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How do I add an automated message to my Facebook business page?

How do I add an automated message to my Facebook business page?

Adding an automated message to your Facebook business page can be a great way to engage with customers and provide helpful information. Here are some tips on how to set up auto-reply messages on Facebook.

Why Use Auto-Reply Messages

Auto-reply messages allow you to automatically send preset responses when users message your Facebook page. This can be useful for:

  • Providing quick answers to frequently asked questions
  • Directing customers to important info like store hours or contact details
  • Sending a greeting or introductory message to new followers
  • Promptly acknowledging messages when you can’t respond right away

Automated messages create a more seamless experience for customers engaging with your page. They show followers that their messages matter and will be addressed even when you’re not actively managing your inbox.

How to Set Up Auto-Replies

Facebook offers built-in tools to easily create auto-reply messages on your business page. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook page and click “Settings” in the top menu
  2. Select “Messaging” from the left sidebar
  3. Toggle “Automated Responses” to On
  4. Click “Edit Messages” to customize your auto-replies

You can set up automatic responses for three scenarios:

New Messages

Create a default auto-reply that is sent immediately whenever someone first messages your page. You might use this to say hello, ask how you can help, and let them know you’ll get back to them as soon as possible.

Away Messages

Customize auto-replies that are sent when you manually switch your page to “Away” status. These let visitors know you’re currently unavailable but will respond later.

Common Questions

Build a FAQ list with auto-responses to your most frequent inquiries. This allows you to instantly provide answers for common customer concerns.

For each scenario, you can write customized messages up to 750 characters. Preview how your auto-replies will appear before saving them.

Tips for Writing Auto-Replies

Follow these best practices when creating your Facebook auto-reply content:

  • Be friendly and conversational. Avoid overly formal language. Write messages as you would speak to customers.
  • Keep it brief. Get to the point quickly. Cover just enough to be helpful within the 750 character limit.
  • Add relevant info. Include any key details like business hours or contact methods if appropriate.
  • Provide options. Let followers know how to get answers to other questions, like contacting you directly or checking your website.
  • Thank followers. Expressing gratitude makes fans feel valued.
  • Check spelling and grammar. Typos or errors undermine professionalism.
  • Stay on-brand. Maintain a consistent tone aligned with your overall messaging.

Using Away Messages Effectively

Take advantage of Facebook’s away message feature to manage communications when you’re not available. Here are some tips:

  • Turn on away messages when you’re going to be offline for extended periods like vacations, weekends, or holidays.
  • Set a re-open date and time so fans know when to expect a response.
  • Provide alternate contact info if available, like email or phone number.
  • Change your cover photo to further indicate you’re away, like a vacation scene.
  • Turn messages back on as soon as you’re available again to reply.

Away messages demonstrate respect for your customers’ time by setting proper expectations. Just be sure to disable them and catch up on any pending inquiries when you return.

Using Auto-Replies for FAQs

Setting up auto-responses for common questions can provide followers with quick help. Follow these tips when creating FAQ messages:

  • Regularly review your inbox to identify the most frequent questions.
  • Keep FAQ auto-replies focused on a single topic.
  • Use a conversational tone, but keep messages concise.
  • Periodically update and refine FAQs based on new trends.
  • Redirect less common questions to other resources like your website or email.

Prominently display your contact info, hours, locations, and other frequently requested info on your Facebook page so fans can easily find it. This further reduces repetitive inquiries.

Example FAQ Auto-Replies

Question Auto-Reply
What are your hours? We’re open Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm. You can find our hours and other store info on our Facebook page under the About tab.
Do you have any sales right now? We just launched a 20% off summer sale! Use code SUMMER20 at checkout on any items storewide until July 15.
How can I contact you? Feel free to message us here or email [email protected] for the quickest response. You can also call 123-456-7890 during business hours.

Setting Expectations with New Message Auto-Replies

Use your default new message response to welcome new followers and set communication norms. For example:

“Hi there! Thanks for getting in touch with Our Store. We’ll try to respond to your question or comment as quickly as possible during business hours. Feel free to browse our Facebook page or website at for product info, announcements and other updates in the meantime.”

This shows fans you appreciate them reaching out while establishing when and how you normally respond. With clear expectations set, customers are less likely to be confused or frustrated by reply times.

Following Up After Auto-Replies

While automated messages provide quick help for common inquiries, be sure to follow up with personal responses when needed. Here are some best practices:

  • Check your inbox at least daily and reply promptly to messages requiring unique answers.
  • Resolve any customer complaints or issues not covered by auto-replies.
  • Answer detailed product questions and provide recommendations.
  • Respond to feedback requests, survey responses, or special cases.
  • Follow up on inquiries about order, delivery, or account status.
  • Continue conversations and provide any information auto-replies couldn’t cover.

No one likes to feel ignored. Review all messages generating auto-replies and jump in with a customized response when appropriate. This ensures followers get the thoughtful service they expect from messaging a real business.

Metrics for Evaluating Auto-Replies

Use Facebook analytics to track the effectiveness of your automated messaging over time. Helpful metrics include:

Metric What to Look For
Response Rate High/increasing percentage of messages receiving auto-reply
Response Time Fast average response times close to 0
Resolution Rate High/increasing percentage of messages marked as resolved
Unresolved Discussions Low numbers of ongoing unresolved threads
Negative Feedback Low/decreasing complaints about auto-replies

Evaluate whether your auto-responses are reaching a wide portion of followers, reducing initial response times, satisfying message senders and limiting longer back-and-forth conversations. Tweak your approach if metrics indicate issues.

Tools to Manage Auto-Replies

Using additional tools can further optimize and automate managing Facebook messaging:


Chatbots are AI programs that can hold detailed conversations. They allow you to handle common inquiries 24/7 without staff availability limitations.

Canned Response Libraries

Save and organize pre-written response templates to quickly reuse for frequently asked questions.

Social Media Management Platforms

Tools like Hootsuite and Sprout Social let you schedule auto-replies and access analytics.

Email/SMS Message Digests

Have message summaries sent to your email or phone so you can efficiently batch-respond.

Choose platforms suited for your page’s size and messaging volume. Weigh the potential benefits versus any costs.


Adding auto-reply messages provides a better Facebook messaging experience for both customers and businesses. Follow these tips to effectively set up, manage and refine automated responses on your Facebook page:

  • Use them for new followers, away notices and FAQs
  • Craft friendly messages that inform and direct users
  • Set expectations for response times
  • Continue to follow up manually when needed
  • Review analytics to optimize over time
  • Consider additional tools to save time

Automated messaging allows small businesses to handle Facebook communication efficiently while still showing users they matter. With thoughtful auto-reply strategies, you can build great relationships that turn followers into loyal customers.