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How do I add my Twitter feed to my Facebook page?

How do I add my Twitter feed to my Facebook page?

Adding your Twitter feed to your Facebook page is a great way to showcase your Tweets to your Facebook followers. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to connect your Twitter account and display your Twitter feed on your Facebook page.

Why Add Twitter to Facebook

There are a few key reasons why you may want to add your Twitter feed to your Facebook page:

  • Increase engagement – Allowing your Facebook fans to also see your Tweets makes it easier for them to engage with all of your content in one place.
  • Expand reach – You can expose your Twitter content to your Facebook followers, helping expand the reach of your Tweets.
  • Save time – Posting your Tweets on Facebook as well avoids you having to post duplicate content on both platforms.
  • Cross-promote – Adding Twitter to Facebook also helps cross-promote your Twitter account to your Facebook followers.

How to Add Twitter Feed to Facebook

You can connect your Twitter account to your Facebook Page in just a few simple steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook Page and click on the “Settings” link at the top. This will open the General Settings of your Page.
  2. Click on the “Facebook Page Settings” link in the left sidebar.
  3. Click on the “Page Visibility” tab.
  4. Under the “Connect Your Page To Twitter” section, click on the “Connect Page” button.
  5. You will be prompted to log into your Twitter account and give Facebook permission to access your Twitter profile and Tweets.
  6. Once connected, a preview of your Twitter feed will appear on the right side.
  7. Click on the drop down menu to choose how many Tweets you want to display on your Facebook page.
  8. Click “Done” and your Twitter feed will now show on your Facebook page!

Once enabled, your Twitter posts will automatically also be posted to your connected Facebook Page. You can edit the settings at any time to adjust how your Twitter feed displays on Facebook.

Display Options

When you connect your Twitter account to Facebook, you have several different options for how to display your Twitter feed:

  • Timeline Tab – Your Tweets display on a dedicated Twitter Timeline tab on your Facebook page
  • Auto-Post – New Tweets will auto-post to the timeline on your Facebook page
  • Page Highlights – Rotating Tweets highlighted in a box at the top of your page

Most Pages choose a combination of the Timeline tab along with either Auto-Post or Highlights. The Timeline tab provides the full Twitter feed, while the other options showcase Tweets more prominently.

Customizing Your Twitter Feed Display

When you first connect your accounts, your Facebook Page will automatically pull in your 5 most recent Tweets into the Highlights box and Timeline tab. You can customize exactly how your Twitter feed looks and behaves on your Facebook Page.

Here are the settings you can tweak:

  • Number of Tweets – Choose up to 10 Tweets to show in Highlights and up to 50 in the Timeline tab.
  • Tweet content – Select if you want Tweets to include photos, videos, and expanded links.
  • Timeline tab name – Customize the name of the Timeline tab (default is Twitter).
  • Auto-posting – Turn on/off auto-posting of new Tweets to your timeline.

Take some time to play around with these settings to get your Twitter feed looking exactly how you want it on your Facebook Page.

Twitter Feed Best Practices

Now that you’ve added your Twitter feed to your Facebook Page, here are some best practices to help maximize the benefits:

  • Cross-promote your connected accounts in your bios and invite people to follow on both platforms.
  • Make sure you share a good mix of content across both accounts.
  • Consider tweeting more pictures and videos since they stand out in the Facebook feed.
  • Watch your Facebook analytics to see how your Twitter posts perform compared to native Facebook content.
  • Always ensure both accounts remain active and updated consistently.

Troubleshooting Twitter Integration

In most cases connecting your Twitter to Facebook is quick and easy with no issues. But here are some troubleshooting tips just in case:

  • If the connection isn’t working, log out and log back into both your Twitter and Facebook accounts.
  • Double check that your Facebook page username/ID matches your connected Twitter account.
  • Try to reauthorize the integration by removing the app and starting again.
  • Make sure your Twitter account is public not private in your settings.
  • Clear cookies and cache in your browser and try again.

If the issue persists, you may need to reach out to Facebook or Twitter directly for additional help and support.

