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How do I add icons to my Amazon Fire?

How do I add icons to my Amazon Fire?

Adding icons to your Amazon Fire allows you to quickly access your favorite apps from the home screen. It’s a simple process that can be done in just a few steps. In this article, we’ll walk through how to add, rearrange, and remove icons on the Amazon Fire.

Benefits of Adding Icons

Some key benefits of adding icons include:

  • Quick access to frequently used apps
  • Customize your home screen
  • Organize apps logically

With just a tap, you can open an app instead of having to search through menus. You can also arrange icons in a way that makes sense for how you use your Fire.

How to Add an Icon to the Home Screen

Adding an icon to your Amazon Fire home screen is easy. Just follow these steps:

  1. Open the Apps menu by swiping up from the bottom of the home screen.
  2. Locate the app you want to add to the home screen.
  3. Long press the app icon.
  4. Select “Add to Home” from the pop-up menu.
  5. The app icon will now appear on your home screen.

And that’s it! The app icon will now be accessible right from your home screen.

Tips for Adding Icons

  • You can add the same app more than once if you want quick access from multiple home screen panels.
  • Focus on adding the apps you use most often.
  • Group related apps together on the home screen.

Adding your most-used apps and arranging them logically will allow you to utilize your Fire most efficiently.

How to Rearrange Icons

If you want to rearrange icons after adding them, it just takes a couple extra steps:

  1. Long press the icon you want to move until it lifts up.
  2. Without lifting your finger, drag the icon to the spot where you want it.
  3. Lift your finger after dragging to the new location.

The icons on the home screen will shift accordingly based on where you dragged the icon.

Tips for Rearranging Icons

  • Put the most used icons near the top left for easy access.
  • Group icons according to function or frequency of use.
  • Leave some open space between groups of apps for quick visual organization.

Take some time to customize the layout in a way that works best for how you personally use your Fire.

How to Remove Icons

Removing icons from your Amazon Fire home screen is just as easy as adding them. Here are the steps:

  1. Press and hold the icon you want to remove.
  2. Drag the icon up to the top of the screen where it says “Remove”.
  3. After lifting your finger, the icon will disappear from the home screen.

And now that unwanted icon is gone! Use this whenever you want to declutter your home screen.

Tips for Removing Icons

  • Get rid of apps you no longer use to maintain an organized home screen.
  • Remove duplicate icons for the same app.
  • Eliminate icons for apps still available in your Apps menu.

Focus on keeping only your most used apps or recent downloads on the home page. The rest can stay tucked away in the Apps menu.

Customizing Your Fire Home Screen

Your Amazon Fire home screen is highly customizable. Here are some key ways to make it your own:

Customization How to Do It
Add apps Long press on apps in the Apps menu and select “Add to Home”
Rearrange icons Long press and drag icons to desired locations
Remove icons Drag unwanted icons to the top of the screen and select “Remove”
Use multiple home screens Swipe left or right to add more home screens for icons
Change wallpaper Go to Settings > Display > Home screen wallpaper

With these simple tips, you can customize your Fire to be as functional and aesthetically pleasing as you like. Add the apps you love, organize icons in a logical way, and make it visually appeal with wallpaper.

Troubleshooting Icon Issues

If you’re having trouble adding, rearranging, or removing icons on your Amazon Fire, here are some troubleshooting tips:

Icon Won’t Add to Home Screen

  • Make sure you long pressed the icon in the Apps menu until the pop-up menu appeared.
  • The home screen may be full. Try swiping to a new home screen panel first.
  • Check that the app is not already on the home screen. Apps can only appear once.

Can’t Rearrange Icons

  • Make sure you long pressed the icon to lift it up before dragging.
  • Try closing and reopening the home screen first.
  • Check that icon rearrangement is enabled in your settings.

Icon Won’t Remove from Home Screen

  • Drag the unwanted icon all the way to the top of the screen to initiate removal.
  • Close and reopen the home screen, then try removing again.
  • Make sure icon removal is enabled in the settings.

Following these troubleshooting tips should help get icon customization working again.


Customizing your Amazon Fire home screen with icons for your favorite apps makes your device quicker and easier to use. With just a few taps, you can add, rearrange, or remove icons. Group related apps together, put your most used apps in convenient spots, and delete icons you no longer need. With a customized home screen, your Fire can become a personalized productivity tool optimized for your unique needs.