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How do I add another admin to my group?

How do I add another admin to my group?

Adding another admin to your group can be a great way to share the responsibilities of managing the group. Having multiple admins helps ensure your group will continue to run smoothly even if one admin is away or leaves the group.

Why add another admin?

There are a few key reasons you may want to add another admin:

  • Share the workload – Managing a group can be a lot of work for one person. Adding another admin shares the responsibilities.
  • Backup – If you need to step away from the group for a bit, another admin can fill in.
  • Time zone coverage – If your group members are scattered across time zones, a second admin in a different zone can help provide coverage.
  • Skill sets – Different admins may have different skills they bring to the table.

How to add another admin

The exact steps to add another admin will vary a bit depending on where your group is hosted. Here are the basics for some common platforms:

Facebook Groups

  1. Go to your Facebook group page
  2. Click “Members” in the left side menu
  3. Find the member you want to make an admin and click the three dots beside their name
  4. Select “Make Admin”
  5. Confirm by clicking “Make Admin” again in the pop up box

LinkedIn Groups

  1. Go to your LinkedIn group page
  2. Click “Members” in the left side menu
  3. Find the member you want to make an admin and click the three dots beside their name
  4. Select “Make admin”
  5. Confirm by clicking “Make admin” again in the pop up box


  1. Go to your Slack Workspace settings
  2. Click “Manage members”
  3. Find the member you want to make an owner
  4. Click the dropdown beside their name and select “Make Owner”
  5. Confirm by clicking “Confirm” in the pop up


Unfortunately, WhatsApp does not allow multiple admins for a single group. The creator of the group is the only admin. You can’t add another WhatsApp group admin.

Google Groups

  1. Go to your Google Group page
  2. Click “Members” in the left side menu
  3. Find the member you want to make a manager
  4. Click the blue dropdown arrow beside their name and select “Manager”
  5. Click “OK” to confirm the change

Best practices for multiple admins

Once you’ve added another admin, here are some tips for a smooth multiple admin experience:

  • Agree on roles – Have a discussion to decide who will handle what admin tasks.
  • Communicate – Keep in touch so you know what the other admins are doing.
  • Document processes – Write down things like how to post, what gets approved, etc.
  • Respect differences – You may occasionally disagree, and that’s ok!
  • Check-in regularly – Have occasional quick meetings to connect and align.

The pros and cons of multiple admins

There are both advantages and potential challenges to having multiple admins.


  • Shared workload
  • Broader expertise and perspectives
  • Wider availability/coverage
  • Checks and balances
  • Increase in creativity and problem solving


  • Potential for confusion or conflicts
  • Slower decision making
  • Less centralized control
  • Need for more coordination
  • Possibility of power struggles

Overall though, in most cases the benefits outweigh the potential drawbacks.

The ideal number of admins

So how many admins should you have? Here are some guidelines:

  • 2-4 admins for smaller groups (less than 500 members)
  • 4-6+ admins for larger groups (500+ members)
  • 1 admin for every 100 very active members

Start with just 1-2 additional admins beyond yourself, then add more gradually as the group grows.

Who to choose as another admin

When selecting another admin, look for people who are:

  • Reliable and responsible
  • Active daily participants
  • Respected by other members
  • Good communicators
  • Organized with attention to detail

Also consider technical skills, availability during key times, and other expertise. Choose members who complement your own strengths and help fill any gaps.

Notify the new admin

Once you’ve added someone as an admin, let them know! Send them a message with details like:

  • Inform them of their new admin status
  • Share any info or resources that will help them get started
  • Set up a time to chat and answer any questions
  • Discuss your expectations and any roles you each plan to fill

Taking a few minutes to welcome them and get on the same page will help ensure a smooth transition.

