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How do I accept an invitation to manage a Facebook page?

How do I accept an invitation to manage a Facebook page?

Accepting an invitation to manage a Facebook page allows you to help administer the page alongside the page owner. As a page manager, you’ll be able to post content, respond to comments and messages, create ads, view insights, and more based on the level of access provided by the page owner.

What permissions does a Facebook page manager have?

The page owner can customize the permissions for page managers. Some common permissions include:

  • Posting content like status updates, photos, videos, and links
  • Responding to and deleting comments
  • Creating and running ads
  • Viewing page insights and metrics
  • Adding or removing other managers
  • Editing page settings and information

The page owner may limit a manager’s permissions if they don’t want to grant full administrative access. Make sure you understand what permissions you’ll have before accepting a management invitation.

How do I find a Facebook page management invitation?

Page management invitations will appear in your Facebook notifications. On the Facebook app or desktop site, you can access notifications by clicking the bell icon in the top toolbar.

On mobile, the invitations may also appear as red notification dots on the appropriate Facebook tabs:

  • News Feed tab – update invitations
  • Menu tab – general notifications
  • Groups tab – group invitations
  • Pages tab – page management invitations

Make sure to check all of these notification areas if you’re expecting a page management invite.

How to accept a Facebook page management invitation

Accepting an invitation is simple:

  1. Click on the notification or red dot for the page management invitation. This will take you to the Pending Invites screen.
  2. Review the details of the invitation, including which page you’ve been invited to manage.
  3. Click Accept to confirm that you want to become a manager for that Page. Alternatively, choose Delete to decline the invitation.

And that’s it! Once accepted, the page will be added to your list of Pages under the Pages tab in your Facebook account. You can now start managing the page using the permissions granted by the page owner.

Tips for new Facebook page managers

Here are some helpful tips as you get started managing a Facebook page:

  • Review the existing page content and tone to maintain a consistent voice.
  • Read any content guidelines provided by the page owner.
  • Post regularly to keep followers engaged.
  • Respond promptly to comments and messages.
  • Use page insights to see what types of posts perform best.
  • Create advertisements to boost page followers and outreach.
  • Coordinate with other managers and the page owner.
  • Ask the owner for any clarification needed on your permissions or responsibilities.

Can a Facebook page have multiple managers?

Yes, Facebook pages can have multiple managers. The page owner can invite and add as many managers as they want.

Sharing page management allows different people to collaborate on creating content and engaging the audience. It also provides continuity if a single manager is unavailable.

As a new manager, make sure you understand your specific role and duties. Coordinating with other managers is key to avoiding conflicts or duplicating work.

Page manager vs page admin: What’s the difference?

On Facebook, there are two main administrative roles for pages:

  • Page Admin – The original creator of the page. They have full control and can add, remove or change permissions for all managers. There can only be one page admin.
  • Page Manager – Added by the admin to help manage page content and activity. Permissions and capabilities are set by the admin.

So in summary:

  • Page Admin – ultimate authority, one per page
  • Page Manager – added by admin to help manage page, multiple allowed

Can a Facebook page manager add other managers?

Page managers can only add other managers if the page admin grants them that permission. By default, only the admin has the ability to add or remove managers.

As the page creator, the admin may want to maintain control over who is granted management access. But they may assign an existing manager the permission to add managers in order to delegate some of the administrative work.

If you need the ability as a manager to add other managers, you would need to discuss it with the page admin and have them update your permissions.

Should I accept a Facebook page management invite from a stranger?

It’s generally best to only accept page management invitations from people and organizations you know and trust. Avoid taking on management responsibilities for random pages, as you don’t want to be associated with content you can’t control or verify.

Red flags include:

  • Invitations from strangers or distant acquaintances
  • Pages with suspicious or misleading content
  • Pages created very recently
  • Pages unrelated to your interests or expertise

As a page manager, you will be seen as representing that page and brand. Only accept invitations that come from those you want to associate and align yourself with.

Can I resign as a Facebook page manager?

If you no longer wish to help manage a Facebook page, you can resign and remove yourself as a manager:

  1. Go to the page you want to stop managing
  2. Click Page Roles in the bottom left
  3. Find your name and click the X icon to remove yourself
  4. Confirm by clicking Remove

This will immediately strip your admin permissions for the page. The page admin can also remove managers at any time.

I don’t see the page I was invited to manage

If you’ve accepted a page management invitation but don’t see the page listed under the Pages tab in your account, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Make sure you actually clicked Accept on the invitation. It may still be awaiting your response under Pending Invitations.
  • Check that the invitation didn’t expire before you could accept it.
  • Try using the Facebook search bar to search for the page name. This will reveal if you’re still associated with it.
  • The page admin may have deleted your management access immediately after sending the invite. Reach out to confirm your status.
  • As a last resort, log out and back into your Facebook account to refresh your permissions.

If none of those steps work, contact the page admin to request a new invitation to manage the page.

I accepted a page management invite by accident

Mistakenly accepting a page management invitation is easily fixed. Just remove yourself as a manager:

  1. Go to the page you accidentally accepted
  2. Click Page Roles and find your name
  3. Click the X icon next to your name and confirm Remove

This will disconnect you from the page. You can also simply ignore any notifications about the page, as you won’t be obligated to actually manage it unless you want to.


Becoming a Facebook page manager allows you to help administer a public page alongside its original creator. Make sure to only accept invitations from trusted sources and acquaint yourself with the permissions you’ll have.

Page management provides a great opportunity to connect with an audience, promote a brand or organization, and collaborate with others to create engaging social media content. Just be sure you have time for the responsibility and always follow the page admin’s guidance on your role.

With the proper tools and strategy, managing a successful Facebook page can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience. The invitation starts it all off, so be selective in which ones you accept!