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How do I add an authorized login on Facebook?

How do I add an authorized login on Facebook?

Facebook allows you to add authorized logins to your account, which allows other people to log into your Facebook account without having the password. This can be useful if you want to let a family member or friend access your account to help manage it or post content while you are away. Adding an authorized login is easy to set up, but there are some important factors to consider before allowing someone else access to your account.

When to Use an Authorized Login

Here are some common reasons you may want to add an authorized login to your Facebook account:

  • You need someone to help manage your business or organization’s Facebook page while you are unavailable.
  • You want a family member to be able to access your account in case of emergency or if you become incapacitated.
  • You need someone to be able to post content and respond to messages on your behalf temporarily, like a social media manager or virtual assistant.
  • You are planning to be away on a trip and want a trusted friend to monitor your account for security reasons.

An authorized login gives someone access to basically everything on your account except changing your primary login credentials. So only provide this access to people you truly trust, like close family members.

How to Add an Authorized Login

Adding an authorized login is simple and can be done in just a few steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook Settings page and select “Security and Login” in the left sidebar.
  2. Under “Use Two-Factor Authentication and Logins” click on “Authorized Logins.”
  3. Click the “Edit” button.
  4. Enter the email address or username of the person you want to add.
  5. They will receive a request to confirm access to your account.

Once confirmed, that person will be able to log into your Facebook account using their own password anytime.

Setting Login Permissions

When you add an authorized login, you can set limitations on what exactly they can access within your account:

  • Full Access – They can do everything in your account except change your primary login credentials.
  • Posts and Messages – They can only post, comment, and send messages as you. No other access.
  • Limited profile access – They can only view your Facebook profile and posts but not post anything.

Think carefully about how much access you feel comfortable granting someone else. Start with the most limited access needed for the situation. You can always expand their permissions later on if needed.

Removing an Authorized Login

You can revoke authorized login access anytime:

  1. Go to your Security and Login settings.
  2. Click “Authorized Logins.”
  3. Click the “X” next to the person’s name and access will be removed.

Once removed, that person will no longer be able to log into your account.

Note that removing a login does not automatically log them out if they are currently accessing your account. You may want to consider changing your password after removing access.

Other Ways to Share Access

Here are a couple other ways people can collaborate on or access aspects of your Facebook account:

Facebook Pages

If you want to let others help manage or work on a Facebook Page, you can add them as Admins or Editors to the Page without giving them access to your personal profile. This is best for business/organization accounts.

Facebook Groups

You can add group members as Admins or Moderators to help manage posts and members within a group. This allows some account access without the broader permissions of an authorized login.

Facebook Business Suite

Business Suite allows multiple employees to access and manage company Facebook Pages and ad accounts under one umbrella login. This is designed for businesses working with agencies and teams.

Security Considerations

Anytime you grant someone else access to your accounts, it presents security risks. Here are some measures to consider with authorized logins:

  • Only add logins for people you fully trust. Revoke when no longer needed.
  • Use limited permissions whenever possible.
  • Enable two-factor authentication for additional security.
  • Change your password after removing a login.
  • Don’t authorize logins on accounts used for sensitive information.
  • Monitor account activity regularly for unauthorized changes.

While authorized logins are intended for convenience and collaboration, they also create potential for abuse if misused by someone with bad intentions. Weigh the benefits and risks carefully.

Troubleshooting Tips

Person Can’t Accept Login Request

– Make sure you entered the correct email or username for their account. Resend the request if needed.

Can’t Remove a Login

– Log out of your account and log back in to force them to be logged out. Then try removing again.

Account Locked After Adding Login

– This can happen if the authorized person entered an incorrect password multiple times. You can request an unlock through the Facebook help center.

Seeing Suspicious Posts or Changes

– Immediately remove their login access and consider changing your password. Check privacy settings and account security for any issues.


Adding an authorized login to your Facebook account can be convenient for collaboration or account management. But take caution – only provide the minimum access needed and monitor account activity closely. With proper security precautions, authorized logins allow flexibility without too much risk.

Here are some key tips:

  • Only add people you fully trust.
  • Start with limited permissions.
  • Enable two-factor authentication.
  • Check in regularly on account activity.
  • Remove access immediately when no longer needed.

Following these best practices will keep your account secure while allowing you to leverage the benefits of sharing access. Be thoughtful about who you provide access to and what permissions they really require. With some care, authorized logins can be a useful feature for family, friends, and professional collaborators.