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How do I add a page role on Facebook Mobile?

How do I add a page role on Facebook Mobile?

Facebook Pages allow businesses, brands, organizations, and public figures to establish an official presence on Facebook. Page admins can add other Facebook users as page roles to help manage their Facebook Page. Adding page roles on mobile is easy and provides admins with more flexibility to manage their page on the go. Some key things to know about Facebook Page roles:

  • Page roles allow admins to grant certain permissions to help manage a Facebook Page.
  • There are 5 different page roles: Admin, Editor, Moderator, Advertiser, Analyst.
  • Each role has different levels of access and control.
  • Page admins can add and remove roles for any Facebook user.
  • Page roles can only be assigned via desktop at this time.

Now let’s walk through the steps to add a page role on Facebook mobile:

Steps to Add a Page Role on Facebook Mobile

Step 1: Open the Facebook app on your mobile device and log into your account. Tap on the “Pages” tab at the bottom.

Step 2: Navigate to your Facebook Page that you manage and tap on it to open the page.

Step 3: Tap on the “Settings” tab at the bottom and select “Page Roles” from the menu.

Step 4: Here you will see any existing page roles. To add a new role, tap on “Add People” at the top.

Step 5: Search for the name of the Facebook user you want to add as a page role. Select their name when it appears.

Step 6: Choose the page role you want to assign to them from the list: Admin, Editor, Moderator, Advertiser, or Analyst.

Step 7: Tap “Add” to confirm adding them as that page role.

Step 8: The user will now be listed under the corresponding page role. They will receive a notification that they have been added.

And that’s it! Those are the steps to easily add page roles right from your Facebook mobile app. Keep in mind that while you can view and manage page roles on mobile, you still need to use Facebook on desktop in order to initially create custom roles.

Here are some additional tips for managing your Facebook Page roles:

Tips for Managing Facebook Page Roles

  • Be strategic about assigning roles – Give each person only the permissions they need.
  • Remove inactive roles – If someone no longer needs access, remove their page role.
  • Limit Admin roles – Only assign Admin role to those who require full access.
  • communicator new roles – Let users know when you have added or removed them from a page role.
  • Check page role notifications – Approve or deny pending requests to join page roles.
  • Adjust roles when needed – As needs change, adjust user’s roles accordingly.

The 5 Different Facebook Page Roles

Let’s take a closer look at the 5 different types of Facebook page roles and what they can do:


Admins have full control over the Facebook page. They can:

  • Add, remove, and edit page content
  • Respond to and delete comments and posts
  • Create ads and view page analytics
  • Add and remove page roles
  • Edit page settings
  • Publish as the page


Editors can help manage page content. They can:

  • Create and edit posts as the page
  • Moderate and respond to comments
  • Send messages as the page
  • Create ads if assigned Advertiser role
  • Analyze page analytics if assigned Analyst role


Moderators focus on community management. They can:

  • Respond to and delete comments
  • Remove tags of the page
  • View page insights and analytics
  • Send messages as the page


Advertisers work on paid promotions for the page. They can:

  • Create, edit, and delete ads and promotions
  • View results of ads and promotions
  • Spend money on ads if budget permissions set


Analysts review page analytics. They can:

  • View page insights and analytics
  • Access the page’s event tool
  • Export analytics reports

So in summary, the Admin role has the most overall control, followed by Editor, then Moderator, Advertiser, and Analyst in terms of diminishing access and permissions. Assign page roles thoughtfully based on what each person will be doing to manage your Facebook presence.

Adding Friends as Testers to Try Out Roles

When initially setting up your Facebook page roles, it can be helpful to add a few friends as testers to try out the different levels of access. This allows you to see exactly what admins, editors, moderators, etc. can do before assigning roles more permanently.

To add friends as testers:

  1. From your Facebook page, go to Settings > Page Roles
  2. Click Add People and choose the role you want to test
  3. Type your friend’s name and assign them to that role
  4. Have your friend try performing tasks for that role while you observe
  5. Remove your friend from the tester role when done

Doing a trial run with friends as testers allows you to understand the permissions for each role. You can catch any gaps or issues before adding clients, employees, or contractors into those roles officially. Take the time upfront to test out page roles properly.

Best Practices for Facebook Page Roles

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when assigning Facebook page roles:

  • Start with just 1 or 2 admins initially. Only expand when more control is needed.
  • Editors can help create content and engage with the audience. Moderators can monitor community.
  • Ensure everyone understands their responsibilities based on their role.
  • For contractors, limit access to only what they need and remove roles when work is done.
  • If employees change positions, review and adjust their page roles accordingly.
  • Communicate any page role changes to avoid confusion.
  • Periodically review all page roles and remove unused assignments.

Follow these tips when managing your Facebook page roles. Clarify responsibilities, limit access, review frequently, and keep an open line of communication. This will ensure your Facebook presence is efficient and secure.

Troubleshooting Common Facebook Page Role Issues

Having issues with your Facebook page roles? Here are some common problems and solutions:

Can’t add or remove roles: Ensure you are an Admin on the Facebook page. Only Admins can manage page roles.

Roles have incorrect access: Double check the permissions for each role type. Certain actions may be limited.

User can’t find their assigned role: They need to tap the arrow next to their profile pic on Facebook and select Page to view their admin/editor roles.

New role not showing correct options: It can take up to 24 hours for new roles to display all available settings. Have them try again later.

Want to customize roles further: You can create unique Custom Roles via desktop to customize permissions.

Person removed from role still has access: Logging out and back into Facebook should remove their access. Revoke page access in their Settings as well.

Page role notification won’t go away: Notifications will persist until the user accepts or declines their new page role.

Hopefully these troubleshooting tips help resolve any page role issues! Reach out to Facebook Business Support if problems persist.


Adding page roles is an important part of managing your Facebook presence. The mobile app makes it easy to handle these assignments on the go. Take the time to properly test roles, designate permissions, communicate changes, and review assignments regularly to keep your Facebook page optimized. Leverage the different roles to expand your social media team while maintaining full oversight. With the right page roles in place, you can spend less time on administrative tasks and focus more on creating great content and engaging your audience!