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How do I add a Facebook like button to my email?

How do I add a Facebook like button to my email?


Step 5: Link the Button to Your Facebook Page

In the Facebook code you pasted, find the href property and add the URL to your Facebook Page inside the quotes:


Replace “your_page_name” with your actual Facebook handle.

Step 6: Test and Send Your Email

Preview your email and test the like button to make sure it’s linked properly and functioning. The button should turn blue when you click it.

Once working, send out your email campaign as normal. Now your recipients can easily like your content right from their inbox!

Facebook Like Button Email Examples

To give you design inspiration, let’s look at a few examples of emails with Facebook like buttons:

1. Button in Header

One option is to prominently feature the Facebook button in the header image or banner area. This makes it immediately visible to subscribers.

2. Button Beside Content

You can also position the like button right beside your main content. The close proximity to images or articles encourages clicks.

3. Button in Footer

Adding it in the footer is less distracting while still exposing subscribers to it. Include it with your other social media icons.

Feel free to get creative with your own styles and placements. Test different options to see what drives the highest click-through rate.

Design Tips for Facebook Like Buttons

To maximize the impact of your Facebook like button, keep these email design tips in mind:

  • Make it prominent without being intrusive. Find a balance between visibility and overuse.
  • Use contrasting colors. The button should stand out from the background.
  • Label it. Include text like “Like us on Facebook” so the CTA is clear.
  • Add funnel tracking. Use UTMs or unique links to monitor performance.
  • Keep it consistent. Use the same size and style across campaigns.
  • Include it in every email. Repeated exposure increases familiarity.
  • Pair it with strong content. People are more likely to share quality content.
  • Test different placements. See which areas draw the most clicks.
  • Make sure it’s clickable. Avoid images or text-only versions.

With a well-designed like button that stands out, your email subscribers will be prompted to share your content to Facebook.

Troubleshooting Facebook Like Button Issues

Hopefully adding a Facebook like button to your emails goes smoothly. But here are some common troubleshooting issues and fixes:

Button not working

Double check the Facebook button code was copied correctly without typos. Verify your Facebook Page URL is right in the href property.

Button not changing when clicked

This usually means the code is not picking up the user’s cookie showing they already liked the page. Try using the XFBML version of the code instead of the iframe.

Likes not registering

Make sure your Facebook Page visibility is Public, not Private. The button won’t work for liking private pages.

Button not rendering

Some email clients block third-party code for security reasons. Try an alternate placement or exclude problematic ISPs.

Clicks but doesn’t like page

Test the button by logging out of Facebook first. Ensure it’s taking users directly to your page to like upon clicking.


Adding a Facebook like button to email only requires a few quick steps but can significantly amplify your engagement. Just install the code Facebook provides, customize the button, link it to your Page, and test it out.

Placement is also key – try the header, beside content, in the footer, or wherever it fits best.

When subscribers see that familiar Facebook icon, they’ll be primed to click and share your email easily right to their Timeline. This grows your Facebook following while spreading brand awareness.

Pair the like button with compelling email content and strong calls-to-action. With this powerful social proof element, you can take your email marketing engagement to the next level.


  • Adding a Facebook like button to emails helps increase engagement and sharing.
  • Customize the button’s appearance, size, and color in Facebook’s tool.
  • Copy the code and paste it into your email template within the body section.
  • Make sure to link the button to your Facebook Page URL.
  • Test it out before sending and try different placements to maximize impact.
  • Use design best practices to make the button prominent and eye-catching.
  • Troubleshoot issues like the code not working or likes not registering.
  • The Facebook button complements your content and encourages social sharing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I add a Facebook like button to any email service provider?

Yes, the Facebook like button code can be added to any ESP that supports HTML email. This includes Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Campaign Monitor, SendGrid, and more.

Is adding a Facebook like button to email considered spam?

No, it’s a legitimate marketing tactic as long as you include an option to unsubscribe. Just don’t overuse the button in a way that overwhelms the reader.

Is there a limit on how many emails I can put a like button in?

No, Facebook doesn’t limit the number of emails you can add the button to. You can include it in some or all of your email campaigns.

Can I change the text on the Facebook like button?

Unfortunately no, the text on the standard Facebook like button cannot be altered. The language depends on the user’s locality settings.

What’s the difference between the Facebook like and share buttons?

The like button allows readers to like your Facebook Page and share it on their timeline. The share button lets them specifically share the email content with friends.

Does the Facebook like button work on mobile devices?

Yes, the Facebook like button works seamlessly on mobile and adapts responsively. Readers can like your Page right from the email on their smartphones.

How can I track likes from the email button?

Use campaign parameters like UTMs so you can view button-specific likes under your Facebook Insights. Unique links for each email allow reporting.

How much do Facebook like buttons cost to add to email?

Facebook provides the necessary code for like buttons at no cost. You can add them to emails for free as part of Facebook Pages.

How can I increase Facebook likes from my email button?

Make the CTA copy compelling, use social proof, place it strategically, and test it with your top-performing email content to maximize shares.


Integrating a Facebook like button into your email campaigns is an easy way to capitalize on a recognizable, habitual call-to-action. Subscribers are conditioned to click on that familiar thumbs up icon.

When they do, it quickly shares your content to their Timeline for all their friends to see. This spreads brand awareness while growing your Facebook audience at the same time.

Just be sure to approach it strategically by using effective design, placement, copy, and integration with your other social efforts. With this simple addition, you can take your email engagement to the next level.