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How do I add an ad account to my Business Manager on Facebook?

How do I add an ad account to my Business Manager on Facebook?

Adding an ad account to your Business Manager on Facebook allows you to manage your advertising campaigns and ads in one centralized place. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to connect an ad account to your Business Manager:

Pre-requisites for Adding an Ad Account to Business Manager

Before you can add an ad account to your Business Manager, there are a few requirements you need:

  • An existing Business Manager account
  • An existing ad account you want to link
  • Admin access to both the Business Manager and the ad account

If you don’t already have these, here’s how to set them up:

Step 1: Create a Business Manager Account

If you don’t have a Business Manager account yet, you’ll need to create one. Here’s how:

  1. Go to Facebook Business Manager and click “Create Account”.
  2. Enter your name, business email and password. Agree to Facebook’s terms and click “Continue”.
  3. Select your business category, enter your business name and click “Continue”.
  4. Complete your business information like address, phone number and website. Click “Continue”.
  5. Verify your email address and phone number when prompted.

Once you complete these steps, your Business Manager account will be created.

Step 2: Create or Access an Ad Account

Next, you’ll need access to an ad account you want to connect. You can either:

  • Create a new ad account directly in Business Manager
  • Use an existing ad account you already have

To create a new account:

  1. In Business Manager, click “Business Settings” > “Ad Accounts” > “Add Ad Account”.
  2. Select a payment method and agree to Facebook’s terms.
  3. Your new ad account will be created and ready to connect.

If you want to use an existing ad account, make sure you have admin access to it.

Step 3: Get Admin Access

To connect your ad account to a Business Manager, you need to have admin access to both. Make sure you are an admin on:

  • The Business Manager account
  • The ad account you want to connect

If you aren’t an admin on either, you’ll need to get added as one before proceeding.

Connecting Your Ad Account to Business Manager

Once you meet the pre-requisites above, you’re ready to connect your ad account. Here are the steps to add an ad account to Business Manager:

Step 1: Go to Your Business Manager

Log into Facebook Business Manager and make sure you are in the correct Business Manager that you want to add the ad account to.

Step 2: Access the Ad Accounts Menu

Click on “Business Settings” at the top right and select “Ad Accounts” from the dropdown menu.

Step 3: Click “Add Ad Account”

In the Ad Accounts section, click the “Add Ad Account” button.

Step 4: Select Ad Account to Add

A popup will appear showing you existing ad accounts associated with your Facebook account. Select the ad account you want to add to this Business Manager.

Step 5: Choose a Role

Choose a role for the ad account in this Business Manager:

  • Admin – Full control over ad account
  • Advertiser – Create/edit ads and view performance
  • Analyst – View performance only

Select the appropriate role for your needs.

Step 6: Confirm the Connection

Review the confirmation screen showing the Business Manager, ad account, and role selected. Click “Confirm” to connect the ad account.

Connecting Multiple Ad Accounts

If you need to manage multiple ad accounts in your Business Manager, you can repeat the steps above to connect additional accounts. Each ad account can only be connected to one Business Manager at a time.

Consider connecting multiple ad accounts if you:

  • Manage ads for multiple businesses/clients
  • Have different accounts for different business units or campaigns
  • Prefer to separate accounts by media type (Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, etc)

Connecting all your ad accounts to one Business Manager allows you to easily manage them in one place.

Adding Users to Ad Accounts in Business Manager

Once your ad account is connected to Business Manager, you can add other users and assign them roles:

  1. Go to Business Settings > Ad Accounts
  2. Click the 3 dots next to the ad account you want to add users to
  3. Select “Add People to [Ad Account Name]”
  4. Enter the name or email of the user you want to add
  5. Assign them a role – Admin, Advertiser, or Analyst
  6. Click “Send Invitation” to invite user

The user will receive an email invitation to access the ad account through Business Manager. This allows you to collaborate with team members and agencies on ad campaigns while maintaining control through Business Manager.

Removing Ad Accounts from Business Manager

If you no longer need an ad account connected to your Business Manager, you can easily disconnect it:

  1. Go to Business Settings > Ad Accounts
  2. Click the 3 dots next to the ad account you want to remove
  3. Select “Remove Ad Account”
  4. Confirm you want to remove the ad account

The ad account will be disconnected and can be managed directly or added to another Business Manager.

Troubleshooting Ad Account Connections

If you’re having issues getting your ad account connected to Business Manager, here are some things to check:

  • Make sure you have admin access to both Business Manager and the ad account.
  • Try disconnecting the ad account completely first, then re-connect it.
  • Double check that the ad account doesn’t already belong to another Business Manager.
  • Confirm your accounts don’t have restrictions preventing external tools.
  • Try using a different browser or device to connect the ad account.
  • Make sure all accounts are up to date and fully loaded in Business Manager interface.

In most cases, having proper admin access and trying the connection again will resolve any issues. Be sure to fully disconnect an ad account before attempting to connect it again.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I add ad accounts to Business Manager?

Adding ad accounts to Business Manager allows you to easily manage all your Facebook advertising in one centralized place. You can analyze performance, create and manage campaigns, and collaborate with others.

Can I connect multiple ad accounts to one Business Manager?

Yes, you can connect as many ad accounts as you need to a single Business Manager account. This is useful for managing many clients, businesses, or campaigns.

What happens if I delete my Business Manager?

Deleting a Business Manager will disconnect all linked ad accounts. The ad accounts will still exist but need to be managed directly or added to another Business Manager.

Can I use a personal Facebook ad account with Business Manager?

No, Business Manager can only connect ad accounts using a Facebook business profile. Personal ad accounts associated with your personal Facebook profile cannot be added.

What’s the difference between Business Manager and Ads Manager?

Ads Manager allows you to directly manage your ad campaigns and creative assets. Business Manager lets you collaborate with teams, manage users and permissions, and connect other tools and apps.


Connecting your Facebook ad accounts to Business Manager provides a powerful way to manage your advertising campaigns. By linking accounts used across your business, you can optimize performance, reduce workload, and collaborate with ease. Implementing proper connections and user permissions ensures your whole team can work together for advertising success on Facebook.