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How do I add all members to a group in one click on Facebook?

How do I add all members to a group in one click on Facebook?

Adding all members to a Facebook group in one click can be a huge time saver, especially for large groups. Facebook makes it easy to add multiple members at once rather than having to send individual invites.

Can I add all my friends to a Facebook group?

Yes, you can add all your Facebook friends to a group you manage in just a few clicks. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook group and click “Members” in the left sidebar.
  2. Click “Add Members” at the top.
  3. In the search box, type “Friends” and select “Friends” from the drop down menu.
  4. Check the box next to “Select All” at the top to select all your friends.
  5. Click “Add” to add all your selected friends to the group.

This will instantly add all your Facebook friends as members of the group. You can also search for specific friend lists or networks to add as well.

How do I add all members of a Facebook page to a group?

Page admins can easily add all of their page’s followers to a group they manage. Just follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook group and click “Add Members” at the top.
  2. In the search box, type the name of the Facebook page and select it when it pops up.
  3. Check the box next to “Select All” at the top to select all the page’s followers.
  4. Click “Add” to add all the selected followers to the group.

This allows you to seamlessly migrate your page’s audience over to an affiliated group. You must be an admin of both the page and group to do this.

Can I add members from multiple pages or groups?

Yes, you can add members from as many different sources as you like in one batch:

  1. Go to your group and click “Add Members” at the top.
  2. Search for and select the pages or groups you want to add members from.
  3. Check “Select All” for each to select all their members.
  4. Click “Add” to add all the selected members.

This makes it easy to combine multiple audiences into one group. You can mix and match friends lists, pages, and other groups. Just remember you need to be an admin of any pages or groups you are pulling members from.

Can I automatically add new page followers to my group?

Unfortunately there is no native Facebook option to automatically add new page followers to a group. However, there are third-party tools like Social Jumper or Social Rising that can do this.

These tools let you link a page to a group and customize rules for automatically adding new followers. This saves you from having to manually move followers over. There may be fees associated with these tools depending on your needs.

Is there a daily limit for adding members to a group?

Facebook does limit how many members you can add to a group per day. According to Facebook, the current limits are:

  • 5,000 members per day for personal groups
  • 20,000 members per day for professional groups

These limits prevent spamming and abuse. If you try to add more members than the limit, you will receive an error message from Facebook.

What happens when I reach the member limit for a group?

Facebook has the following group member limits in place:

  • Personal groups: 5,000 members max
  • Professional groups: 100,000 members max

If you try to add members after reaching this limit, you will see an error message that no more can be added. At that point, you will either need to remove existing members or start a new group.

Can I tag members when adding them to notify them?

Unfortunately you cannot tag members to notify them when adding them to a Facebook group in bulk. The add members tool does not have an option to customize a message.

However, once the members have been added, you can post a welcome message in the group tagging the new members. For example:

“@[member 1], @[member 2], @[member 3] – welcome to our new group! Excited to have you as part of the community.”

This allows you to tag notify members after the fact even if you couldn’t notify them initially.

Do members have to accept an invite to join the group?

No, members do not have to accept an invitation to be added to a Facebook group. As an admin or moderator, you can directly add members without requiring their consent.

However, members you add can always leave the group if they want to. And if your group has questions that ask to verify identity, members would need to answer those questions before gaining full access.

Can members remove themselves from a group?

Yes, any member of a Facebook group can remove themselves at any time:

  1. Go to the group’s page
  2. Click “Joined”
  3. Click “Leave Group”
  4. Confirm you want to leave

There is no way for admins to prevent members from voluntarily removing themselves from a group.

Can I add someone who isn’t my friend to a group?

Yes, Facebook allows you to add anyone to a group even if they are not your friend. As long as you are an admin or moderator, you can add any Facebook user to your group.

To do so:

  1. Go to your group and click “Add Members”
  2. Search for the person’s name or profile
  3. Select their name from the list
  4. Click “Add” to add them to the group

This gives you flexibility as a group admin to build your community with new members who aren’t already in your friend network.

What’s the easiest way to add members on mobile?

The Facebook mobile app makes it easy to quickly add members to your groups while on the go:

  1. Open the Facebook app and go to your group
  2. Tap the Members tab
  3. Tap “Add Members” at the top
  4. Search for the members you want to add
  5. Tap “Add” to add the selected members

You can add individual members or even Select All from a friend list or page. Adding members through the mobile app works the same as the desktop experience.

Can I reorder the member list or pin certain members?

Unfortunately, Facebook does not allow you to manually reorder or pin specific members to the top of the member list in a group. Members will appear alphabetically and chronologically based on when they joined.

The only way to change the order is to add a new member, who will then appear at the top of the latest members section. But there is no customization of the full member list order.

Should I worry about fake or bot accounts joining my group?

Fake accounts can be a problem in Facebook groups, especially large public groups. As the admin, you have tools to help identify and remove them:

  • Enable membership approval – this forces new members to answer screening questions
  • Proactively check profiles of new joins and look for signs of fakery
  • Use an auto-moderator bot to help flag suspicious accounts
  • Frequently check member activity and remove inactive accounts

Taking proactive measures will help minimize fake accounts. But some may still slip through, in which case you can manually remove the members as you notice them.

Can I undo removing a member from the group?

Unfortunately once you remove someone from a Facebook group as an admin, there is no way to undo it. They are permanently removed.

However, you can always just add them back to the group. As long as you still have administrator access, you can add any previous member back at any time through the add members tool.

What happens if I delete a group with members?

When you delete a Facebook group as the admin, all current members will be automatically removed from the group. However, the deletion is permanent – there is no way to undo it or recover a deleted group.

Many admins choose to remove all members before deleting a group so that they retain connections. But if you delete the group outright, all members both current and past will be dissociated.

Can someone re-join my group after being removed?

If your Facebook group has open membership, a member you removed can technically re-join on their own unless you block them. To prevent this:

  1. Click Group Settings > Membership
  2. Change Join Setting to “Membership Approval”
  3. Be sure to uncheck “Allow members to invite others”

This will require your manual approval for anyone to join going forward. If you deny a specific person’s request after removing them, they will be unable to re-join your closed group.


Adding members in bulk to a Facebook group is a great way to quickly build your community. Take advantage of tools to add friends, page followers, or multiple sources at once.

Just be aware of the daily limits Facebook has in place and opt for closed groups if you want more control over approved members. With a comprehensive add members approach, you can grow your ideal group audience.