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How do I add friends on Facebook without requesting?

How do I add friends on Facebook without requesting?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2.9 billion monthly active users as of 2022. Connecting with friends is a key part of the Facebook experience. While sending friend requests is the most common way to add Facebook friends, there are several other methods you can use to add friends without directly requesting them.

Add Mutual Friends

One easy way to add friends is by adding the mutual friends you share with someone. Here’s how it works:

  1. Go to the profile of the person you want to add as a friend.
  2. Scroll down and click on the “Friends” section on their profile.
  3. This will show you all friends you have in common.
  4. Click the “Add Friend” button next to any of the mutual friends.

When you add a mutual friend, the other person will receive a notification that you added the friend, along with a link to add you back. Adding mutual friends doesn’t send a direct friend request, but once the other person sees you have friends in common they can easily send you a request or add you back.

Respond to a Friend Request

If you receive a friend request from someone, accepting the request will add them to your friends list. To accept a friend request:

  1. Click on the Friends icon at the top of Facebook.
  2. In the left sidebar, click Friends Requests.
  3. Click Confirm next to any request to accept it.

Accepting a friend request is reciprocal, so you will be added as a friend on their list as well. This allows you to connect with the person without having to initiate the friend request yourself.

Join Network or Location-Based Friend Lists

Facebook has various lists and networks that make it easy to meet and connect with new friends:

  • University and High School Networks: You can add fellow alumni and classmates from your school without sending direct requests.
  • Work Networks: Co-workers can be added through your workplace’s Facebook network.
  • Geographic Networks: Add people who live in your city or neighborhood through the Local Friends list.
  • Interest Lists: Connect with people who share your hobbies, favorite sports teams, etc.

To find these lists, go to the Friends section and click Find Friends in the left sidebar. This will show you various friend lists and networks that you can join with one click.

Import Contacts

If you have friends or contacts that use Facebook but aren’t connected to you yet, importing your contact list can help find them:

  1. Go to your Friends list and click Find Friends in the left sidebar.
  2. Click Import Contacts at the top.
  3. Choose where you want to import contacts from, like your email or phone contacts.
  4. Select the contacts you want to find on Facebook.
  5. For any contacts with a Facebook profile, you can connect with them directly from the page.

This allows you to easily add any existing contacts who are already on Facebook without having to send a request.

Use Facebook Messenger

If you already have someone’s contact info, using Facebook Messenger can be an easy way to connect:

  1. Open the Messenger app on your phone and tap the People tab at the bottom.
  2. Tap Invite Friends.
  3. Choose Invite by Contact and select the person you want to connect with from your contacts.
  4. This will send them a Messenger invite they can accept to be added as a friend.

Messenger provides a simple method to add friends directly from your contact list. Just make sure the person has an active Facebook account for them to receive the invite.

Use Facebook Search

You can also search for people directly on Facebook using some basic personal details:

  1. Go to the Facebook search bar at the top.
  2. Enter the name of the person and any info you know like school, city, workplace, etc.
  3. Browse the results to find the person’s profile.
  4. From their profile you can send an add friend request, add mutual friends, or send a Messenger invite.

Facebook search makes it easy to find and connect with people as long as you have some basic info like a full name, location, school, or place of employment.

Recommend Friends to Each Other

If you have a mutual connection with someone, you can have that friend recommend you both as friends:

  1. Ask your mutual friend to use the Recommend Friends feature.
  2. They can go to Friends > Recommend Friends on Facebook.
  3. They would enter your name and the other person’s name.
  4. You will both receive a notification that you were recommended as friends.

This allows you to connect without directly initiating a friend request to each other. Your mutual friend essentially introduces you both.

Comment on Public Posts

Engaging with someone’s public posts and comments is a natural way to interact:

  1. Find a page, group, or public profile you are both members of.
  2. Comment on the person’s posts or photos if public.
  3. Like the person’s posts and react to their comments.
  4. Send them a friend request if they engage back with you.

Having authentic public interactions can organically lead to a friendship developing on Facebook.

Use Facebook Events

Attending public events together provides a chance to connect:

  1. Find local public events that match your interests.
  2. See who else is Going or Interested in the event.
  3. Introduce yourself to event guests through posts and comments.
  4. Suggest meeting up if you hit it off at the event.
  5. Become Facebook friends if you meet them in person.

Having a shared event interest and meeting face-to-face can make it natural to add each other on Facebook after.

Join Facebook Groups

Active Facebook Groups let you engage around shared interests:

  1. Search for and join Groups focused on your hobbies, activities, professions, etc.
  2. Interact regularly through posts, comments, and reactions.
  3. Get to know other members through insightful discussions.
  4. Send friend requests to those you really connect with.

Finding kindred spirits through niche community Groups can lead to meaningful friendships on Facebook.

Connect Around Shared Posts

Tagging someone in a post or having a shared post makes it easy to become friends:

  1. Tag people you know in relevant posts, photos, or videos.
  2. Share public posts you think they would appreciate.
  3. Comment on a post you are both tagged in.
  4. Send a friend request if you have a good interaction.

Having real social connections over shared content provides a natural pathway to Facebook friendship.

Video Chat on Messenger

Video chatting on Messenger is a way to hang out and get to know each other:

  1. Start a Messenger video chat or create a Messenger Room.
  2. Get to know new people by talking face-to-face.
  3. Introduce friends you each know via video chat.
  4. Strengthen friendships by hanging out often.

The virtual face time of Messenger video chats accelerates familiarity and comfort with potential new friends.

Send Thoughtful Messages

Personal, thoughtful messages help nurture connections:

  1. Message people congrats on life events or achievements.
  2. Send encouragement for tough situations they post about.
  3. Recommend content and accounts you think they would value.
  4. Offer helpful information related to their interests.

Heartfelt, supportive messaging lays the groundwork for real friendship on Facebook.

Wish Them Happy Birthday

Recognizing birthdays cultivates relationships:

  1. Write on their Timeline for their birthday.
  2. Send them birthday e-cards or stickers.
  3. Make their birthday feel special on Facebook.
  4. They’ll be more open to connecting in return.

Celebrating their special day deepens bonds that lead to Facebook friendship.


Developing Facebook friendships goes far beyond sending and accepting requests. Utilizing shared connections, public interactions, common interests, thoughtful communication, and authentic life events are all meaningful ways to establish real friendship without directly asking to be friends. Focus on cultivating social bonds first. The Facebook friendship will naturally follow.