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How do I add myself back as an admin on a Facebook page?

How do I add myself back as an admin on a Facebook page?

Quick Answer

If you have been removed as an admin from a Facebook page you manage, there are a few options to try to regain admin access:

  • Ask the current admins to add you back as an admin. This is the easiest option if you are on good terms with the other admins.
  • Submit an appeal to Facebook. If you originally created the page or are the primary admin, you can fill out a request form asking Facebook to give you back admin rights.
  • Report the page for inappropriate content. This will trigger a review by Facebook that may result in the page being unpublished and you regaining access.

Regaining access to a Facebook page you once managed can be difficult if other admins have removed you. Being polite but firm in your requests and appealing directly to Facebook may be your best path to get your admin status back.

What to Do If You’ve Been Removed as a Facebook Page Admin

Getting unexpectedly removed as an admin from a Facebook page can be frustrating and confusing. Here are some steps to take if this happens to you:

Contact the Other Admins

The easiest solution is to directly message the other page admins and politely ask them to add you back as an admin. Explain that you helped build the page and still wish to assist with managing it. If it was a mistake or there was a misunderstanding, this may resolve the issue. Remain calm and professional in your request.

Use Facebook’s Appeal Process

If contacting the other admins fails or is not possible, you can appeal directly to Facebook to regain your admin status. Facebook has a form just for these requests.

To submit the form:

  1. Go to the Facebook Help Center
  2. Search for “Regain Access to a Page”
  3. Fill out the Page Access Request form

In the form, you’ll need to provide info that proves you were an admin of the page previously. This can include screenshots, emails, or details of admin-only actions you did.

Report the Page for Violating Policies

If all else fails, you can report the page for inappropriate content or violation of Facebook’s policies. Repeated policy violations can result in Facebook unpublishing the page.

If the page gets unpublished, this will remove all current admins. As the original creator, you can then request Facebook reinstate the page and add you back as the sole admin.

However, keep in mind this option essentially resets the entire page and its followers. So only use it as a last resort.

Prevent Losing Admin Access in the Future

Once you regain admin access to your Facebook page, take steps to prevent this from happening again:

  • Remove any current admins you don’t fully trust.
  • Be selective when adding new admins. Don’t assign the role unless completely necessary.
  • Use Facebook’s two-factor authentication for extra security on your account.
  • Frequently back up any important page assets like images and videos.

Losing your role as a page admin can be incredibly disruptive. Being cautious with whom you invite to manage your page can help avoid these issues down the road.

Appealing to Facebook as Page Creator

If you originally created the Facebook page, you have extra appeal options to regain admin access:

Provide Creation Details

When submitting the Page Access Request form, provide as much detail as possible about creating the page including:

  • Exact creation date and time
  • Names of any other initial admins you added
  • Screenshots showing you creating the page
  • The name and contact email used when creating the page

Any concrete details that prove your creator status will help Facebook properly investigate the issue.

Ask Facebook to Review Admin Change History

Facebook keeps a record of when page admin changes are made. If your admin removal was recent, politely ask Facebook to review the page’s admin history during the timeframe when you got removed.

Point out you were the original creator and did not willingly remove yourself. Ask them to restore your access based on their internal change record.

Emphasize How You Managed and Grew the Page

As page creator, highlight all your past efforts managing, posting, and growing the page audience. Note any big milestones you hit or growth achieved under your leadership.

This further validates why Facebook should restore your admin access despite the other current admins. Politely emphasize how critical your role has been to the page’s success.

Other Options to Regain Admin Access

If going through Facebook’s official appeal process fails, you may consider:

Contact Previous Admins

If any of the original admins you added still have access, message them asking for help. They may be sympathetic and willing to add you back as an admin.

Message the Page Followers

Post from your personal account directly to your page’s followers explaining the situation and asking their support in getting your admin access back.

Report the Page for Intellectual Property Violations

If you own the brand or business represented by the page, you can report the page for intellectual property violations. Provide proof of ownership through trademarks, business registrations, etc.

However, this will also likely result in the full page being unpublished if your report is successful. So only use as a last option.

Create a New Replacement Page

As a final option, you can create a new page representing the same business or organization. Share the new page and situation broadly, asking followers to migrate and like the new one you created.

This can help regain control of the community, although it still results in essentially starting the page over from scratch.


Losing admin access to a Facebook page can certainly be troubling and seem unjust. However, politely yet firmly going through Facebook’s proper appeals process is typically the best way to get your admin status back, especially if you were the original page creator. Provide as much supporting detail as possible to validate why Facebook should restore your admin rights. With patience and persistence, you hopefully can regain access to a page that you poured effort into building up and managing for your community.