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How do I add a Facebook login to React?

How do I add a Facebook login to React?

Adding Facebook login functionality to a React application allows users to easily sign in and authenticate with their Facebook accounts. This is a common feature that improves the user experience by avoiding a lengthy traditional registration process. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk through the full process of implementing Facebook OAuth login in a React app using the Facebook JavaScript SDK and React components.


Here is a high-level overview of adding Facebook login to a React app:

  1. Set up a Facebook App in the Facebook developer dashboard to get your app ID and app secret
  2. Install the Facebook JavaScript SDK and react-facebook-login component via npm
  3. Configure the Facebook provider in your React app
  4. Use the FacebookLogin component in your app UI
  5. Handle the login response and get user data from Facebook
  6. Make authenticated requests to Facebook APIs

In the following sections, we’ll go through each step in detail with code samples to get Facebook auth working end-to-end in your React project.


Before we start, make sure your React development environment is ready with the following:

  • Node.js and npm installed
  • Create-react-app or another React project setup
  • Facebook developer account to create an app

Step 1 – Create a Facebook App

First, we need to create a Facebook app to get credentials for our React application. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to Facebook for Developers and login
  2. Click My Apps > Create App
  3. Enter a display name, contact email, category for your app
  4. Click Create App ID, accept policies and continue
  5. In your new app dashboard, click Settings > Basic
  6. Take note of your App ID and App Secret, we’ll need these later

Your app ID will identify your React app to Facebook. The app secret is like a password used to authenticate your app and should be kept confidential.

Step 2 – Install Facebook SDK and React Component

Now we can install the required packages to use Facebook login in our React application.

Run these commands in your project directory:

npm install react-facebook-login
npm install facebook-js-sdk

This gives us access to the official Facebook JavaScript SDK and a React component wrapper to easily integrate Facebook login.

Step 3 – Initialize and Configure Facebook

With the SDK installed, we can initialize and configure the Facebook provider in our React app. Open your index.js file or App.js file, and add:

import ReactFacebookLogin from 'react-facebook-login';

Then initialize the Facebook SDK:

  window.fbAsyncInit = () => {
      appId            : 'your-app-id',
      autoLogAppEvents : true,
      xfbml            : true,
      version          : 'v2.11'

Replace your-app-id with the actual app ID from the dashboard. This initializes the Facebook SDK.

Next we’ll add some additional configuration. Update the code to:

window.fbAsyncInit = () => {
    appId      : '{your-app-id}',
    cookie     : true,
    xfbml      : true,
    version    : '{latest-api-version}',

(function(d, s, id){
   var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
   if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;}
   js = d.createElement(s); = id;
   js.src = "";
   fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
 }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));

We’ve enabled cookies, logging, and loaded the Facebook SDK script. Our Facebook provider is now ready!

Step 4 – Add Login Button

In your React component where you want to add the Facebook login button, import the ReactFacebookLogin component:

import ReactFacebookLogin from 'react-facebook-login';

Then in your component’s render method, add the login button:

    callback={responseFacebook} />

This will display the official Facebook login button and automatically prompt the user to login when they visit your page. The fields prop specifies what profile data to request from the user. The callback handles the login response.

Step 5 – Handle Login Response

When a user logs in with Facebook, your callback function will be invoked. Let’s handle the response:

const responseFacebook = (response) => {

The response object contains the user’s access token and profile information if the login succeeds.

For a real app, you’ll want to dispatch redux actions or call API endpoints from your callback. For example:

const responseFacebook = (response) => {'/api/auth/facebook', {
    accessToken: response.accessToken,
    userID: response.userID
  .then(result => {
    //user logged in, dispatch redux actions
  .catch(error => {
    //error handling 

This securely sends the Facebook access token to your backend server to validate and log the user in to your actual application.

Step 6 – Make Authenticated API Calls

Once the user is logged in, you can make authenticated requests to the Facebook API on behalf of the user:

FB.api('/me', { fields: 'id,name,email' }, function(response) {
  //use Facebook API

The Facebook SDK handles access tokens automatically. This allows you to access the Facebook graph API from your React app.


That covers the main steps to implement Facebook login in a React application! Here are some key points:

  • Create a Facebook app for your project
  • Install the Facebook SDK and React component
  • Initialize and configure the Facebook provider
  • Use the ReactFacebookLogin component
  • Handle the login response callback
  • Make API calls with the user access token

With these steps, you can allow users to easily sign in with their Facebook account in your React app and reduce signup friction.

Some additional recommendations for production apps:

  • Add error handling and loading states
  • Store the access token securely in redux or cookies
  • Refresh expired access tokens
  • Include options like scope, cookie, etc.
  • Configure your app on Facebook for proper setup

There are more best practices to follow, but this guide should provide a good foundation for adding Facebook authentication to a React project.

