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How do I access event manager on Facebook?

How do I access event manager on Facebook?

Facebook’s Event Manager tool allows page owners and admins to manage events hosted on their Facebook Pages. Here are some quick answers about accessing and using Event Manager:

Where is Event Manager located?

Event Manager can be accessed from the Events tab on your Facebook Page. To get to it:

  1. Go to your Facebook Page
  2. Click on the Events tab in the left menu
  3. Click on the Manage Events button

This will take you into the Event Manager section where you can view, edit, create, and manage any events associated with your Page.

Who can access Event Manager?

Access to Event Manager is limited to page admins and users with editor access to the page. General page roles like moderator will not have access. The page owner can grant editor access to additional users if needed to help manage events.

What can you do in Event Manager?

Event Manager allows you to:

  • Create new events
  • Edit existing event details
  • Manage RSVPs
  • Post updates and messages about the event
  • Promote the event and boost posts
  • View event insights and metrics
  • Assign other page roles access to help manage the event

Creating Events

You can create an event directly from Event Manager by clicking the +Create Event button. This will walk you through the process of setting up all the event details like name, date/time, location, ticket links, etc.

Editing Existing Events

For any existing events created on your page, you can click into each event and edit any of the details, update the imagery or cover photo, manage ticket links, and more.

Managing RSVPs

As people RSVP to your event, you can see and manage the full guest list from Event Manager. Features include:

  • Sorting and filtering the guest list
  • Exporting the RSVP data
  • Messaging guests
  • Adding and removing guests

This makes it easy to keep track of who is attending and follow up with guests as needed.

Promoting and Managing the Event

Once your event page is published, Event Manager provides tools to promote your event and keep people engaged leading up to the event date. You can:

  • Create posts and send updates about the event to your page followers
  • Boost event posts to reach more potential guests
  • Add co-hosts to help you promote the event
  • Post messages and prompts to engage people who have RSVP’d

Using these Event Manager features can help drive interest and registrations for your event.

Analyzing Event Data

The insights tab in Event Manager shows you metrics around how your events are performing including:

  • Reach and engagement for event posts
  • Demographics data on who is interested
  • RSVP and attendance numbers
  • Content activity during the event

Reviewing these analytics can help you improve future events and promotions.

Tips for Using Event Manager

Here are some tips to use Event Manager effectively:

  • Add detailed event information like descriptions, imagery, location maps, etc. to create an engaging event page.
  • Promote your event on your page at least 1-2 weeks in advance to give people time to see and RSVP.
  • Utilize Event Manager features like co-hosting, guest messaging, and RSVP management to create buzz and follow up with attendees.
  • Review event analytics after your event ends and note areas to improve for next time.
  • Turn on notifications for Event Manager so you never miss new RSVPs, comments, and other updates.

Common Event Manager Challenges

Some common challenges people encounter with Event Manager include:

Unable to Find or Access Event Manager

Double check you are an admin on the Facebook page. Non-admins will not be able to view the Events > Manage Events section where Event Manager lives.

No Notification for New RSVPs

Go into the Settings dropdown menu in Event Manager and make sure notifications are turned on for new RSVPs and comments. This controls whether you are notified when changes happen.

Event Posts Not Reaching Fans

If your event posts have low reach and engagement, try doing a boosted post to push it out to more of your page’s audience. The wider the net, the more RSVPs you are likely to receive.

Unable to Add or Remove Guests

Only event creators (original poster) and editors can directly add or remove guests from the RSVP list. Page admins may need to grant editor access if you need help managing RSVPs.

Facebook Event Manager FAQs

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about Facebook’s Event Manager:

How do I create a Facebook event?

To create a Facebook event:

  1. Go to your Page and click Events in the left menu
  2. Click the +Create Event button
  3. Enter your event name, date, time, location, and other details
  4. Click Publish to create the public event page

Can I charge for event tickets on Facebook?

Yes, Facebook lets you connect your events to third-party ticketing/registration services like Eventbrite where you can facilitate ticket sales.

How do I invite friends to my Facebook event?

When creating your event in Event Manager, you can invite friends by clicking Invite on the event page. You can also invite friends after publishing by creating an event post and inviting friends to it.

How do I share my Facebook event on other pages?

To share your event to other Facebook pages and groups, create a post about your event from your page and use the Share button to share it to other pages or profiles you manage.

Can I schedule event posts in advance?

Yes, Event Manager allows you to schedule posts about your event ahead of time. You can access the post scheduling flow while creating a post in your event.


Facebook’s Event Manager provides powerful tools to create immersive event experiences, promote your events to the right audiences, and analyze performance. By leveraging features like customizable event pages, RSVP management, and messaging tools, any page admin can create buzz and drive engagement for their events. Reviewing key metrics around reach and attendance can help improve planning for future events. With a robust platform like Event Manager, hosts can turn their Facebook events into memorable experiences for guests.

Event Manager Feature Description
Create/Edit Events Build new events or update event details from one dashboard
Event Promotions Post updates, co-host, boost event reach to drive interest
RSVP Management View, organize, message, export RSVPs
Insights Analyze event data like reach, engagement, attendees

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