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How do I access my memorialized Facebook account?

How do I access my memorialized Facebook account?

When someone passes away, Facebook offers the option to memorialize that person’s account. A memorialized account is different from a normal Facebook profile in a few key ways:

What happens when an account is memorialized?

Memorializing an account sets it in a special state that honors the deceased while also protecting their privacy. Here are some of the key effects of memorialization:

  • The word “Remembering” is added to the top of the profile
  • The profile can no longer be accessed using the login credentials of the deceased. Only confirmed legacy contacts can log in.
  • The profile does not appear in public spaces like “People You May Know” or birthday reminders
  • Memorialized profiles can no longer be tagged or receive friend requests

In essence, memorializing an account freezes it in time while still allowing loved ones to visit the profile and memorialize it. But access is limited for privacy reasons.

Who can access a memorialized Facebook account?

Facebook allows different levels of access to memorialized profiles based on your relationship to the deceased person:

Confirmed legacy contacts

These are friends or family members who have been given permission to manage the memorialized account. They can:

  • Update the profile picture and cover photo
  • Respond to new friend requests
  • Archive posts or remove tags of the deceased

Legacy contacts are verified by Facebook to confirm their relationship before getting access. Instructions for becoming a legacy contact are covered later in this article.

Friends and family

Confirmed friends and family members can view the memorialized profile and leave posts as tributes. But they cannot make any changes to the account settings or info.

General public

For privacy reasons, memorialized accounts are not visible to the general public. Only confirmed friends can find and access the profile.

How do I access a loved one’s memorialized account?

If your loved one has passed away, here are the steps to properly access their memorialized Facebook account based on your relationship:

If you are an immediate family member:

  1. Locate the memorialized profile by searching their name on Facebook
  2. Send a friend request to the profile including your relationship
  3. Facebook will review your request and confirm your legacy contact status
  4. Once approved, you can log into the account using your own credentials

If you are an extended family member:

  1. Locate the memorialized profile and send a friend request
  2. Message one of the confirmed legacy contacts, identifying yourself and explaining your relationship
  3. Ask them to add you as a friend so you can also access the memorialized profile

If you are a friend:

  1. Search for the person’s name and locate their memorialized profile
  2. Send a friend request to be formally linked to the account
  3. Once confirmed as a friend, you will be able to view the profile and leave posts

In all cases, be patient as the legacy contacts review and approve each request for access. This verification protects the privacy and security of memorialized accounts.

How do I become a legacy contact?

Legacy contacts play a crucial role in memorializing someone’s Facebook account. If you want access to manage a memorialized profile, here is how to become a confirmed legacy contact:

  1. The deceased must have added you as a legacy contact. This is done in the account settings while still alive.
  2. If not pre-assigned, you can request legacy status after memorialization is complete.
  3. Facebook will verify your relationship before granting legacy contact status.
  4. Once confirmed, you can log into the account to manage posts, photos, and other content.

Facebook also allows creating a separate “in memoriam” account to help manage your loved one’s legacy. This special admin profile makes it easier for multiple people to contribute to the memorial page.

Can I download data from a memorialized account?

Yes, confirmed legacy contacts can download an archive of data and posts from the memorialized profile including:

  • Timeline posts, photos and videos
  • Messages
  • Profile info
  • List of friends

This allows loved ones to securely save memories and artifacts from the deceased. To download the archive:

  1. Log into the memorialized account as a legacy contact
  2. Go to Settings > General Account Settings
  3. Click “Download a copy of your Facebook data”
  4. Select the desired data types to include
  5. Click Request Download

The archive will be emailed as a download link once ready. This can take up to several hours to process but provides a lasting archive of memories.

What are some ways to memorialize or pay tribute on Facebook?

If your loved one has passed away, there are several thoughtful ways you can use Facebook to honor their life and legacy:

Update the profile picture

Add a favorite photo or formal headshot as the profile picture so your loved one is remembered as they were in life.

Share a memorial post

Write a heartfelt tribute post sharing your fondest memories, photos, or the impact they made on your life.

Organize memorial events

Create an event page for online memorial services, charitable fundraisers, or gatherings in their honor.

Add a legacy contact

Become a legacy contact to help manage and preserve the memorialized account as an ongoing tribute.

Share in memorial groups

Join dedicated grief support groups on Facebook to connect with others also grieving your loss.

What are some special requests for a memorialized account?

Legacy contacts can make special requests to Facebook regarding memorialized accounts. Some options include:

  • Removing painful tags or images of the deceased if requested by family
  • Deleting messages from the account if requested by family
  • Permanently deleting the account instead of just memorializing it

Facebook reviews all special requests on a case by case basis. Contact Facebook directly if you need a memorialized account adjusted or removed.

Can a memorialized account ever be reactivated?

No, once an account is memorialized it remains frozen in that state permanently. Facebook never reactivates memorialized accounts even if asked by family members later on. However, here are two options in that situation:

  1. Family can create a new account to continue interacting with friends
  2. Family can download the memorialized data before deleting the account

But the original memorialized profile always stays locked as a memorial tribute. It cannot be revived as a normal active account again.

What are Facebook’s official policies on memorialized accounts?

Facebook has specific terms, policies and guidelines governing memorialized accounts:

  • Immediate family can request legacy access with proof of death
  • Memorialized accounts cannot be reactivated
  • Legacy contacts can manage, but not impersonate the deceased
  • Facebook forbids fake memorial profiles created without proof of death
  • Users under 13 cannot have memorialized accounts due to COPPA laws

Review Facebook’s help pages for additional official policies on memorialized accounts and legacy contacts.


Losing someone close is incredibly hard. But memorializing their Facebook account can provide some comfort during the grieving process. Special access allows loved ones to collect their memories while protecting their legacy. With sensitivity and care, Facebook’s tools for managing memorialized profiles can bring families closer together in difficult times of loss.