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How do I add a fundraising thermometer to my Facebook page?

How do I add a fundraising thermometer to my Facebook page?

Adding a fundraising thermometer to your Facebook page can be a great way to visually show supporters how close you are to reaching your fundraising goal. Thermometers give potential donors a quick, easy to understand overview of where your campaign stands and how much more money needs to be raised. This transparency helps build trust and momentum.

In this guide, we’ll walk through the step-by-step process for adding a fundraising thermometer to your Facebook page. We’ll cover:

  • The benefits of using a Facebook fundraising thermometer
  • Choosing the right Facebook fundraising thermometer app
  • Customizing your Facebook thermometer
  • Displaying your thermometer prominently on your page
  • Tips for updating and managing your thermometer

Whether you’re an individual fundraiser working towards a personal goal, a nonprofit trying to raise money for a specific project or campaign, or a company fundraising for charity, this guide will show you how to easily add an interactive thermometer bar to your Facebook presence.

The Benefits of a Facebook Fundraising Thermometer

Before we dig into the how-to, let’s look at some of the benefits of adding a thermometer to your Facebook fundraising campaign:

  • Visual representation of progress – With a quick glance, supporters can see how close you are to your monetary goal.
  • Creates urgency – As the thermometer bar fills up, the visual reminds people you’re getting closer and helps spur them to donate.
  • Builds excitement – Watching the thermometer rise can rally and engage both existing and potential supporters.
  • Transparency – The real-time progress counter shows you aren’t hiding anything.
  • Social proof – People like to give to causes and organizations that others are visibly supporting.
  • Gamification – Turning fundraising into a game, where donors help “fill the bar,” taps into people’s competitive spirits.

The interactive, visual nature of the Facebook thermometer sets it apart from simply posting text goal updates. Actually seeing the progress you’re making towards your fundraising target can be a great motivator for both you and your donors.

Choosing the Right Facebook Fundraising Thermometer App

Now that you know the benefits, let’s look at how to actually add a thermometer to your Facebook page.

Rather than building a custom thermometer from scratch, the easiest option is to use a third-party Facebook fundraising thermometer app. There are many great apps available, some free and some paid, that will allow you to quickly add an elegant fundraising progress bar to your page.

Here are some of the top options to consider:

  • Fundraiser Thermometer – Free app with customizable colors and increments.
  • ThermoMe – Free basic version with unlockable paid design upgrades.
  • Nonprofit Thermometer – Made specifically for nonprofits and charities.
  • Therm-O-Meter – Offers real-time syncing across Facebook, Twitter, and your website.
  • Fundraising Thermometer – Features neat interactive animation effects.
  • Charity Thermometer – Built just for charitable organizations.

I’d recommend exploring 3-5 options to find the one with the right balance of features and ease of use for your needs. Look for apps that offer customizable colors, fonts, sizes, and increment values (e.g. thermometer can show $5,000 increments for $100k campaign goal). Make sure they have clear instructions on how to embed and display the thermometer on your page.

Most Facebook fundraising thermometer apps are free or freemium, meaning they offer free basic features with optional paid upgrades. So you can try out a few to get a feel for the setup process and which interface you like best before committing.

Customizing Your Fundraising Thermometer

Once you select the thermometer app you want, it’s time to customize and configure it.

Here are some of the key settings you’ll want to tailor:

  • Fundraising goal amount – Set your total target dollar amount.
  • Current amount raised – Input how much you have already fundraised.
  • Colors – Pick hues that fit your branding or cause.
  • Size – Adjust to take up significant space on your page.
  • Increments – Show progress every $500, $1000, etc.
  • Fonts and text – Add campaign name, org name, time left, etc.
  • Widgets – Donate button, social sharing, comments.

Take the time to get these details right, as they can really elevate the look and impact of your thermometer. You want it to strongly align with your brand identity and clearly communicate key info at a glance.

Some apps provide preconfigured templates and themes you can use as a starting point before customizing further. Explore all the available options – don’t be afraid to get creative!

Displaying Your Thermometer on Your Facebook Page

Now for the fun part – putting your customized thermometer out there for the world to see!

The way you display your fundraising thermometer on Facebook can have a big influence on how much attention it gets. Follow these best practices:

  • Pin it prominently – Use the “Pin to Top of Page” option when adding the app so it sticks at the top.
  • Place it high up – Don’t bury it deep in your page’s timeline where people could miss it.
  • Keep it visible – Ensure it appears above the fold so visitors see it immediately.
  • Make it stand out – Use contrasting background colors if needed for it to grab attention.
  • Use whitespace – Give the thermometer room to breathe; don’t clutter the area around it.

You want visitors to your page to have the fundraising progress bar be one of the first things they notice. That will maximize the chance that it sparks their interest and inspires them to donate.

Tips for Managing Your Fundraising Thermometer

Your work isn’t done once you get your thermometer configured and installed on your page. It’s important to actively manage and update it throughout your campaign.

Here are some thermometer management best practices:

  • Update often – Show progress frequently to maintain excitement.
  • Share key milestones – Announce major increments reached via social media and email.
  • Thank and recognize donors – Showing appreciation keeps supporters engaged.
  • Post visual call-outs – Overlay messages like “We’re 75% of the way there!” on your thermometer image to highlight momentum.
  • Use real photos – Augment your thermometer with images of supporters and your mission in action.
  • Remind supporters – Send periodic notifications to followers to check thermometer status.

The more you interact with and promote your thermometer, the more of a force multiplier it will be. Use it as a living, breathing motivator throughout your entire fundraising campaign lifecycle.


Adding a dynamic fundraising thermometer bar to your Facebook page is a great way to bring your campaign to life. The interactive visual gives supporters a simple way to gauge your progress towards your monetary goal at a glance.

Choose from a variety of Facebook thermometer apps, customize it to match your brand and campaign details, and display it prominently on your page. With an elegant, engaging thermometer driving urgency and excitement, you’ll be able to rally more people to contribute to your important cause.

Here are some key tips to remember:

  • Pick a thermometer app that’s easy to set up and customize
  • Tailor colors, fonts, sizes, and amounts to suit your brand
  • Pin your thermometer at the very top of your Facebook page
  • Actively manage it by posting updates, milestone announcements, and donor recognition

Now get out there and start tracking your fundraising progress for all to see – that goal amount and life-changing impact won’t raise itself! Just be sure to send me a link to your Facebook page so I can watch your thermometer rise.