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How do I add a reaction button on Facebook?

How do I add a reaction button on Facebook?

Adding reaction buttons to posts and comments on Facebook is a great way to interact and engage with content. The like button has been a staple on Facebook for years, but in 2016 Facebook rolled out a range of new reaction options – Love, Haha, Wow, Sad and Angry. This allows users to react in a more expressive way and show different emotions. Adding a reaction is easy to do on both desktop and mobile. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to add reaction buttons on Facebook posts and comments.

What are the different reaction buttons on Facebook?

Here are the different reaction button options on Facebook and what they represent:

Reaction Button Meaning
Like You enjoyed the post or comment and want to show your support.
Love You loved the post and want to show more emotion.
Haha You found the post funny or amusing.
Wow You are surprised or amazed by the post.
Sad The post made you feel sad or emotional.
Angry The post made you feel angry or irritated.

Having these options allows for more nuanced interactions than just liking a post or comment. The person who created the post can get a better sense of how people are reacting to their content.

How to add a reaction on Facebook desktop

Here are the steps to add a reaction to a post or comment on the Facebook desktop site:

1. Log into your Facebook account on a desktop browser and navigate to the post or comment you want to react to.

2. Hover your mouse pointer over the Like button below the post or comment. This will bring up the different reaction options.

3. Click on the reaction button you want to use – Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad or Angry.

4. The button for the reaction you selected will turn blue to indicate you reacted with that emotion. The total reaction count will increase by 1.

5. To change or remove your reaction, click on the reaction button again. This will deselect it.

You can react multiple times on the same post or comment and toggle through the different reaction options. Your friends will be notified when you react to their posts or comments.

How to add a reaction on Facebook mobile

The steps to add a reaction on Facebook mobile are very similar:

1. Open the Facebook app on your iPhone or Android device and find the post or comment you want to react to.

2. Long press on the Like button below the post or comment. This will bring up the reaction options.

3. Tap on the reaction you want to use. It will be highlighted to confirm your choice.

4. The total reaction count will increase and your reaction will be added.

5. To change your reaction, just long press on the Like button again and select a different option.

The mobile reaction process is designed to be quick and easy using touch gestures. You don’t need to precision click on a specific reaction icon. Just long press and select.

Tips for using reactions on Facebook

Here are some tips to use reactions effectively and appropriately on Facebook:

Don’t spam reactions

Reactions allow you to interact with posts in a meaningful way. Don’t overuse them or spam reactions just for the sake of reacting. This can come across as disingenuous. Only use reactions when you genuinely want to convey an emotion or opinion.

Respond thoughtfully

The expanded reactions can help you respond with more thought and care. For example, if a friend shares difficult personal news, take the time to react in a thoughtful way like Love or Sad. Don’t just default to a Like.

Don’t use reactions passive aggressively

Avoid using reactions in a passive aggressive way, like reacting Angry on a friend’s post just because you had an argument. Reactions should spread positivity.

Consider the context

Think about the overall context of a post before reacting. A Sad reaction may be appropriate for solemn or emotional content. A Haha reaction could be insensitive.

You can change your reaction

If you change your mind, you can always modify your reaction on a post or remove it completely. So feel free to be honest in the moment.

Reactions allow for more expressive interactions on Facebook. Use them to share supportive, fun and engaging sentiments with friends and family.

Benefits of reactions on Facebook

Using reactions on Facebook has many benefits, both for users reacting and creators posting content. Here are some of the key advantages:

More ways to engage

Reactions give users more options to engage with posts beyond just liking. This gives a more well-rounded view of how people are responding.

Express empathy and support

Reactions like Love, Sad and Angry allow users to express more empathy and emotional support for posts with serious or important content.

Add humor and levity

Adding a Haha reaction is an easy way to reward humorous or entertaining posts with some laughter.

Feedback for content creators

Creators can get a better sense of how people feel about their posts based on aggregated reactions. This helps inform their content strategy.

Feel more connected

When friends and family react to your posts, you feel more seen, understood and connected to your social circles.

Spark conversation

Unique reactions can prompt users to start conversations in the comments about why they reacted in a certain way.

Overall, reactions allow for richer self-expression and interaction on Facebook posts. When used thoughtfully, they can enhance connections between users.


Reactions are a great interactive feature on Facebook that allow users to respond to posts and comments in a more expressive way. With the reactions Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad and Angry, you can show emotional sentiment and empathize beyond just liking a post.

To use reactions, simply click on the reaction of your choice under a post or comment. On mobile, long press the Like button and select a reaction. Use them thoughtfully and appropriately to spread positivity and bring more color to your interactions on Facebook.

With more ways to express yourself, you can connect with friends, family and community on a deeper level. Reactions open up conversations and bring users closer together through shared understanding.