Introduce the new admin to members

It’s also a good idea to let your group members know when a new admin joins. You can create a quick announcement post that:

  • Introduces the new admin by name
  • Includes 1-2 sentences about why they were chosen
  • Notes any specific roles they will fill
  • Reminds members the original admin is still there too
  • Encourages members to give the new admin a warm welcome

Train the new admin

Take some time to train your new admin on any important processes and tools. Walk them through:

  • The group rules and policies
  • How to post and moderate content
  • Any member management tools
  • How to coordinate with you on tasks and decisions
  • Anything else they will need to know to be effective

Having multiple trained admins helps ensure continuity even when one admin needs to step away for a while.

Transition tasks gradually

When handing off tasks to your new admin, start slow. Give them time to get comfortable with their new role. Gradually increase their responsibilities once they:

  • Have a solid understanding of the processes
  • Demonstrate good judgment and decision making
  • Have proven themselves reliable and responsible

Be available at first to answer questions and provide guidance. Eventually they should be ready to handle more on their own.

Check in regularly

Setup occasional check-ins with your fellow admins to:

  • Review recent group stats and trends
  • Discuss what’s working well and what could improve
  • Align on upcoming initiatives and activities
  • Confirm who will handle what tasks and projects
  • Celebrate group successes!

Regular communication helps keep everyone in sync and strengthens your working relationship.

Allow open discussion

As admins work together, differences of opinion will naturally arise at times. When this happens:

  • Have open and respectful discussions
  • Consider compromises or trial periods
  • Agree on a decision path if consensus can’t be reached
  • Move forward aligned once a decision is made

Working through occasional disagreements maturely will result in better solutions long-term.

Watch for problems

While rare, conflicts can occasionally happen between admins. Watch for signs like:

  • Arguments or power struggles
  • Confusion or duplication of effort
  • Irreconcilable differences of opinion
  • One admin overstepping bounds or undermining others

Address issues promptly and directly to keep the team cohesive.

Revisit as needed

Check in with your admin team periodically to see if any changes may be needed:

  • Evaluate if you have the right number of admins
  • Assess if roles and workloads are balanced appropriately
  • Determine if any new skills need to be added
  • Discuss any tensions or issues needing resolution

As your community evolves, your admin structure may need to adapt as well.

Key takeaways

Here are some key tips to remember:

  • Add 1-2 additional admins to share the workload
  • Choose responsible members who complement your skills
  • Welcome new admins and introduce them to members
  • Train new admins thoroughly on all processes
  • Transition tasks gradually as admins get up to speed
  • Check in regularly to coordinate and align
  • Allow open discussion and team problem solving
  • Watch for any conflicts and address quickly
  • Reevaluate periodically as circumstances change

With the right additional admins, your group can thrive even more! So don’t be afraid to share the reins.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I remove an admin I added?

The steps to remove an admin you added are similar to adding one:

  1. Go to your group’s admin management page
  2. Find the admin’s name you want to remove
  3. Select an option like “Remove as admin” or “Demote from admin”
  4. Confirm the action when prompted

After downgrading their role, consider letting the person know with a polite message.

What if we disagree on adding someone as admin?

Talk it over respectfully to understand each other’s perspectives. Consider trialing the person first in a more limited role. If you ultimately can’t agree, the group creator typically has final say on admin changes.

How much access should I give new admins?

Start by granting new admins more limited posting and member management abilities. Expand their access gradually as they gain experience. Move slowly giving full admin powers like adding new admins.

How do I know if a second admin is needed?

Signs it may be time for another admin include:

  • You are overwhelmed handling everything yourself.
  • Members often can’t get a timely response from you.
  • You will be away and unable to manage things.
  • The group has grown significantly bigger.
  • Current admins have limited time availability.

What if other members want to be admins too?

Thank them for their interest. Explain admins are chosen carefully from members who contribute most. Encourage them to stay active in the group and develop skills that may lead to becoming an admin later.


Adding another group admin can provide wonderful benefits, but does take some thought and care. Choose wisely, set clear expectations, train thoroughly, communicate regularly, and allow open discussion. With the right approach, multiple admins can help take your community to the next level!