Disconnect Twitter from Facebook

If at any point you want to remove the connection between your Twitter and Facebook accounts, it’s easy to disconnect them:

  1. Go to your Facebook Page Settings > Page Visibility
  2. Under the Connect Your Page To Twitter section, click on the “Edit Settings” button
  3. Click on the “Remove” button
  4. On the prompt, click “Permanently remove this integration”

This will immediately disconnect your Twitter feed from posting to your Facebook page. It will not delete any past Twitter posts that have already been cross-posted.


Adding your Twitter feed to your Facebook page is a simple yet powerful way to enhance your social media presence. Connecting the two accounts allows you to maximize your reach while saving time managing content.

Just follow the step-by-step instructions to authorize the integration. Customize your feed display settings to control how your Twitter content shows up on Facebook. Keep both accounts consistently maintained with great content your audience will appreciate.

Connecting your Twitter and Facebook accounts helps present a more unified and engaging experience for your followers across multiple platforms. So give it a try and watch as your social media grows.

Step Action
1 Go to Facebook Page Settings
2 Click “Connect Your Page to Twitter”
3 Log into Twitter account
4 Authorize Facebook to access Twitter
5 Choose Twitter feed display options
6 Customize Twitter feed settings
7 Twitter feed will display on Facebook page

Connecting your Twitter and Facebook accounts provides a wide range of benefits for your social media presence and makes engaging with your content easier for your audience. Be sure to customize the integration settings to optimize how your Twitter feed displays on Facebook. Maintain active posting on both platforms and promote your connected accounts to maximize reach. The easy setup process makes it simple to expand your social media ecosystem.

Adding your Twitter feed to Facebook is an impactful integration that helps unify your social media presence. So connect your accounts today and watch your online engagement grow.

Benefits of Connecting Twitter and Facebook

Integrating your Twitter feed with your Facebook page provides many advantages that can significantly boost your social media impact. Here are some of the top benefits:

  • Increased engagement – Fans can easily interact with all of your content in one place.
  • Expanded reach – Exposing your Tweets to more people with the Facebook audience.
  • Saved time – Avoid duplicating posts across both platforms.
  • Unified presence – Bringing accounts together provides a more cohesive experience.
  • Cross-promotion – Helps promote your Twitter profile to Facebook followers.

Overall, connecting the two platforms allows you to maximize your audience and engagement with less effort spent on managing multiple accounts. Your followers get a more seamless social media experience.

Tips for Customizing Your Twitter Feed

When integrating your Twitter with Facebook, it’s important to tailor your feed display to optimize it for the Facebook audience. Here are some customization tips:

  • Select 5-10 top Tweets to showcase in the Highlights box.
  • Use a Facebook-optimized header for the Timeline tab.
  • Enable Tweet options like images and videos which perform well.
  • Schedule more visual posts like photos on Twitter.
  • Find the right balance of Twitter vs native Facebook content.

Take the time to test different settings and placements to determine the ideal Twitter feed customization for your Facebook Page. The goal is to make it engaging yet non-disruptive to your core Facebook content.

Troubleshooting Twitter Connection Issues

If your Twitter feed isn’t displaying properly on Facebook, here are some troubleshooting steps you can take:

  • Reauthorize the integration by removing and re-adding it.
  • Log out and back into both your Facebook and Twitter accounts.
  • Verify your accounts are using matching usernames or IDs.
  • Check Twitter feed settings are configured correctly.
  • Ensure your Twitter account is public, not private.

In most cases, connectivity issues can be resolved by simply re-linking the accounts. But if problems persist, you may need to reach out to Facebook or Twitter support for additional help.

Integrating your Twitter presence into your Facebook page is a highly effective social media strategy. Properly connecting and customizing your Twitter feed helps create a more cohesive experience for your audience. Maximize your impact on both platforms by bringing them together.

Adding your Twitter feed directly on your Facebook page makes engaging with your audience seamless across multiple platforms. Choose the right display options and settings to optimize your Twitter content for Facebook. Maintain active posting on each integrated account to increase reach. Drawing everything together creates a unified social media ecosystem that amplifies your voice.

Linking Twitter with Facebook provides immense value for your social strategy. So integrate your accounts today to boost your presence and connections.