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How do I accept the editor role on my Facebook page?

How do I accept the editor role on my Facebook page?

Quick Summary

The editor role on Facebook pages allows you to manage and edit page content. To accept the editor role when it is assigned to you by a page admin, simply visit the page and click the notification that says “You’ve been assigned a new role.” This will take you through the process to review and accept the editor permissions. As editor, you’ll be able to create posts, respond to and delete comments, create ads, view insights, and more based on the specific permissions granted to the role. Accepting the role is straightforward – just follow the on-screen prompts when notified.

Prerequisites for the Editor Role

Before being assigned the editor role, there are a couple requirements:

  • You must have an existing personal Facebook account in good standing.
  • The page admin assigning the role must add you as an editor through the Page Settings area.

As long as those two criteria are met, you can be assigned the editor role for a Facebook page you did not create. Many businesses and organizations leverage this to allow employees or volunteers to help manage their Facebook presence without providing full admin access.

Receiving the Editor Role Notification

When a page admin assigns you the editor role, you’ll receive a notification on Facebook. This notification will appear near the top of your Facebook feed.

On the mobile Facebook app, it will display as a banner across the top of the screen when you first log in. It will say something like “You have a new role with [Page Name].”

On the desktop website, it will appear in the left hand column with the same verbiage.

These notifications also include the name and profile picture of the admin who assigned you the role.

Accepting the Facebook Editor Role

Once you receive the notification, accepting the role is very straightforward:

  1. Click on the notification when it appears in your Facebook feed.
  2. This will take you to the page where the role was assigned.
  3. On this screen, click the blue “Accept” button.
  4. A dialog box will appear describing the capabilities of the editor role. Review these and click “Accept” once more.

And that’s it! After clicking accept on the dialog box, you will now be an editor for that Facebook page.

Editor Permissions Overview

As editor, you will have access to the following key functions:

  • Create and delete posts as the page.
  • Respond to and delete comments left by others on the page.
  • Create ads and view page advertising performance.
  • View page insights and analytics.
  • Change badge settings for posts.
  • Send messages as the page.
  • Modify customer chat settings.
  • Change instant reply settings.

You will not have the ability to:

  • Edit page roles and assign roles to others.
  • Change page settings like the name, category, address and more.
  • Delete the page or transfer it to someone else.
  • Modify monetization settings.

So in summary, the editor role provides front-facing content creation and engagement capabilities but doesn’t allow broader administrative changes. The page admin maintains full control over those higher level items.

Using Editor Tools on Facebook

Once you accept the editor role, you can immediately start using the available tools. Here is an overview of where to access key editor functions:

Posting as the Page

When logged into your personal profile, you will see a box above the main newsfeed labeled “Posting as [Page Name].” You can use this to create posts, photo posts, life events and more that will publish straight to the page feed as the page rather than your personal profile.

Replying to Comments

Comments left by others on the page’s existing posts can be replied to using the replies link under each comment. Your replies will appear as written by the page name rather than your personal profile.

Deleting Comments

Hovering over a comment left by others will display options including delete. Click delete to permanently remove a comment as the page.

Creating Ads

From the page’s Admin Panel menu, select “Create Ad” to begin creating a new Facebook ad campaign funded by the page.

Viewing Insights

Choose “Insights” from the Admin Panel menu to view analytics on the page’s posts as well as ad performance if applicable.

Changing Post Badges

When viewing a specific post, click the three dots in the upper right corner then choose Edit Post. Here you can change the badge that appears next to the post or remove it.

Sending Messages

Use the “Messages” option in the Admin Panel menu to send private messages to users as the page itself rather than your personal account.

Modifying Instant Reply

Also in the Admin Panel menu, choose “Instant Replies” to create saved replies the page can use when responding to common questions in comments.

Creating Quality Content as Editor

Generating engaging content is an important part of managing a page as an editor. Here are some tips:

  • Review the page history and previous types of content published to have an idea of what resonates with the audience.
  • Pay attention to which kinds of posts get better reach and engagement in your insights.
  • Offer a mix of content types including photos, videos, live videos, and status updates.
  • Post consistently at least 1-2 times per week. More frequent posting is often better.
  • Respond promptly and professionally to questions and comments from followers.
  • Find ways to encourage engagement like polls, questions, fill in the blank posts, contests, and more.

Creating a Content Calendar

Planning your content and timing in advance can help maintain consistent posting as an editor. Using a content calendar helps organize your efforts.

Steps to Build a Content Calendar:

  1. Look at your Facebook insights to see when your existing audience is most active online.
  2. Use a calendar tool to map out posts for 1-2 months in advance.
  3. Schedule different post types like videos, images, links, etc throughout the calendar.
  4. Add notes for any campaign tie-ins, promotions, or contests.
  5. Leave some flexibility to interject timely or trending topics.
  6. Examine analytics and engagement as you post then optimize future content calendars.

Revisiting your calendar regularly helps ensure you brainstorm diverse content that appeals to your page’s followers.

Promoting Your Facebook Page

In addition to great content, growing your audience as an editor involves promotion. Consider these page promotion ideas:

  • Run Facebook ad campaigns targeted to your ideal audience.
  • Encourage current subscribers to like, comment, and share posts.
  • Have the page admin cross-promote across their other social channels.
  • Mention the page on your website, email newsletter, and other marketing materials.
  • Collaborate with influencers in your industry to broaden reach.
  • Participate actively in relevant Facebook groups and communities.
  • Leverage Facebook tools like nice mentions and page recommendations.

Promoting the page should be an ongoing initiative, not just a one-time tactic. The more quality exposure the page gets, the faster it will grow.


Becoming the editor for a Facebook page provides the opportunity to increase engagement and reach for a brand, business, or organization. Accepting the role is a breeze – simply click the notification and confirm. Editors can create and engage with content but don’t have broader administrative powers. Focus on providing diverse, relevant content on a consistent basis. Promote the page across multiple channels. And use the powerful Facebook analytics to gain insights that inform future content. With the right promotion and engagement, editors can help Facebook pages thrive.