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How do I accept a page access request on Facebook business page?

How do I accept a page access request on Facebook business page?

Facebook business pages allow multiple administrators to manage a page. When someone requests access to your Facebook business page, you will receive a notification that you need to accept or decline. Accepting page access requests is easy to do through the page settings. Here is a step-by-step guide on accepting Facebook page access requests.

What are Facebook page access requests?

Facebook page access requests allow people to ask to become an administrator of your Facebook business page. When someone sends a page access request, they are asking for the ability to post content, respond to messages, create ads, edit the About section, and make other changes to the page.

Page access requests are different from page like or follow requests. Anyone can like or follow a public Facebook page without needing approval. Page access requests give administrative permissions to a Facebook page.

Who can send page access requests?

Any Facebook user can send a page access request to a business page on Facebook. However, the page admin must approve the request before that person gains administrator access. Page admins can send, approve, and decline page access requests.

How do I accept a page access request?

Accepting a Facebook page access request is easy to do through the page settings. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook business page and click “Settings” at the bottom of the left menu.
  2. Click “Page Roles” on the left sidebar.
  3. You will see any pending page access requests. Click “Confirm” to accept the request.

Once you confirm the request, the person will be added as a page admin and gain full access to post and manage your Facebook page.

How do I decline a page access request?

If you do not want to grant someone administrative access to your Facebook page, you can easily decline their page access request:

  1. Go to your Facebook page Settings > Page Roles.
  2. Find the pending request and click “Decline” to reject it.

This will notify the person that you do not wish to add them as a page admin at this time. They can send another request in the future if you reconsider.

Who can see page access requests?

Only current administrators of a Facebook business page can see and manage page access requests. General page followers will not see that a request has been made.

How else can I add admins to my Facebook page?

In addition to accepting page access requests, page creators and existing admins can directly add or invite other admins. There are two ways to do this:

  1. Go to your page Settings > Page Roles and enter a user’s name or profile URL to add them.
  2. Go to your page and click “Add Admins” below the cover photo. Here you can enter names or email addresses to invite new admins.

Best practices for managing Facebook page admins

When adding new administrators to your Facebook business page, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Carefully choose admins who are responsible and reflect your brand positively.
  • Start new admins in lower level roles with fewer permissions.
  • Designate one person as the page owner who can manage all settings and admins.
  • Agree on admin guidelines and monitor activity regularly.
  • Remove inactive or problematic admins promptly.

How many admins can a Facebook page have?

Facebook allows an unlimited number of administrators for business pages. However, it’s best to keep your admin team small for easier management. Too many admins can lead to inconsistent messaging or other issues.

Aim for 2-4 highly engaged admins to manage responding to customers, creating content, and overseeing ads. Avoid granting admin access unless someone truly needs it.

Can I limit an admin’s page role and permissions?

Yes, Facebook offers flexibility with page roles and permissions. There are three main administrator levels:

  1. Admin – Has full page access and can edit settings, admins, etc.
  2. Editor – Can create content but not edit settings or admins.
  3. Moderator – Can respond to and delete comments only.

When you add an admin, choose one of these preset roles. Or you can customize specific permissions like managing ads, messaging, and more.

How can I remove an admin from my Facebook page?

If you need to revoke someone’s administrative access to your Facebook business page, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to your Facebook page and click Settings at the bottom.
  2. Click Page Roles in the left menu.
  3. Hover over the admin’s name and click Remove.
  4. Confirm that you want to remove their page access.

This will instantly take away their ability to edit, post, or make changes to your page. Use this if an admin leaves your company or violates your policies.

Can I transfer ownership of a Facebook page?

Facebook allows page owners to fully transfer a page to someone else. This gives that person full administrative access and the new owner role. To do this:

  1. Go to your page Settings > Page Roles.
  2. Click Transfer Ownership at the bottom.
  3. Enter the name or profile link of the new owner.
  4. Confirm that you want to transfer page ownership.

Use this option carefully as it gives full control over your page to another person. The previous owner will no longer have any admin access after transferring ownership.

How can I tell who the owner is of a Facebook page?

To see who the current owner is of a Facebook business page:

  1. Go to the page and click Settings.
  2. Scroll down and look for Page Owner just above General Account Settings.

This will show the profile picture and name of the Page Owner. If multiple businesses manage a page, there can only be one designated owner at a time.

Can I change notification settings for page access requests?

Yes, page admins can customize where they receive notifications about new page access requests. To change the notification settings:

  1. Go to your Facebook page Settings.
  2. Click Notifications on the left sidebar.
  3. Scroll down to the Page Admin Requests section.
  4. Check or uncheck where you want to be notified of new requests.

Options include email, Facebook notifications, and phone notifications via text or mobile push alerts. Customize these settings per your preference.

What’s the difference between company pages and groups on Facebook?

Facebook offers both business pages and groups, but they serve different purposes:

  • Pages – Public profiles that represent businesses, organizations, brands, public figures etc. Pages have unlimited followers and can send updates to followers through posts.
  • Groups – Private or public forums where people can discuss shared interests and topics. Group members interact through posts and comments.

Companies typically have a Facebook page to share information publicly with all of their followers. Groups are better for facilitating discussions among a specific set of people interested in a topic.

Can I create a Facebook page on my personal profile?

No, Facebook does not allow users to create business pages directly from their personal profiles. Pages are separate from profiles. Here’s how to create a Facebook page:

  1. Go to and click “Create” in the top right.
  2. Choose “Business or Brand” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Select the category that fits your business.
  4. Add your business name and contact info to create the page.

You can use your personal profile to manage the page, but pages exist independently with their own admins. Having a separate page keeps your personal and business presences separate.

Can I revert an owner role change if I transfer a page by accident?

Unfortunately, once you transfer ownership of a Facebook page, you cannot undo it or revert the change. The new owner has full control going forward.

However, you can message the new owner and kindly ask them to transfer it back to you. Some options include:

  • Messaging the new owner explaining it was accidental.
  • Offering to become an admin again to continue assisting.
  • Proposing sharing ownership responsibilities.

While you cannot force the new owner to transfer it back, you can try negotiating if it was an accidental transfer. Be polite in discussing it.


Accepting page access requests allows you to easily grant administrator permissions for your Facebook business page. Go to Settings > Page Roles to approve or decline requests. Carefully choosing page admins keeps your brand’s social media presence consistent and effective.

Remember to customize admin roles, monitor activity, and remove inactive admins. Let us know if you have any other questions about managing your Facebook page admins and access requests!