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How do I add to favorites?

How do I add to favorites?

Adding items to your favorites is a great way to easily access and keep track of content you want to view again later. Favoriting functionality allows you to bookmark pages, videos, products, and more with just a click. Here are some quick answers to common questions about adding favorites:

What can I favorite?

You can favorite a wide variety of content across different platforms and apps. Some common things you can favorite include:

  • Webpages
  • Videos on YouTube or other streaming platforms
  • Products on online shopping sites
  • Recipes on food sites and apps
  • Playlists on music streaming services
  • Posts and profiles on social media

Essentially, if there is a heart icon, star icon, or “Add to Favorites” button, you can likely favorite that content to save it for later.

How do I favorite something?

The exact steps to favorite something can vary slightly depending on the platform, but the process is generally very straightforward:

  1. Navigate to the page, video, product, etc. that you want to favorite.
  2. Look for the “Favorite” icon – this is usually shaped as a heart, star, bookmark, or the words “Add to Favorites.”
  3. Click on the icon to favorite the item. The icon will change color or otherwise indicate that the item has been added to your favorites.

On many platforms, you can also favorite something by tapping and holding on mobile or right-clicking on desktop and selecting “Add to Favorites” from the menu.

Where can I access my favorites?

Once you’ve favorited some items, where do you go to find them again later? The Favorites section is usually available right in the platform or app itself.

For example:

  • Websites – Look for a Favorites tab or menu item in your browser
  • YouTube – Access favorited videos from your account menu under “Liked videos”
  • Amazon – Go to Lists > Favorites in Your Account
  • Goodreads – View favorited books under My Books > Favorites
  • Instagram – Tap the heart icon to see posts you’ve liked
  • Spotify – Navigate to Your Library > Songs > Liked Songs

Your favorites are tied to your account, so you can access them across devices by logging into your account on any platform.

Can other people see my favorites?

Whether your favorites are publicly visible or private depends on the platform:

Platform Favorites Visibility
YouTube Public
Goodreads Public
Instagram Followers
Spotify Private

On most social platforms like Instagram and Goodreads, favoriting is designed to share your tastes and recommendations with your followers or friends. On sites like YouTube and streaming services, your favorites are usually just for your own private tracking.

How do I remove something from favorites?

Just like adding to favorites, removing something is very straightforward:

  1. Navigate to the favorited item.
  2. Locate the favoriting icon again.
  3. Click or tap to unfavorite the item.

The icon will revert to its original appearance to show that the item is no longer in your favorites. On some platforms, you can also manage your favorites by going to your Favorites list or section and deleting items there.

What are favorites good for?

Favoriting items has a number of useful applications:

  • Save for later – Flag content like articles, videos, and products to check out again when you have more time.
  • Tracking favorites – Keep count of your favorite songs, movies, books, and more.
  • Recommendations – Share favorites socially as recommendations to your friends and followers.
  • Shopping research – Keep track of products you’re considering purchasing.
  • Quick access – Have your most-used items and content just a click away.

Essentially, favorites provide an easy way to organize, share, and quickly access content tailored to your specific interests.

Tips for managing favorites

Here are some tips to keep your favorites organized and useful:

  • Use favorites liberally – don’t be afraid to favorite many items to experiment.
  • Unlike songs or videos you may not listen to or watch again, unfavorite items you don’t need quick access to anymore.
  • Review your favorites regularly and clean up old unused favorites.
  • Use favorites as a bookmarking system for items you want to revisit or follow up on.
  • Make use of the sorting and playlist options available in your favorites sections.
  • Flag especially important favorites or favorites lists so they stand out.

Other favorite features

Depending on the app or platform, here are some other useful favorite features you may have access to:

  • Favorites playlists – Automatically generated playlists of your favorited songs, videos, etc.
  • One-click favoriting – Favorite something with a single click or tap.
  • bulk – Favorite or unfavorite multiple items at once.
  • Syncing – Favorites sync across your devices so they are up to date everywhere.
  • Sharing – Share favorites or favorites lists with friends and followers.
  • Hashtags – Hashtag favorites to organize them into sub-topics.

Look out for these types of extra features to take your favoriting experience to the next level.


Favoriting is a simple yet powerful organizing feature available across many apps and services. With just a click, you can bookmark valuable content and save yourself endless scrolling later. Take full advantage of favorites to track your interests, share recommendations, research purchases, and boost your productivity.