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How do I add admin to Facebook page?

How do I add admin to Facebook page?

Adding an admin to your Facebook page can be a great way to share the workload and responsibilities of managing your page. Having multiple admins allows you to divide up tasks, provide coverage when someone is away, and get a second opinion on content ideas. Here is a step-by-step guide to adding admins to your Facebook page.

Who Can Be an Admin?

You can add any personal Facebook profile as an admin of your Facebook page, with the following exceptions:

  • The person must have an active personal Facebook profile.
  • You cannot add Facebook groups or other pages as admins.
  • The person you want to add cannot currently be banned from advertising on Facebook.

Some things to keep in mind when choosing admins:

  • Select people you trust since admins have full control over content and settings.
  • Consider adding admins in different time zones to manage responses in various parts of the day.
  • Add team members with different skills sets like social media, graphic design, writing, customer service, etc.

How to Add an Admin

Follow these steps to add someone as a page admin:

  1. Go to your Facebook page and click “Settings” in the top right dropdown menu.
  2. In the left sidebar menu, click “Page Roles”.
  3. Under the Page Admins section, click “Add Admins”.
  4. Type the name or profile link for the person you want to add.
  5. Select the name from the dropdown results.
  6. Click “Add” to confirm.

Once added, the new admin will get a notification of their new role. They can start helping manage your page right away.

Changing Admin Roles

Here are some additional actions you can take regarding admin roles:

  • To change an admin’s role, click the 3 dots next to their name and select “Edit Role”. Choose between Admin, Editor, Moderator or Advertiser.
  • To remove an admin, click the 3 dots and choose “Remove”.
  • To add former admins again, go to “Add Admins” and select from the “Former Admins” list.

Limits on Admins

Facebook places the following limits on page admins:

  • Pages can have unlimited admins, but only 200 can be displayed in the Page Roles tab.
  • When you add more than 200 admins, any over that limit will need to be assigned new roles through the Page Roles tab.

Comparing Admin Role Types

There are four admin role levels on Facebook pages:

Role Capabilities
Admin Full page access, including editing page info, publishing as the page, moderating and responding to comments, creating ads, seeing insights
Editor Can edit page info, post as the page, see insights, but no access to messages, notifications, ads, or settings
Moderator Can respond to and delete comments, send messages, and view insights
Advertiser Can manage ads for the page but cannot view insights or see the page’s content

When adding admins, choose the lowest role that still allows them to complete the tasks you need help with.

Best Practices for Multiple Admins

Having multiple admins working on the same Facebook page requires coordination. Here are some best practices:

  • Provide each admin with clear responsibilities to avoid confusion.
  • Use Facebook Workplace or other collaboration tools to discuss schedules and content ideas.
  • Create an editorial calendar for future content so admins can plan posts accordingly.
  • Give admins access to assets like images, logos, and brand guidelines.
  • Agree on processes for addressing comments and messages.
  • Set up regular meetings to align on goals and performance.

Using Facebook Business Suite

Facebook Business Suite provides a central place for organizations to manage all their Facebook pages as well as Instagram, Messenger, and Facebook ads.

With Business Suite, you can:

  • Add admins across multiple pages at the same time.
  • Quickly change admin roles in bulk.
  • See all your pages and connected assets in one view.
  • Get cross-channel analytics.

Connecting your Facebook page to Business Suite will help streamline admin management as you expand your team. Business Suite is free to use.

Adding Admins via API

Facebook offers a Graph API that developers can use to programmatically manage Facebook pages. The Graph API can be used to:

  • Add or remove page admins using scripts.
  • Build tools for bulk managing admins across many pages.
  • Automate page administration tasks like posting or comment moderation.
  • Extract insights data.

Accessing the Graph API requires technical knowledge of working with APIs. Most page owners won’t need to use the Graph API directly but some social media management platforms utilize it behind the scenes to enable automated publishing and streamlined workflows.

Warning about Fake Admin Requests

Scammers may try to trick page owners into adding them as admins by pretending to be from Facebook. They send messages asking you to verify your account by adding them as an admin.

Facebook will never reach out to request admin access in this way. These messages are fakes intended to hijack your page. Always ignore messages asking you to add an unknown profile as page admin.


Adding admins provides helpful support for managing busy Facebook pages. Take the time to selectively choose admins you trust and set clear expectations. Use admin roles to limit access as needed. Coordinate among your team to keep the page active while maintaining a consistent voice. With the right admins in place, you can share the workload and make sure someone is always available to oversee the community.