large merged profiles for review.

Friend finding groups

Joining dedicated friend hunting groups and mass-friending the other members is a tactic used by some to quickly accrue Facebook friends. By cycling through friend finding groups you can easily amass friend requests. However, this method could get accounts flagged or banned for spam-like behavior.

Automation tools

Apps and bots exist that automate the process of sending and accepting friend requests. These violate Facebook’s terms of service and may get accounts suspended, but they can successfully skirt the limit. Most automation tools are designed for growing pages or sales funnels though, not user profiles.

Developer workarounds

Exploiting loopholes in Facebook’s API and edge cases in the friending system has allowed developers to sneak past the cap. One technique uses rejected friend requests to stretch past 5000. But these tricks are fragile and often get fixed by Facebook engineers.

Fake profiles

In the past some users manufactured massive numbers of fake profiles, using them to mass-friend their main account. This is highly prohibited now, and Facebook’s security systems are much better at detecting fake accounts.

Why you probably don’t need more than 5000 Facebook friends

While it may be tempting to view a huge friends list as an ego boost or bragging right, the practical benefits of exceeding 5000 Facebook friends are minimal for most users. Here are a few realities to consider:

  • You’ll never interact with most of the friends past 5000. Closer connections are more meaningful.
  • More friends means a less relevant, cluttered feed with posts you don’t care about.
  • Mass friending raids or automation tools may get your account suspended.
  • Facebook limits news feed distribution and friend interactions past 5000 anyway.

For personal accounts, the smart approach is to be selective and focus on connecting with people you actually know and engage with regularly. Interacting with all 10,000+ friends just isn’t realistic.

Limits for Facebook Groups and Pages

In contrast to personal profiles, Facebook does allow much higher limits for Groups and Pages. Here are the current restrictions:

Account Type Max Friends/Followers
Personal Profile 5,000
Group No limit
Page No limit

As you can see, only personal profiles have a cap on connections. Groups and Pages can accumulate unlimited followers and members. So if you need to reach a large audience on Facebook, a Group or Page is a better approach than trying to expand your personal friends list.


The 5000 Facebook friend limit is imposed to optimize performance and curb spammy behavior. While a handful of workarounds exist, most regular users will never need more than 5000 friends. Focusing on connecting with those you genuinely interact with, rather than chasing friend counts, leads to a better social media experience overall.