Other Facebook Login Options

A few other options for implementing Facebook login in React apps include:

  • Using the Facebook Login for Web SDK directly instead of the React component wrapper
  • Using a backend service like Firebase Auth’s Facebook integration
  • Using a React library like Auth0 that abstracts away Facebook OAuth

The React component approach covered here provides a nice React-centric way to integrate Facebook login without needing external services.

Troubleshooting Facebook Login Issues

Some common issues when adding Facebook auth to React apps include:

  • Incorrect configuration of Facebook app settings
  • Problems parsing the login response data
  • Cors and cross-domain errors when making API calls
  • Missing or invalid access tokens
  • Outdated Facebook SDK version

Double check your Facebook developer dashboard setup, verify the domain configuration matches where your React app is hosted. Use the Facebook login debugging tools if available.

Test the authentication flow end-to-end. Try logging in manually via Facebook to see if your backend is properly handling the access token and session state.

Enable verbose console logging in your callback function during development to inspect the response parameters.

With quality validation and debugging, you can resolve most issues that appear when first integrating Facebook login into a React application.

Facebook Login User Interface Options

For the UI and styling of the Facebook login button, you have a few options:

  • Use the default Facebook styled button
  • Customize colors and styling
  • Use custom icon images
  • Style it to match your app theme
  • Render different text like “Login with Facebook”

The ReactFacebookLogin component provides props to handle many customizations like button text, size, and icon image.

You can also apply CSS styles to overwrite the default button classes.

Styling the button to fit nicely into your app’s design is recommended to give a polished user experience.

Best Practices for Facebook Login

Some best practices to follow when implementing Facebook login in a React app:

  • Validate access tokens on the backend before creating sessions
  • Store tokens securely in httpOnly cookies or other encrypted storage
  • Handle account linking if users have existing accounts
  • Remember to check scopes and permissions for API access
  • Provide alternative login methods too like email/password
  • Follow Facebook API usage policies
  • User proper error handling and loading states

Following OAuth standard practices for your backend and testing everything end-to-end will ensure a secure and seamless Facebook login implementation.

React Component Options for Facebook Login

For React components, the main options are:

  • react-facebook-login – The standard community package
  • Facebook Login Button – Official component from Facebook
  • react-social-login – Supports Facebook, Google, and more

The react-facebook-login component is widely used and provides a nice customizable React wrapper around the Facebook SDK.

Facebook’s official Login Button component also works well if you want the officially supported component.

For apps that need multiple social login options, a library like react-social-login is handy for Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc.

Facebook SDK Initialization

Key things to ensure when initializing the Facebook SDK:

  • Set the correct App ID
  • Set the API version
  • Load the SDK asynchronously
  • Enable cookies
  • Initialize required SDK methods

Proper initialization is required for the SDK to work correctly before making other API calls.

The app ID connects your app to register with Facebook.

Use the latest long-lived API version like v2.11 to avoid issues if versions change.

The async script loading avoids blocking page load.

Cookies allow the SDK to manage session state.

Initializing the SDK, logging events, and other setup prepares the runtime environment.

Handling Facebook Login Failures

When handling the login response, make sure to check for errors and failures. The user could have denied permissions or cancelled login.

Example error handling:

  const responseFacebook = (response) => {
    if (response.status === 'unknown') {
      // handle unknown issue 
    else if (response.status === 'error') {
      // error from facebook 
    else if (response.denied) {
      // user denied permissions
    else if (!response.grantedScopes) {
      // scopes not granted  
    else {
      // login succeeded

Cover all these cases when processing the login response to provide proper error states for denied or failed logins.

Managing Facebook Access Tokens

To leverage the Facebook API after login, you need to properly manage access tokens:

  • Verify and validate tokens on the backend before creating sessions
  • Store tokens securely in encrypted cookies or storage
  • Check the expiry time and renew tokens if needed
  • Pass tokens in the Authorization header when making API calls
  • Handle cases where the token is invalidated or expired

Treating access tokens like sensitive credentials and following OAuth practices ensures your users stay authenticated while using your app.

Typechecking with PropTypes

It’s good practice to type check your React props with PropTypes:

import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

class FacebookLoginButton extends React.Component {

  static propTypes = {
    text: PropTypes.string,
    size: PropTypes.oneOf(['small', 'medium', 'large']),
    onLogin: PropTypes.func.isRequired

  //...component implementation


This validates the props passed to your React component match the designated types and ensures your code is correctly passing the expected props.

Catching type errors during development makes your app more robust.

Optimizing Performance

Some ways to optimize React app performance with Facebook login:

– Lazy load the Facebook SDK script
– Use route-based code splitting to only load Facebook SDK when required
– Import only necessary parts of the Facebook SDK
– Load Facebook Login button asynchronously
– Use React.memo on components that don’t need re-rendering
– Ensure only necessary re-renders occur after login

Optimizing when and how Facebook code loads improves initial bundle size. Only re-rendering components conditionally can improve runtime performance.

Profile with React DevTools to identify any unnecessary re-renders after login.

Good performance provides a smooth user experience.