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How do I allow a page to join a group on Facebook?

How do I allow a page to join a group on Facebook?

Facebook Groups allow users to connect with others who share similar interests and engage in discussions on various topics. Group admins can choose to make their groups public, closed or secret. Public groups are open for anyone to see and join. Closed groups require admin approval for users to join. Secret groups are invisible to non-members.

In addition to individual users, Facebook Pages can also become members of groups. Allowing a Page to join your group can help expand its reach and allow admins to post updates through the Page. Here are the steps to allow a Page to join a Facebook Group:

Check Group Settings

The first step is to check your group’s settings to see if Pages are allowed to join. As the admin:

  1. Go to your group and click “Settings” at the top
  2. Select the “Membership” tab
  3. Look for the setting “Who can join this group?” If it is set to “Anyone” then Pages are automatically allowed to join as members. If set to “People You Approve,” you will need to manually approve Page join requests.

Have the Page Submit a Request

Once you confirm Pages can join, have the Page submit a request:

  1. Go to the Facebook Group as the Page you want to join
  2. Click the “+” Join Group button
  3. Click “Join as Page” and select the Page name
  4. The Page will now submit a request to join the group that needs to be approved by an admin

Approve the Request

As the admin:

  1. You will receive a notification that the Page submitted a request to join
  2. Go to the group’s “Membership Requests” section
  3. Approve the request from the Page to add them as a member

Once approved, the Page will appear as a member of the group. The name will include a (Page) designation so it’s clear it is a Facebook Page versus an individual profile.

Allow the Page to Post & Comment

By default, new members including Pages are limited in their posting abilities:

  • They can only post text updates, no photos/videos
  • Their posts need admin approval
  • They cannot comment on posts

As the admin, you can update the Page’s individual privileges to allow posting and commenting:

  1. Go to the group’s “Members” section
  2. Select the Page member
  3. Click “Edit Member Privileges”
  4. Enable posting and commenting abilities

This will allow the Page to actively participate in discussions like regular members.

Activity Options for Pages

WhenPages join groups as members, there are a couple options for how their activity will display:

Posting as the Page

By default, when the Page makes a post in the group, it will show as shared by the Page name with a note that it’s “posted as the Page.” This allows group members to easily identify updates coming officially from the Page.

Posting as the Page Admin

Group admins have the ability to enable the “Post in the group as yourself” option for Pages. This will make any posts from the Page display as shared by the admin who manages the Page rather than the Page name.

This can create more seamless integration with discussions between individual members and the Page in the group.

Leaving the Group

If at any point you want the Page to leave the group, go to the Members section as admin and remove them like any other member.

The Page can also choose to voluntarily leave the group at any time from their end.

Best Practices for Pages in Groups

Here are some tips to keep in mind when allowing Pages into Facebook Groups:

  • Announce that a Page has joined to provide context to members
  • Encourage the Page to introduce themselves in an initial post
  • Designate admins to monitor the Page’s engagement
  • Set clear rules for any promotional posting from the Page
  • Engage the Page in discussions when appropriate to integrate them into the group

Bringing Pages into your Facebook Group can extend its reach and allow direct connections with brands, organizations, influencers, and other entities. With proper integration and monitoring, it can be a mutually beneficial way to grow audience engagement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can any Facebook Page join a group?

Group admins have control over whether Pages can join. If set to “Anyone” under the membership settings, any Page can request to join. Approval is still required in closed and secret groups.

Do Pages count toward a group’s member limit?

Yes, Pages do count as members and will take up a spot that counts toward the group’s limit.

Can Pages create posts with images and videos?

Initially Pages have limited posting abilities, but group admins can customize their individual privileges to allow photo/video posts.

What if a Page is already a member of the group?

If a Page joined your group before these options were available, you may need to remove them and have the Page rejoin to access the proper joining workflows.

Can Pages invite others to the group?

No, only group admins and moderators can send invites to the group. Pages cannot invite their followers even if allowed to post.

Will a Page see the full membership list?

No, like any member, Pages can only see limited information about other members and the group itself based on visibility settings.


Allowing Facebook Pages to join your Groups opens up new opportunities for engagement. With proper integration and activity monitoring, having an official Page presence can benefit both group members and the Page. Adjust settings carefully, communicate with members, and leverage the Pages’ following to take your Group interaction to the next level.

Step Action
1 Check group settings to confirm Pages can join
2 Have the Page submit a join request
3 Approve the Page’s request as an admin
4 Customize posting and commenting privileges
5 Monitor the Page’s activity and engagement